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81. EPICA: Ecumenical Program In Central America And The Caribbean In response to plans to build the highway through ancestral lands, the indigenouspeoples of panama founded the indigenous Pan_American Highway Commission in http://www.epica.org/Library/indigenous/darien.htm | |
82. Vista Mar - Panama - Luxury Homes At Yesterdays Prices The government of panama protects all its indigenous people, protects theirhabitat and helps their indigenous people preserve their way of life. ,. http://www.escapeartist.com/Vista_Mar/Vista_Mar_3.html | |
83. Colombian Indigenous People Killed Opposing Dam | 10/2/1999 The Embera indigenous people live in the Darien Gap region of panama andin northern Colombia much as they have for centuries. International http://www.nadir.org/nadir/initiativ/agp/free/colombia/puebla/urradam.htm | |
84. The Bayano Hydroelectric Dam In Panama with the affected indigenous people at the time of construction and those negotiatedsince that time. Among the violations are the failure by panama to provide http://www.nadir.org/nadir/initiativ/agp/free/imf/panama/bayano.htm | |
85. American Ethnologist - Online Book Reviews a Navy cruiser and, with a selfrighteousness extraordinary considering the US governmentÂsrecord with its own indigenous people, forcing panama to accept a http://www.aaanet.org/aes/bkreviews/result_details.cfm?bk_id=2471 |
86. MPRI - PROJECTS Project Descriptors mining development, legislation, indigenous Afroamericanpeoples, mining policy, participatory research, indigenous policy, panama. http://www.iipm-mpri.org/proyectos/index.cfm?action=proyecto&cod=17&lang=eng |
87. Voice Of Indigenous Peoples - A Book Review By Scott London behalf of native people. For instance, Marcial Arias Garcia, a Kuna Indian from Panamaand the director of the Continental Coordinating Committee of indigenous http://www.scottlondon.com/reviews/ewen.html | |
88. International Decade Of The World's Indigenous People: Symposium On Indigenous I management of hazardous wastes on indigenous people s lands. Transmission of indigenousCultures it is from our Reuter Orán, Kuna author (panama) Means of http://www.unesco.org/culture/indigenous/html_eng/bookfair4.shtml | |
89. University Of Minnesota Human Rights Library 9. Concern is expressed that some groups living in panama, such as indigenous peopleand members of the black and Asian minorities, do not fully benefit from http://www1.umn.edu/humanrts/country/panama1997.html | |
90. Zeal.com - United States - New - Library - Society - Community & Cultures - Indi org/indigenous/kuna/kuna.htm Look at a photo gallery of this panama indigenous group,read an overview of the people, and visit other Central American groups. http://zeal.com/category/preview.jhtml?cid=10134060 |
91. Subject Panamanian Copper Protest (fwd) in cdppn.alerts ** Minewatch Urgent Action 10th December 1996 panamanian copperprotest Six members of the indigenous NgobeBugle people of panama have been http://www.asahi-net.or.jp/~vi6k-mrmt/mis-pan.htm | |
92. WRP Panama Project for future similar projects among people, indigenous and otherwise projects that couldhelp these people attain greater drilling rig and ship it down to panama. http://www.unm.edu/~wrp/panama.htm | |
93. NATIVE_NEWS: WTO Indigenous Peoples Declaration http://www.mail-archive.com/nativenews@mlists.net/msg05225.html | |
94. Minorities At Risk (MAR) The Bokota, the Terraba and the Bribri all are smaller groups of indigenouspeoples scattered throughout the interior of panama. http://www.cidcm.umd.edu/inscr/mar/data/indpan.htm | |
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