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41. Bill's Aboriginal Links: International Central American Development Studies indigenous peoples in Central America Maya peoplesin Mexico Sustainable Development Focus on panama panama Canal http://www.bloorstreet.com/300block/aborintl.htm | |
42. Indigenous Peoples Seattle Declaration. On The Occasion Of The Third Ministerial of The Nanhu, Mexico Debra Harry, indigenous peoples Council on Fund, USA PriscillaSettee, indigenous Women s Network de la Juventad Kuna, panama Chaz Wheelock http://www.gfbv.de/gfbv_e/docus/wto_e.htm | |
43. NGO Forum Documentation indigenous groups push for recognition ANDREW BOUNDS IN panama CITY. The world sindigenous races will press for recognition as peoples with the right to self http://www.racism.org.za/media1.htm | |
44. Ethnopharmacology In San Blas and Intellectual Property Rights Amongindigenous peoples A Case is geographicallyisolated fromthe rest of panama. compared with other indigenous groups in http://cougar.ucdavis.edu/nas/varese/NAS198/jon/naspaper.htm | |
45. Justice For The Women Of Juarez no question that indigenous and marginalized peoples have consistently InternationalActions Mobilizing Against Plan Puebla panama indigenous and Campesino http://www.mexicosolidarity.org/O_12.html | |
46. Eco-Index: Preparation Of The Regional Map "Indigenous Peoples And Natural Ecosy Preparation of the Regional Map indigenous peoples and Natural Ecosystems in Belize;Costa Rica; El Salvador; Guatemala; Honduras; Mexico; Nicaragua; panama. http://www.eco-index.org/search/results.cfm?ProjectID=442 |
47. En;WTO Indigenous Peoples Declaration,Dec 6 indigenous Environmental Network, USA/Canada O Clemente Ibe Wilson, Movimientode la Juventad Kuna, panama Other indigenous peoples Organizations, NGOs http://www.eco.utexas.edu/~archive/chiapas95/1999.12/msg00045.html | |
48. Indigenous Peoples - OHCHR The international character of treaties with indigenous peoples and the utilizationof remunicipalizacion y ciudadania etnica contra el plan puebla panama. http://www.unhchr.ch/indigenous/treaties.htm | |
49. Indigenous Peoples's Millenium Conference indigenous peoples s Millenium Conference Review of the Decade of the Worlds indigenousPeople (panama City, panama, 711 May 2001) Working paper submitted by http://www.unhchr.ch/Huridocda/Huridoca.nsf/0/f7b259fd8f83b1d0c1256be90033f684?O |
50. Indigenous Peoples Seattle Declaration of The Nanhu, Mexico. Debra Harry, indigenous peoples Council on Priscilla Settee,indigenous Women s Network, USA/Canada. Movimiento de la Juventad Kuna, panama. http://csdngo.igc.org/Indigenous/indig_seattle.htm | |
51. Indigenous Peoples And The Right To Development The indigenous peoples of panama have already experienced the devastating impactsof imposed development and its empty promise of prosperity for their areas. http://www.treatycouncil.org/section_21141721.htm | |
52. Letter Of Indigenous Peoples To The World Bank Regarding The Extractive Industri PACIFIC. Na Koa Ikaika o Ka Lahui, HawaiÂi. Pacific indigenous peoples EnvironmentCoalition, Aotearoa/New Zealand. Asociacion Napguana, panama. Kuna, panama. http://www.treatycouncil.org/new_page_5244112111.htm | |
53. Resource Centre For The Rights Of Indigenous Peoples Another 675 people from the indigenous communities of FARC and AUC has intensifiedin this area of western Colombia, close to the border with panama. http://www.galdu.org/english/index.php?odas=126 |
54. Public Citizen | Global Trade Watch | Global Trade Watch - Indigenous Peoples' S Nanhu, Mexico + Debra Harry, indigenous peoples Council on Fund, USA + PriscillaSettee, indigenous Women s Network de la Juventad Kuna, panama + Chaz Wheelock http://www.citizen.org/trade/wto/Qatar/seattle_mini/articles.cfm?ID=5472 |
55. Caribbean Amerindian Centrelink: Add URL - A Bravenet.com Free Links Estudios de la personalidad indigena de panama. (Studies ofthe psychology of panama s indigenous peoples, the Kuna.). http://pub19.bravenet.com/freelink/show.php?usernum=1631509558 |
56. Ookpik Daily News The NgobeBugle indigenous peoples of panama and the Nuu-Chah-Nulth indigenouspeoples of western Canada share a problem ( they are both fighting major http://www.iucn.org/wcc/ookpik/issue2/08_indigenous.html | |
57. Roundtable On Intellectual Property And Indigenous Peoples while in other countries, notably panama, it is a highly controversial subject, tosuch an extent that it has become a campaign banner for indigenous peoples. http://www.wipo.org/documents/en/meetings/1998/indip/rt98_4b.htm | |
58. Indigenous Peoples And Neotropical Forest Conservation Kuna Yala, protecting the San Blas of panama. (ed. E. Kemp). The law of the mother,protecting indigenous peoples in protected areas. Sierra Club Books. http://www.macalester.edu/~envirost/MacEnvReview/indigenouspeoples.htm | |
59. Second Gathering Of Indigenous Peoples Of The Caribbean with their own chauvinism could learn a great deal from panama on aboriginal Wehave support from the World Council of indigenous peoples (WCIP) of which we http://www.nalis.gov.tt/Communities/HeritageLib-SymposiaOn2ndGatheringOfIndigeno | |
60. INDIGENOUS PEOPLES y calle 41a, Casa 338, Calidonia-panama, -, -, -, panama, 507 227 5886, 507 2254105, napguana@pty.com, htpp//www.napguana.home.ml.org, LATIN AMERICA, INDIGENOUSPEOPLES. http://www.un.org/dpi/ngosection/ngodir/NGODirSubj/sub0A8A0.HTM | |
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