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1. 93QQ-ProgramParadigm parallel computing programming Paradigms. Geoffrey Fox, October 1993 This talk was given at two workshops one at NASA Icase July 1993 and one at NCSA to Supercomputer Center Consultants as a CRPC Outreach in October 1993. 1=.. parallel computing programming paradigms software and problems - abstract. http://www.npac.syr.edu/pub/by_module/presentations/fox/1993/93QQ-ProgramParadig | |
2. Introductory Lectures On Data-Parallel Computing The lectures, given by experts in their fields, are interactive and span threeareas of parallel computing programming Languages, Algorithms, and Research http://www.wellesley.edu/CS/lidpc.html | |
3. Computers, Parallel Computing: Programming OpenMP An API for multi-platform shared-memory parallel programming in C/C++and Fortran. This category contains sites related to parallel programming. http://www.combose.com/Computers/Parallel_Computing/Programming/ | |
4. Lukol Directory - Computers Parallel Computing Programming Tools computing tools and clustering software. http//www.lindaspaces.com/. APPS Asynchronousand Fault Tolerant Parallel Pattern Search. For PVM and MPI programs. http://www.lukol.com/Top/Computers/Parallel_Computing/Programming/Tools/ | |
5. Lukol Directory - Computers Parallel Computing Programming multiplatform shared-memory parallel programming in C clustering and writing programsfor Macintoshes Directory / Arts / Business / Computers / Games / Health http://www.lukol.com/Top/Computers/Parallel_Computing/Programming/ | |
6. Programming Parallel Computing Computers English documentation. English Computers parallel computing programming. MPI EnglishComputers parallel computing programming Libraries MPI ? English http://www.interactiva.org/Dir/I/English/Computers/Parallel_Computing/Programmin | |
7. Computers - Parallel Computing: Programming Netinformations Computer Guide. http//www.cs.utk.edu/netsolve/. OpenMP An APIfor multiplatform shared-memory parallel programming in C/C++ and Fortran. http://www.netinformations.com/Parallel_Computing/Programming/ | |
8. Computers - Parallel Computing: Programming: Environments Eiffel Parallel Execution Environment An object oriented design framework for programmingdistributed memory parallel computers. Publications bibliography. http://www.netinformations.com/Parallel_Computing/Programming/Environments/ | |
9. Parallel Computing Programming cluster computing Written by Rajkumar Buyya Published by Prentice Hall PTR (June1999) ISBN 0130137847 Price $74.00. Parallel Distributed Programming Using http://facultyofcomputers.com/Parallel_Computing_Programming.html | |
10. Towards Efficient And Portable Parallel Computing: Programming With The BSP Mode Towards Efficient and Portable parallel computing programming withthe BSP Model. Abstract Advances in parallel computing have long http://www.cs.fit.edu/~pkc/dept/cs-seminar/s98/goudreau.html | |
11. Computers Parallel Computing Programming Computers parallel computing programming Directory results Documentationand download.. Some web results for parallel computing programming http://world.ammissione.it/browse_/Computers/Parallel_Computing/Programming/ |
12. Wauu.DE: Computers: Parallel Computing: Programming: Tools Debugger and performance analysis tools for parallel programs. http//www.kai.com/parallel.MOSIX A kernel module to support clustered computing by migrating http://www.wauu.de/Computers/Parallel_Computing/Programming/Tools/ | |
13. Wauu.DE: Computers: Parallel Computing: Programming: Languages www.cs.ubc.ca/nest/dsg/emerald.html. Fortran Parallel Programming Systems FortranD and set of tools to support a standard model for parallel C++ computing. http://www.wauu.de/Computers/Parallel_Computing/Programming/Languages/ | |
14. ► Languages [Computers: Parallel Computing: Programming] - WorldSearch.com 1, HPC++ A library and set of tools to support a standard model for parallelC++ computing. 2, nparallel PROLOG A parallel logic programming language. http://www.worldsearch.com/computers/parallel_computing/programming/languages/ | |
15. ► Environments [Computers: Parallel Computing: Programming] - WorldSearch. 7, Eiffel Parallel Execution Environment An object oriented design framework forprogramming distributed memory parallel computers. Publications bibliography. http://www.worldsearch.com/computers/parallel_computing/programming/environments | |
16. Bookpool: Industrial Strength Parallel Computing: Programming Massively Parallel May 22, 2004 EDT. Industrial Strength parallel computing programmingMassively Parallel Processors, Alice E. Koniges Morgan Kaufmann http://www.bookpool.com/.x/z2ehb3p1y8/sm/1558605401 | |
17. Directory - Computers Parallel Computing Programming Languages Search only in Languages (advanced). Top Computers ParallelComputing Programming Languages (39) Related Searches, http://www.incywincy.com/default?p=97948 |
18. Parallel Computing Works Software Systems and Tools. Operating Systems; parallel computing programmingParadigms; Message Passing Software and its use in applications; http://www.netlib.org/utk/lsi/pcwLSI/text/ | |
19. Upcoming Compiler And Parallel Computing Conferences Upcoming Compiler and parallel computing Conferences. Here is a list of upcoming conferences of interest to researchers in the areas of compilers, parallel processing, and supercomputing. to compilers and/or parallel computing. programming Language and Compiler Conferences list http://www.cs.rice.edu/~roth/conferences.html | |
20. DEVSEEK: Parallel Computing : Programming : Languages Devseek The Programmer's Search Engine. Find useful web sites to help you in programming. topics in parallel and distributed computing, adaptive computation, parallel programming languages, groupware and http://www.devseek.com/Parallel_Computing/Programming/Languages | |
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