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21. MSN Encarta - Native Americans Of Middle And South America way down to Central America and across the Isthmus of panama into South period inSpanishspeaking Middle and South America, many indigenous peoples came to http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_701509044/Native_Americans_of_Middle_and_Sou | |
22. Indigenous Peoples Council On Biocolonialism Network (Peru) indigenous peoples Council on Biocolonialism (US) International IndianTreaty Council Instituto de Desarrollo Integral de Kuna Yala (panama) Na http://www.ipcb.org/issues/agriculture/htmls/2004/pr_cop7.html | |
23. Indigenous PeoplesOpposition To The HGDP the US, Canada, panama, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia and Argentina to focus specificallyon the HGD Project. Our responsibility as indigenous peoples is to ensure http://www.ipcb.org/resolutions/htmls/summary_indig_opp.html | |
24. Leonard Peltier Case | October 12, 2002 | International Indigenous Peoples Day E 12. The protests target Vicente Fox s Plan Puebla panama. Day in Solidarity withNative peoples of the of Honor the Earth, and indigenous Women Network). http://www.freepeltier.org/iipd_events.htm | |
25. Resolution Central/South America and Caribbean, Pacific, Former USSR and Eastern Europe attendingthe indigenous peoples Millennium Conference in panama City on 7-11 http://www.nciv.net/Millennium/Resolution/resolution_english.htm | |
26. Press Release 3 Conference for indigenous peoples at the Gran Hotel Soloy in panama City has successfullybrought together about 150 indigenous peoples representatives from http://www.nciv.net/Millennium/persberichten/press_release_English3.htm | |
27. MSF: Panama: MSF Brings Aid To Indigenous People Information dated 20.10.1999. panama MSF brings aid to indigenous people. Anestimated 8% of the population of panama is made up of indigenous peoples. http://www.msf.org/content/page.cfm?articleid=8127F786-B5A9-11D4-B1FA0060084A637 |
28. EPICA: Ecumenical Program In Central America And The Caribbean around the fact of racial discrimination in panama. There is discrimination againstblacks, there is discrimination against indigenous peoples and against http://www.epica.org/Library/church/sanjur2.htm | |
29. Indigenous Peoples Speak Out To Save Ancestral Lands Leaders from five Congresses* of the Kuna, Embera, Wounaan, Ngobe and Bugle indigenouspeoples in panama have announced that they would oppose any plan to http://abyayala.nativeweb.org/panama/indigenas.html | |
30. Protection Of Heritage Of Indigenous Peoples and final report containing the Principles and Guidelines for the Protection ofHeritage of indigenous peoples and to the Republic of panama legislation for http://www.usask.ca/nativelaw/hrip.html | |
31. Panama William Barrington, spokesman for the National Council of indigenous peoples inPanama, denied the allegation. If we Ngobes and Bugles had such an arsenal. http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/Harvey_Morris/panama.htm | |
32. BWNS: In Panama's Remote Indigenous Villages, Baha'i Volunteers Provide Much Nee to the great material, cultural and spiritual wealth that indigenous peoples haveenjoyed the children who are the future of the NgabeBugle region in panama. . http://www.bahaiworldnews.org/story.cfm?storyid=186 |
33. Minorities At Risk (MAR) panama. CHINESE. 109. 0.0400. ethnoclass. panama. indigenous peoples. 164. 0.0600.indigenous peoples. PARAGUAY. indigenous peoples. 106. 0.0200. indigenous peoples.PERU. http://www.cidcm.umd.edu/inscr/mar/data/latintbl.htm | |
34. THREATS OVER THE FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS OF INDIGENOUS PEOPLES IN COLUMBIA peoples of Choco. It has also expanded recently to the Kuna (Tulé)indigenous people on the border lands with panama. In midJanuary http://www.cetim.ch/2003/03ec15w4.htm | |
35. FOR: Panamá Update, Spring-Summer 1996 The National Coordinating Body of indigenous peoples of panama, the Catholic Church,human rights and environmental organizations have sought the annulment of http://www.forusa.org/programs/panama/archives/696urgen.htm | |
36. World Bank Group | Indigenous Peoples | Latin America And The Caribbean panama Social Investment Fund Project Project Information Document, September1997. Peru - indigenous and Afro-Peruvian peoples Development Project (LIL http://lnweb18.worldbank.org/ESSD/sdvext.nsf/63ByDocName/ProjectsInvestmentPortf | |
37. World Bank Group | Indigenous Peoples | Indigenous Poverty Poverty in indigenous populations in panama a study using LSMS data Document Type seeksto conduct a more indepth study of indigenous people poverty using http://lnweb18.worldbank.org/ESSD/sdvext.nsf/63ByDocName/TopicsIndigenousPoverty | |
38. IISD Youth Source Book On Sustainable Development 31 PO Box 536 panama 1 Republica de panama Tel +50769-6525 The organization servesas a legal adviser to indigenous peoples and several environmental NGOs. http://www.iisd.org/youth/ysbk146.htm | |
39. Mapping The Darien In Panama total land surface of 16,803 km, is the largest province in panama, the most Sadly,this colonial ignorance of indigenous peoples has persisted into the present http://www.smithsonianeducation.org/scitech/impacto/graphic/panama/article_1.htm | |
40. Defending Indigenous Cultures Against Globalization The First Millennium Conference of indigenous peoples has been organized by panama sNapguana ( core of the earth , in the Kuna language) Association, and http://www.commondreams.org/headlines01/0509-03.htm | |
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