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61. Indigenous Peoples/Planeta.com This book focuses on panama s indigenous Kuna people. The work, anenvironmental and artistic mosaic, is a collaboration among two http://www.planeta.com/planeta/95/1195people.html | |
62. Indigenous Peoples & Globalization | IFG has completed a map depicting the negative impacts of economic globalization on indigenouspeoples. in Nicaragua; ecotourism on Kuna land in panama; mining on http://www.ifg.org/programs/indig.htm | |
63. CANCUN DECLARATION OF INDIGENOUS PEOPLES The infrastructure development, for instance, under Plan panama has destroyed ceremonialand sacred sites of indigenous peoples in the six States of Southern http://www.ifg.org/programs/indig/CancunDec.html | |
64. Indigenous_people_seattle of The Nanhu, Mexico; Debra Harry, indigenous peoples Council on Priscilla Settee,indigenous Women s Network, USA/Canada; Movimiento de la Juventad Kuna, panama; http://www.ausbcomp.com/redman/indigenous_people_seattle.htm | |
65. Document/Essai - Protecting Indigenous Women's Intellectual Property - Backgroun The text of Act 20 of the Republic of panama Concerning the special system forregistering the collective rights of indigenous peoples, for the protection http://www.ichrdd.ca/english/commdoc/publications/indigenous/introEnglish.html | |
66. Document/Essai - Republic Of Panama, Act No. 20: Special System For Registering customs law, of nonoriginal products that imitate, in whole or in part, the workmanshipof the traditional dress of the indigenous peoples of panama, as well http://www.ichrdd.ca/english/commdoc/publications/indigenous/lawPanama.html | |
67. GTZ - Indigenous Peoples - Service - Links Translate this page of the TC with the focus on indigenous peoples in Latin de Chiriquà www.gtz.de/panama/english/ngobeen Waterand Sanitation) of the indigenous Population in http://www.gtz.de/indigenas/english/service/tc-projects.htm | |
68. VHeadline.com - Venezuela to Lempa on the SalvadoranHonduran border to Bocana de Paiwas in Nicaragua and downinto the Darien Gap in panama. indigenous peoples Such authoritarian and http://www.vheadline.com/readnews.asp?id=21112 |
69. RESOLUTION ON PANAMA and suspension of mining and ecotourism projects which infringe and degrade thelands, biodiversity and natural resources of the indigenous peoples of panama;. http://iaip.gn.apc.org/third/panama~1.htm | |
70. Travel - Fashions Many Tourists Like Clothing tourists may encounter. panama s indigenous peoples developed theirtypical needle crafts for their own use, to suit their own tastes. http://www.thepanamanews.com/pn/v_07/issue_24/travel_01.html | |
71. Y&G - Prepacks The First Millennium Conference of indigenous peoples has been organised by panama sNapguana ( core of the earth , in the Kuna language) Association, and http://www.aegee.org/globalyouth/prepacks/riga/page4.2.html | |
72. Valuing Diversity In Sustainable Development - IFAD Experience With Indigenous P communities. In the Ngöbe project in panama, the steering committeehas 50% representation of indigenous peoples. Moreover, in http://www.ifad.org/events/wssd/ip/ip.htm | |
73. (wto) No To TRIPS Of WTO Say Indigenous People's In Geneva, July 99 de la Juventud Kuna (MJK) panama 25. Loyal David Hauheng Bawm indigenous peoplesÃOrganization Hkun Okker PaO peoples Liberation Organization Thailand 30. http://lists.essential.org/mai-not/msg00160.html | |
74. PANAMA: Indigenous People Fear Genetic Slavery panama indigenous People Fear Genetic Slavery. by Silvio Hernándezpanama CITY, Dec 17 (IPS) The lack of protection for the human http://www.oneworld.org/ips2/dec/panama3.html | |
75. PANAMA: INDIGENOUS PEOPLE RAISE ALARMS ABOUT ... panama indigenous PEOPLE RAISE ALARMS ABOUT OTC 19.12.97 0247panama CITY, (Dec. 17) IPS indigenous leaders are again raising http://www.netlink.de/gen/Zeitung/971219b.htm | |
76. NATIVE-L (September 1993): COLOMBIA/PANAMA: INDIGENOUS PEOPLE COLOMBIA/panama indigenous PEOPLE. Worldwide distribution via the APC networks.Title COLOMBIA/panama indigenous PEOPLE ACCUSE GOVERNMENTS OF NEGLECT. http://nativenet.uthscsa.edu/archive/nl/9309/0146.html | |
77. LookSmart - Directory - Indigenous People Kuna Kuna indigenous People Look at a photo gallery of this panama indigenous group,read an overview of the people, and visit other Central American groups. http://search.looksmart.com/p/browse/us1/us317916/us147916/us10133057/us10134060 | |
78. Panama Travel | Lonely Planet World Guide name Republic of panama Area 78,200 sq km Population 3 million People 65% mestizo,14% African descent, 10% Spanish descent, 5% indigenous Language English http://www.lonelyplanet.com/destinations/central_america/panama/ | |
79. Newsletter For Indigenous People - Vol. 1, Ed. 1, June 2003: Healing Our Spirit network in order to share experiences that contribute to the wellbeing of the indigenouspeoples of Abya Yala (name given by the Kuna people of panama to all http://www.paho.org/English/AD/THS/IndigN-v1e1_ENG.htm | |
80. Indigenous Peoples Frame PAGE Our Expedition will cover subjects as various as rainforest, environment and indigenouspeople issues, cultures and lifestyles, adventure and challenges http://www.caske2000.org/ngo/caske2000/caske/indigenousfr.htm | |
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