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101. Internet Parallel Computing Archive An archive of software, documents and information on parallel and High Performance computing (HPC) including archives of usenet parallel newsgroups and special content about the occam language and http://www.hensa.ac.uk/parallel | |
102. Parallel Programming Laboratory Our goal is to develop technology that improves performance of parallelapplications while also improving programmer productivity. http://charm.cs.uiuc.edu/ | |
103. Parallel Computing Toolkit: Product Information level commands in parallel computing Toolkit are provided in Mathematica source form,so they can serve as templates for building additional parallel programs. http://www.wolfram.com/products/applications/parallel/ | |
104. OpenMP: Simple, Portable, Scalable SMP Programming EWOMP 99 Workshop on OpenMP OpenMP has recently emerged as an industry standardinterface for shared memory programming of parallel computer applications. http://www.openmp.org/ | |
105. Topic Area: Parallel Processing 2822562. B. Wilkinson and M. Allen, parallel programming Techniques and ApplicationsUsing Networked Workstations and parallel Computers, 2/E, Prentice Hall http://dsonline.computer.org/parallel/ | |
106. WANG'S BOOKSHELF (Parallel Computing) High Performance computing List by Oliver McBryan. Josh s list of parallel ProgrammingLanguages; CRPC Consortium archive (Center for Research on parallel http://www.umcs.maine.edu/~shamis/wang.html | |
107. Alexa Web Search - Subjects > Computers > Parallel Computing > Programming Browse Choose a subject. OpenMP An API for multiplatform shared-memory parallelprogramming in C/C++ http://www.alexa.com/browse/general?catid=6658&mode=general |
108. Software For MIMD Parallel Computers Paragon parallel programming Environment on a Network of Workstations. P4. tousevisualization environment for investigating performance of parallel computers. http://www.cacr.caltech.edu/resources/software.html | |
109. Practicum Structured Programming - Modula2 Practicum Structured programming Modula2 This is the homepage of theexercises part of J. Tiberghien s course programming Concepts . http://parallel.vub.ac.be/education/modula2/ | |
110. Programming Of Parallel Computers programming of parallel Computers, Spring 2004. The aims of the course are togive basic knowledge in parallel computers, algorithms and programming. http://www.it.uu.se/edu/course/homepage/algpar1/vt04/ | |
111. Programming Of Parallel Computers programming of parallel Computers (NVP, DVP) Fall 2003. The aims of the course areto give basic knowledge in parallel computers, algorithms and programming. http://www.it.uu.se/edu/course/homepage/algpar1/ht03/ | |
112. Qango : Science: Computer Science: Supercomputing And Parallel Computing: Progra Help. Home Science Computer Science Supercomputing and ParallelComputing programming, Suggest a Site. Science, etc. Categories http://www.qango.com/dir/Science/Computer_Science/Supercomputing_and_Parallel_Co | |
113. Introduction To Parallel Programming Various Methods. There are many methods of programming parallel computers.Two of the most common are message passing and data parallel. http://www.mhpcc.edu/training/workshop/parallel_intro/MAIN.html | |
114. PARA'02 Conference Home Page how these problems can be solved using mathematical modelling, efficient numericalmethods, advanced program development, and tools in parallel computing. http://www.csc.fi/para2002/ | |
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