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61. Electronic Journals Review of Palaeobotany and palynology, Elsevier (ScienceDirect Web Editions),paleontology. Need help searching for Electronic Journals? http://www.lib.siu.edu/cgi-bin/encore2/list_ejn?findSub=1&sub=dp64 |
62. LLU Natural Sciences - Bob Cushman Homepage the Western Interior, 1992 Theme Meeting, Society of Economic paleontology and Mineralogy 5.Newman, KR and Cushman, RA, Jr., 1987, Cretaceous palynology of the http://www.llu.edu/llu/grad/natsci/cushman/bcushman.html | |
63. Grant Zazula in collaboration with a multidisciplinary research group that is using tephrochronology,paleomagnetics, sedimentology, palynology, paleontology and ancient http://www.sfu.ca/~qgrc/people/grant.htm | |
64. PSIgate - Browse Results Find Entire database Search only within paleontology. Stratigraphic Palynologists(AASP) was established in 1967 to promote the science of palynology (the study http://www.psigate.ac.uk/roads/cgi-bin/psibrowse.pl?limit=0&toplevel=earth&subje |
65. Geoscience Gateways - Browse Links Enchinodermata (Boggy s). Prehistoric America. ES Pages paleontology palynology.Prehistoric Life. Evolution/paleontology Links. Prehistoric Texas. http://www.geogateways.com/browse.asp?topicID=9&subTopicID=56&categoryID=201 |
66. National Museum Of Natural History - Paleobiology Society PaleoBios A publication of the Museum of paleontology (UCBerkeley Reviewof Paleobotany and palynology Journal publishing original studies and http://www.nmnh.si.edu/paleo/links.html | |
67. Zeal.com - United States - New - Library - Sciences - Paleontology - Publication 0/3/3/5/ Online guide to this paleobotany and palynology journal includes e/paleo.htmMultilingual journal publishes articles on all fields of paleontology. http://zeal.com/category/preview.jhtml?cid=890609 |
68. Zeal.com - United States - New - Library - Sciences - Paleontology - Guides & Di UCMP paleontology Resources http//www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/subway/paleo.html Universityof Arizona - palynology http//www.geo.arizona.edu/palynology/ Read http://zeal.com/category/preview.jhtml?cid=330282 |
69. Paleontology In The 21st Century: Industrial Paleontology such as the Louisiana State University Center for Excellence in palynology, theAberdeen University professorship in industrial paleontology, and the City http://www.nhm.ac.uk/hosted_sites/paleonet/paleo21/rr/industry.html | |
70. Paleontology In The 21st Century: Introduction Paleobotany, 6.5. Nonpaleontologists, 5.0. Biochemistry, 4.0. Microbial paleontology,3.5. palynology, 2.5. Algal paleontology, 2.0. Geology, 2.0. Unaccounted, 2.0. http://www.nhm.ac.uk/hosted_sites/paleonet/paleo21/rr/intro.html | |
71. /Science/EarthSciences/Paleontology/ - Www.KOL-ISRAEL.com - Web Directory Nearactica paleontology links including dinosaurs, trilobites, amber, fossils,palynology, plate tectonics, mammoths, dinosaurs, trilobites, amber, collecting http://cgi.botbot.com/dir/$/Science/EarthSciences/Paleontology/ | |
72. Search Them All - Paleontology Nearctica paleontology including dinosaurs, trilobites, amber, fossils, collecting,palynology, plate tectonics, origi paleontology - Main Page. http://www.search-them-all.com/cgi/search/smartsearch.cgi?keywords=paleontology& |
73. AOL Canada Search: Search Results Palaeontologia Electronica Online journal of paleontology, perhaps representing thefuture of Review of Paleobotany and palynology Online version of the Review http://search.aol.ca/cat.adp?id=217934&layer=&from=subcats |
74. National Geoscience Database Of IRAN - Earth Sciences Indexes of palynology and Paleo palynology of Palaeozoic Mesozoic Strata and Its Applicationin Oil, Gas and Coal Exploration Book More. In Subject paleontology. http://www.ngdir.ir/Library/ListsOfLibrary.asp?PID=657&PSubjectsCode=49 |
75. Paleontology Collection Mammalogy. Mycology. Ornithology. paleontology. palynology. Rocks Minerals. Zooarchaeology. Education. Science Boxes. Georgia WildlifeWeb. http://naturalhistory.uga.edu/htmldocs/collections/paleontology.asp | |
76. Paleontology Division - Geological Association Of Canada Selected International paleontology Web Sites American Association of StratigraphicPalynologists *Worldwide palynology Email and WWW Addresses; http://publish.uwo.ca/~ctsujita/paleodivisiongac.html | |
77. Paleontology Links Nearactica paleontology links including dinosaurs, trilobites, amber, fossils, palynology,plate tectonics, mammoths, dinosaurs, trilobites, amber, collecting http://www.esconi.org/Paleontology Links.htm | |
78. U. Mary WWW Resources - By Subject - Paleontology palynology educationworld - paleontology farrar - paleontology and palynologyA GUIDE TO THE EIGHT ORDERS OF TRILOBITES lycos - paleontology mq.edu.au http://it.umary.edu/Library/research/www_subjects/paleontology.html | |
79. Topic: Paleontology Newsletters And Related Electronic Journals Palaeontologie, Stratigrafie, Fazies - Note; paleontology, stratigraphy, sedimentology Carnets de Géologie - Note; palynology American Association of http://palaeo-electronica.org/riedel/topicj.htm | |
80. Ministry Of Land And Resources Search Engine Summary Internet Directory for Botany Paleobotany, palynology, pollen Links forPalaeobotanists, University of Wuerzburg. 20.paleontology english Summary http://search.mlr.gov.cn/english/0048/0049/0082/0085/display.htm | |
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