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         Palestine History:     more books (100)
  1. A History of Modern Palestine: One Land, Two Peoples by Ilan Pappe, 2006-07-31
  2. A History of Palestine: From the Ottoman Conquest to the Founding of the State of Israel
  3. Israel and Palestine: Competing Histories (Middle East Studies) by Mike (Glasgow University Media Group) Berry, Greg Philo, 2006-10-23
  4. Palestine and the Arab-Israeli Conflict: A History with Documents by Charles D. Smith, 2006-12-06
  5. Palestine: A Personal History by Karl Sabbagh, 2008-01-21
  6. Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid by Jimmy Carter, 2006-11-14
  7. The Israel/Palestine Question (Rewriting Histories) by IIan Pappe, 2007-08-14
  8. History of the Jews in Antiquity: The Jews of Palestine from Alexander the Great to the Arab Conquest by SCHAFER, 1995-11-01
  9. The Battle for Palestine 1917 (Warfare in History) by John D. Grainger, 2006-10-21
  10. The Land Called Holy: Palestine in Christian History and Thought by Robert Louis Wilken, 1994-08-31
  11. Palestine And the Palestinians: A Social and Political History by Samih K. Farsoun, Naseer H. Aruri, 2006-08-30
  12. Palestine: A Guide by Mariam Shahin, 2005-07-30
  13. The War for Palestine: Rewriting the History of 1948 (Cambridge Middle East Studies)
  14. Homeland: Oral Histories of Palestine and Palestinians

161. History

162. Palestine
Animated GIF image.

163. Hanna Safieh, Photographer
A collection of black and white photographs taken by Hanna Safieh in palestine between 1920 and 1960.

164. Free Bible Maps Of Bible Times And Lands
A collection of black and white maps, from Abraham to the New Testament; features palestine in the time of Jesus and Paul's missionary journeys. Part of a site called the Interactive Bible.
Free High Resolution Bible Maps High resolution laser quality maps.
600X600 DPI (200KB -1meg each) Go To Start Notes about this map web site:
  • We wanted to provide high quality Bible maps that were reproducible by you the seeker! You can use print, photocopy or make overhead transparencies of these maps for church Bible studies etc. or personal use. On this page are low resolution thumbnail images of maps. They are only about 5 KB in size, and load quickly, but are very poor quality. If you click on each thumbnail image on this page it will lead to another page that contains the actual map image in 600X600 dots per inch, black and white. These high resolution images are about 200 KB each. (Colour doesn't print or photocopy well and file size would be much larger.)
  • Technical Notes on printing maps in 600X600:
  • magazine quality , keep reading! Click on the thumbnail images on this page. Then wait about 1 minute for the image to fully load. Save the image to your hard drive. With most web browsers you can simply RIGHT mouse click on the high resolution image and select "save image as" command. Start up your favorite word processor (Word for windows, Wordperfect, AMI Pro) and insert the map into a page. Resize it to fit on the page and print! OR load the image in a photo-paint program (Corel, Adobe) and print from there.
  • 165. Palestine Liberation Front (PLF)
    , activities, strength, area of operation and external aid. From the Federation of American Scientists. USA.......
    FAS Intelligence World Agencies Para-States ... Join FAS
    Palestine Liberation Front (PLF)
    Description Broke away from the PFLP-GC in the late 1970’s. Later, split again into pro-PLO, pro- Syrian, and pro-Libyan factions. Pro-PLO faction led by Muhammad Abbas (a.k.a. Abu Abbas) had been based in Baghdad. Abbas himself was detained by Coalition Forces in April 2003 and subsequently died in custody of natural causes in March 2004. Activities The Abu Abbas–led faction is known for aerial attacks against Israel. Abbas’s group also was responsible for the attack in 1985 on the Italian cruise ship Achille Lauro and the murder of US citizen Leon Klinghoffer. A warrant for Abu Abbas’s arrest is outstanding in Italy. Has become more active since the start of the al-Aqsa intifadah, and several PLF members have been arrested by Israeli authorities for planning attacks in Israel and the West Bank. Strength Unknown.

    166. Palestine Center - News And Information From The Jerusalem Fund And The Palestin
    News and information on the IsraelPalestinian conflict from The Jerusalem Fund and the Center for Policy Analysis on palestine.
    Latest Postings
    Gaza Humanitarian Crisis Stretches Limits of Aid Organizations
    , Report from a Palestine Center briefing by Maher Nasser - 24 May 2004
    Ashrawi: The Call for a Binational State Is Not a Political Program
    , Report from a Palestine Center briefing by Dr. Hanan Ashrawi - 17 May 2004
    Torture of Iraqi Prisoners Spotlights Israeli Treatment of Palestinian Prisoners
    , Information Brief by Catherine Cook - 11 May 2004
    Israeli Political Options After the Vote
    , Information Brief by Ilan Pappe - 6 May 2004
    Is Gaza Development Possible Without Peace?

    As Quartet Meets, Ghosts of Peace Plans Past
    , Information Brief by Casey Patrick Reilly - 3 May 2004
    Sharon's Plan: A Shift from Occupation to Siege
    , Report from a Palestine Center briefing by Phyllis Bennis - 29 April 2004
    Mordechai Vanunu Released: Time for a Nuclear Free Middle East
    , Information Brief by Palestine Center Staff - 21 April 2004
    Palestinian Prisoners
    , a Palestine Center Fact Sheet - 15 April 2004
    Disengaging from the Road Map
    , Palestine Center Policy Brief by Samar Assad - 14 April 2004 Islamic Calligraphy , objects and writings, traditional and contemporary - on display now!

    167. Popular Front For The Liberation Of Palestine (PFLP)
    , activities, strength, area of operation and external aid. Links to additional resources. From the Federation of American Scientists. USA.......
    FAS Intelligence World Agencies Para-States ... Join FAS
    Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP)
    Description Marxist-Leninist group founded in 1967 by George Habash—as a member of the PLO—when it broke away from the Arab Nationalist Movement. The PFLP does not view the Palestinian struggle as a religious one, seeing it instead as a broader revolution against Western imperialism. The group earned a reputation for spectacular international attacks, including airline hijackings that have killed at least 20 US citizens. The PFLP is opposed to the Oslo process. Activities Committed numerous international terrorist attacks during the 1970s. Since 1978 has conducted attacks against Israeli or moderate Arab targets, including killing a settler and her son in December 1996. The PFLP has stepped up its operational activity since the start of the current intifadh highlighted by its assassination of the Israeli Tourism Minster in October 2001 to avenge Israel’s killing of the PFLP Secretary General earlier that year. Strength Unknown.

    168. Popular Front For The Liberation Of Palestine-General Command (PFLP-GC)
    , activities, strength, area of operation and external aid. From the Federation of American Scientists. USA.......
    FAS Intelligence World Agencies Para-States ... Join FAS
    Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command (PFLP-GC)
    Description Split from the PFLP in 1968, claiming it wanted to focus more on fighting and less on politics. Violently opposed to Arafat’s PLO. Led by Ahmad Jabril, a former captain in the Syrian Army. Jabril’s son, Jihad, was killed by a car bomb in May 2002. Closely tied to both Syria and Iran. Activities Carried out dozens of attacks in Europe and the Middle East during the 1970s and 1980s. Known for cross-border terrorist attacks into Israel using unusual means, such as hot air balloons and motorized hang gliders. Primary focus now on guerrilla operations in southern Lebanon and small-scale attacks in Israel, West Bank, and Gaza Strip. Strength Several hundred. Location/Area of Operation Headquartered in Damascus with bases in Lebanon.

    169. Home
    Based in TelAviv. Offers opinions on the Israel-palestine situation, news, articles, and calendar of peace activities. Includes proposal for creation of a multi-cultural Friendship Village for teens.
    Three Maps to illustrate situation of Palestinians What people think about the fucked situation?
    Read in Opinions News from a different angle To make peace Friendship Village ...
    Fire in the Middle - East
    No doubt about certain facts:
    1 - The Jewish population makes just a tiny minority among the mostly Arab Moslem population of the Middle East.
    2 - The very existence of a non-Arab, moreover - a Jewish State, in the Middle-East, never really has been tolerated by most of the surrounding Arab nations.
    3 - Israel has been boycotted since its establishing, by the establishment of the intellectual elites in all the Arab countries, including Jordan and Egypt, countries that are in state of peace with the Jewish State.
    4 - Israel, oppresses the Palestinian people in the territories that she occupied in 1967. She appropriated more than half of the West-Bank lands and spread over it - against the international law - more than 120 settlements, with a population of almost 200.000 people.
    5 - Inside Israel, the great Arab Palestinian minority (almost 20%) is treated by all the governments, as discriminated, second grade citizens, usually mistreated, always suspected by the authorities, by the police, suffering from racist tendencies among the majority.
    To Make Peace
    Still the first question that the present situation arises is: O.K. - sonner or later the present bloodshed will finish, in the end some kind of agreement between the Israelis and Palestinians will be signed. But what can be done for establishment of a lasting peace? Our answer is quite clear - even though it seems somewhat naive:

    170. Encyclopaedia Of The Orient
    Document that served as the foundations of the Palestinian struggle for an independent state.

    171. Gazelle Bulletin
    Information on the flora and fauna of palestine, with descriptions of projects to preserve and protect them.
    Free Web site hosting - Web Hosting - Choose an ISP NetZero High Speed Internet ... Dial up $14.95 or NetZero Internet Service $9.95 Gazelle - The Palestinian Biological Bulletin (ISSN 0178 - 6288) Gazelle Bulletin About Gazelle Mammals in Palestine Wild Cats in Palestine ... Guest Book and References Gazelle :

    Salam Alaikum and Welcome. You are visiting the Web Site of : Gazelle - The Palestinian Biological Bulletin. It gives you information about the Biology and Ecology of Palestine, concentrating on the Zoology of the Region.
    This Web Site comes after many years of research and studies in the field of Biology, and after publishing many issues of the Gazelle Bulletin (ISSN 0178-6288) since 1983.
    This Web Site will enhance our knowledge about the Biology and Ecology in the Holy Land.
    Gazelle - Die Palaestinensische Biologische Bulletin
    Salam Alaikum und Herzlich Willkommen. Sie besuchen die Web Stelle von : Gazelle - Die Palaestinensische Biologische Bulletin. Es gibt Ihnen Informationen ueber die Biologie und Oekologie in Palaestina, insbesondere ueber die Tierwelt im Heiligen Land.
    Diese Web Stelle kommt nach viele Jahren Biologische Forschung und Studien, und nach herausgeben von Zahlreichen Ausgaben von Gazelle Bulletin (ISSN 0178-6288) seit 1983.

    172. Comix: Joe Sacco Interviewed
    Interview by Kathleen Bennett, during the creation of the first volume of palestine.
    Joe Sacco is the author of the comic book series Palestine Fantagraphics ), the first five issues of which have recently been published in book form as Palestine, Book One: A Nation Occupied (Fantagraphics, $14.95). Prior to that, he put out six issues of Yahoo , also from Fantagraphics, who have also collected some of his shorter work in the 56-page comic Spotlight on the Genius That Is Joe Sacco ($4.95). I interviewed Joe at his home in Portland, Oregon in September, 1994. Scott Faulkner sat in on the interview in the role of a U.N. observer, to make sure that no violation of journalistic ethics took place. KB: You told me before that you have a degree in journalism. I did want to ask you a bit about your journalistic background, see how that all got started. JS: Just in high school, I was on the school paper, and just took a class and I liked it, basically. KB: What kinds of things were you especially interested in reporting on? JS: Editorial writing and just straight hard news writing, and I was also doing editorial cartoons for the paper, and eventually I liked it so much. I really worked a lot and became editor of the school paper. I realized that what I wanted to do wa s write, so I went to University of Oregon to get a degree in journalism. KB: And after that, what kinds of things did you work on during college?

    173. Palestine, AR News -
    Local, regional, and statewide news collected from diverse sources on the web.
    Friday, June 11, 2004 Palestine, AR News change city Search Local Sports St. Louis Cardinals Memphis Grizzlies Tennessee Titans Nashville Predators ... Arkansas Travelers Local Resources Palestine Directory Map of Palestine Aerial Photo Movie Times ... Caldwell, AR
    or Business Name
    Palestine City Guide
    by Palestine Hotels Palestine Real Estate Palestine Yellow Pages Improve your site Add these news headlines to your website -
    click here
    Area News Getting A Lesson On Diversity
    KSL-AM Salt Lake City - 13 hours ago (56.3 miles) A local educator is offering his first grade students a lesson in tolerance and acceptance. See also: Clarksdale, MS Investigation Into Ole Miss Student's Murder Continues
    WPMI-TV Mobile - Wednesday (67.0 miles) AAAA District Attorney John Champion says an investigation continues into the death of a University of Mississippi student and he is not ready to discuss what additional charges a ... See also: Pascagoula, MS Sardis, MS Moss Point, MS Filmmaker Scott Jennison nominated for Emmy
    Clarksdale Press Register - Wednesday (56.3 miles)

    174. New Palestine, IN News -
    Local, regional, and statewide news collected from diverse sources on the web.
    Friday, June 11, 2004 New Palestine, IN News change city Search Local Sports Cincinnati Reds Chicago Bulls Butler University Indianapolis Colts ... Indianapolis Indians Local Resources New Palestine Directory Map of New Palestine Aerial Photo Movie Times ... Cumberland, IN
    or Business Name
    New Palestine City Guide
    by New Palestine Hotels New Palestine Real Estate New Palestine Yellow Pages Improve your site Add these news headlines to your website -
    click here
    Area News Airport sets $87M plan for growth
    The Mobile Register (registration) - Tuesday June 8 (20.6 miles) New food vendors, more parking spaces and a place to watch planes take off and land are just a few of the new features planned for Huntsville International Airport's $87.7 million ... See also: Pendleton Central Park could jump-start Victoria Trace
    Shelbyville News - Tuesday June 8 (14.4 miles) C.P. Morgan's announcement it will be the builder for the largest housing development in Shelbyville's history could bring other big residential developers to the county. See also: Shelbyville Connersville, IN

    175. The Avalon Project : The Middle East 1916-2001 : A Documentary Record
    A collection of official documents about Israel and palestine from the UN, UK, US, Israel and several Arab countries. From Yale Law School.
    @import url(../css/iestyles.css);
    The Avalon Project at Yale Law School
    The Middle East 1916 - 2001 : A Documentary Record
    Major Collections What's New Avalon Home pre 18 ... Century
    See Also: United Nations - Question of Palestine
    SEARCH the Middle East 1916-2002:
  • - The Sykes-Picot Agreement
    - Balfour Declaration; November 2
    - British White Paper on Palestine; June
    - The Palestine Mandate; July 24 ... Century
  • 176. Palestine Report
    Joharah Baker. 'We totally condemn this,' said Palestinian President Yasser Arafat in a statement only hours after the series of attacks. He called the onslaught a 'crime,' and said he was powerless to express the extent of his sorrow.

    177. CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Mount Carmel
    A wellknown mountain ridge in palestine, usually called in the Hebrew Bible Hakkarmel.
    Home Encyclopedia Summa Fathers ... C > Mount Carmel A B C D ... Z
    Mount Carmel
    A well-known mountain ridge in Palestine, usually called in the Hebrew Bible Hakkarmel (with the definite article), "the garden" or "the garden-land." In later Hebrew it is known simply as Karmel , and in modern Arabic as Kurmul , or more commonly as Jebel Mar Elias Christians . In the present day, Carmel belongs to the pashalic of Acre. Mt. Carmel is never mentioned in the New Testament; but it is oftentimes spoken of in the Old Covenant. Its conquest is referred to the time of Josue (xii, 22), and its territory is given as forming the southern boundary of the tribe of Aser (xix, 26). Its luxuriant verdure, chiefly caused by the vicinity of the Mediterranean Sea and by abundant dew, was regarded as singularly beautiful; hence the poetical comparison, "thy head is like Carmel", found in the Canticle of Canticles (vii, 5; Heb., vii, 6), and the distinct reference to the "beauty of Carmel" in Isaias (xxxv, 2). As Nabuchodonosor towered proudly above the kings of the earth, so Carmel was prominent above the sea (Jer., xlvi, 18). Its great fertility made it the type of a country which was favoured with the Divine blessing (Jer., 1, 19; Mich., vii, 14); and its devastation was conceived as the surest sign of God's However this may be, there is another incident in Elias' life which Holy Writ distinctly places on the ridge of Carmel, and on account of which that mountain has been, and will ever be, particularly renowned. The event is narrated in detail in III K., xviii. It was that of a public contest between Elias, the great champion of Yahweh worship, and the prophets of Baal, the Phoenician deity whose cult had lately been fully organized by the wicked Achab in the new capital of the Northern Kingdom. For two years a severe drought, foretold by Elias, had prevailed in Israel. Yet it had not sufficed to convince the people that Yahweh, not Baal, was indeed the

    178. Middle East Studies - Israel/Palestine Relations
    Web directory from Columbia University's Middle East and Jewish Studies program.
    Israel/Palestine Relations
    and the Middle East Peace Process

    179. The Palestinian Refugees
    left fully anticipated being able to return to their homes after an early Arab victory, as Palestinian nationalist Aref elAref explained in his history of the
    The Palestinian Refugees
    by Mitchell Bard
    The Palestinians left their homes in for a variety of reasons. Thousands of wealthy Arabs left in anticipation of a war, thousands more responded to Arab leaders' calls to get out of the way of the advancing armies, a handful were expelled, but most simply fled to avoid being caught in the cross fire of a battle. Had the Arabs accepted the 1947 UN resolution , not a single Palestinian would have become a refugee and an independent Arab state would now exist beside Israel. The beginning of the Arab exodus can be traced to the weeks immediately following the announcement of the UN partition resolution. The first to leave were roughly 30,000 wealthy Arabs who anticipated the upcoming war and fled to neighboring Arab countries to await its end. Less affluent Arabs from the mixed cities of Palestine moved to all-Arab towns to stay with relatives or friends. All of those who left fully anticipated being able to return to their homes after an early Arab victory, as Palestinian nationalist Aref el-Aref explained in his history of the 1948 war: The Arabs thought they would win in less than the twinkling of an eye and that it would take no more than a day or two from the time the Arab armies crossed the border until all the colonies were conquered and the enemy would throw down his arms and cast himself on their mercy.

    180. Cell Phones Coverage Map Of Palestinian Authority
    Cell phone information for the palestine Authority news, coverage and network details.
    pic1 = new Image(322,484); pic1.src = "maps/palestine/palestine.gif"; document.write('');
    Cell phones in Palestinian Authority
    Cell phone networks in Palestine Authority
    Jawwal GSM no no Cellular phone coverage map of Palestine Authority Click on the network names below to see their coverage maps Jawwal Show all maps Clear all maps Two most recent Palestine Authority news stories from our archive Palestinian network sues Israeli competitors (13-Nov-01) Palestinian Telecommunications (PALTEL) has said that it is to sue two Israeli cellular networks for breaching its five year monopoly in the Palestine National Authority. The lawsuit is against Pelephone for US$160 million and against Cellcom for US$275 million. Hakam Kanafani, managing director of PALTEL's cellular unit Jawwal, told reporters that the action was not politically motivated, but driven by a desire to recoup lost revenue from the networks that were encroaching on its market. PALTEL claims that both Pelephone and Cellcom are offering cellular services in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, in violation of Palestinian telecoms law. However, it may be worth noting that PALTEL is understood to owe Pelephone's 50% share holder, Bezeq Israel Telecom several million dollars, and this could be a move to write off the debt, as well as secure funds for the network expansion. PALTEL has spent some US$120 million on its network so far. e-mail this article to a colleague Printer friendly version Palestinian telecoms office closed in Jerusalem

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