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61. Rostock, University Computer Science Department. Research areas include theoretical computer science, algorithms and theory of programming, computer architecture, information and communication services, parallel and super computing. databases and information systems, programming languages and compilers, simulation, software techniques, and computer graphics. http://www.informatik.uni-rostock.de/en/ | |
62. School Of Computing Science At SFU School of computing Science. Research labs focus on algorithms and optimization, systems science, computational epidemiology, computer vision, database systems, graphics and multimedia, hardware design, software agents, intelligent software and systems, knowledge representation, logic and functional programming, medical computing, natural language processing, parallel and distributed computing, mathematical sciences, programming languages, simulating and exploring ecosystem dynamics, and distance learning. http://www.cs.sfu.ca/ | |
63. Distributed And Parallel Computing in concurrent computing. It covers four major aspects Architecture and performance.Theory and complexity analysis of parallel algorithms. programming languages http://www.manning.com/el-rewini | |
64. Uni Stuttgart - Faculty Of Computer Science Faculty of Computer Science. Computer architecture, computing software, dialogue systems, formal concepts of computer science, graphical engineering systems, intelligent systems, programming languages, software engineering, theoretical computer science, parallel and distributed systems, image understanding, integrated systems engineering and large system simulation. http://www.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de/fakultaet.html.en | |
65. Carleton University School of computing Science. Research labs focus on object oriented programming, software engineering, pervasive computing, networks, network security, parallel and distributed computing, algorithms, computer vision, database systems, graphics and multimedia, software agents, intelligent software and systems, knowledge representation, logic and functional programming, medical computing, natural language processing. http://www.scs.carleton.ca | |
66. CSCI6356 (Parallel Computing) Courseware -- Xiannong Meng A few other MPI examples; Some other examples of programming including threads,shared memory Here are some links to the parallel computing community. http://www.cs.panam.edu/~meng/Course/CS6356/ | |
67. SAL- Parallel Computing - Programming Languages & Systems aCe a dataparallel computing environment designed to improve the adaptability Arjuna an object-oriented programming system for distributed applications. http://gd.tuwien.ac.at:8050/C/1/ | |
68. SAL- Parallel Computing - Programming Languages & Systems - Mentat mask the complex aspects of parallel programming, including communication complexityto warrant parallel execution virginia.edu (The Worldwide Virtual Computer) http://gd.tuwien.ac.at:8050/C/1/MENTAT.html | |
69. Web Resources For Parallel Computing MPI, the most important standard for messagepassing programming. It is the onedeveloped at the Edinburgh parallel computing Center, listed elsewhere. http://www.eecs.umich.edu/~qstout/parlinks.html | |
70. Parallel Computing - EECS 587 Here is a somewhat whimsical overview of parallel computing. Work required. Yourgrade will be based on written homeworks, computer programming projects, and a http://www.eecs.umich.edu/~qstout/587/ | |
71. MHHE: SCALABLE PARALLEL COMPUTING: Technology, Architecture, Programming SCALABLE parallel computing Technology, Architecture, programming AuthorsKai Hwang, University of Hong Kong Zhiwei Xu, Chinese Academy of Sciences. http://www.mhhe.com/catalogs/0070317984.mhtml | |
72. Parallel Computing - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia A huge number of software systems have been designed for programming parallelcomputers, both at the operating system and programming language level. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parallel_computing | |
73. Paralell Computing Links to parallel computing Resources at Indiana U. Open Directory Computers, parallel computing, programming etc; ParaGraph a http://www.personal.kent.edu/~rmuhamma/Parallel/parallel.html | |
74. :: Ez2Find :: Languages Translate Open New Window An object-oriented garbage-collected programming language. oftools to support a standard model for parallel C++ computing. http://ez2find.com/cgi-bin/directory/meta/search.pl/Computers/Parallel_Computing | |
75. Research On Runtime Support For Parallel Computing W. Shu, ``Adaptive Dynamic Process Scheduling on Distributed Memory ParallelComputers, Scientific programming, Vol.3, pp.341352, 1994. http://www.cs.buffalo.edu/pub/WWW/faculty/shu/cab.html | |
76. Alexa Web Search - Subjects > Computers > Parallel Computing > Programming Most Popular In programming The 5 most visited sites in all programming categories,updated daily 3. LAM / MPI parallel computing www.lammpi.org - Site Info. http://www.alexa.com/browse/categories?catid=6658 |
77. ECE 358: Introduction To Parallel Computing Introduction to parallel computing for scientists and engineers. Shared memoryparallel architectures and programming, concepts using shared address space http://www.ece.northwestern.edu/~banerjee/358/ | |
78. Introduction To Parallel Computing The efficient application of parallel and distributed an important task for computerscientists and System architectures,; programming languages and models http://www.risc.uni-linz.ac.at/courses/ss99/intropar/ | |
79. LIACC --- Annual Plan For 1998 -- Declarative Programming And Parallel Computing Go backward to Introduction Go up to Top Go forward to parallel computingDeclarative programming and parallel computing. Research http://www.liacc.up.pt/aplan98/englpl98_2.html | |
80. Qango : Science: Computer Science: Supercomputing And Parallel Computing: Progra Home Science Computer Science Supercomputing and parallel computing programming Message Passing Interface (MPI), Suggest a Site. Science, etc. http://www.qango.com/dir/Science/Computer_Science/Supercomputing_and_Parallel_Co | |
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