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101. Palestine Chronicle - Secret Saudi History We re hardly any safer for keeping Saudi history a secret. The Author is a professor at Loyola University School of Law Source The palestine Chronicle  www http://palestinechronicle.com/article.php?story=20030812221737540 |
102. Welcome To Palestine Facts A review of the historical, political and military facts behind the State of Israel and the IsraeliArab Palestinian conflict. http://www.palestinefacts.org/ | |
103. Palecon The palestine Economic Forum website promoting discussion on the Palestinian economy. Covers economic policy, peace economics and their publications. http://www.palecon.org/ | |
104. Palestine Media Watch A grassroots media watch group calling for greater room for expression of Palestinian views in the media. Details of activity, how to volunteer, with debate pages and contact details. http://www.pmwatch.org/pmw/ | |
105. Palestine Area Chamber Of Commerce palestine is the home of the Davy Dogwood Park, (Home of the Texas Dogwood Trails), an abundance of Victorian homes, The Texas State Railroad, world famous Eilenberger Bakery, and some of the friendliest people you will ever want to meet. http://www.palestinechamber.org/ | |
106. UNISPAL-United Nations Information System On The Question Of Palestine Database of UN resolutions and other documents from 1945 to the present. http://domino.un.org/unispal.nsf | |
107. AQARIA Home Page Details of current construction projects, the company, and includes a newsletter. http://www.aqaria.com/Index.html | |
108. NGO Network On The Question Of Palestine Network of NonGovernmental Organizations addressing the question of palestine, maintained by the United Nations Department for Poltical Affairs. News on the palestine issue from the UN, and NGOs and from around the world. http://www.un.org/Depts/dpa/ngo | |
109. Palestine Texas Features area events, attractions, dining, lodging, and recreation. http://www.visitpalestine.com/ | |
110. Page Not Found : Birzeit University : Palestine Direct access to categorised reviews of all websites published in palestine. http://www.birzeit.edu/links/ | |
111. Democratic Palestine George Habash's Popular Front for the Liberation of palestine. A MarxistLeninist nationalist party within the palestine Liberation Organization but opposed to Arafat and the Oslo accord. http://members.tripod.com/~freepalestine/ | |
112. AFPS - Toulouse Pr©sent la charte, le bulletin, photos de la situation a Jenin (Avril 2002), la si¨ge  Tolouse, France. http://www.toulouse-palestine.org/ | |
113. East Palestine Homepage Official municipal web site. Also includes business, church and other community information. http://www.eastpalestineohio.org/ | |
114. AFPS Nord Pas-de-Calais, Association France Palestine Solidarité 59.62 Propose actualit© et informations sur la situation des Palestiniens. Action locales et internationales. http://www.nord-palestine.org | |
115. Lake Palestine :: Lake Palestine Campground And Lodge Information about lakefront RV sites, lodging, and dining. http://www.lakepalestine.net | |
116. Welcome To The Palestine Refugee Return March-London Demonstration and rally to support the Right of Return of Palestinian Refugees. http://www.ataha.com/londonrally/ | |
117. CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Antiochus Of Palestine Seventh century monk. http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/01574a.htm | |
118. Palestine National, presidential, historical, and political flags. http://flagspot.net/flags/ps.html | |
119. Palestine Popular Art Centre A focus and forum for local dance groups, musicians and artists, developing individuals' skills, knowledge and their cultural and artistic abilities. Information on activities, festivals and art for children. http://www.popularartcentre.org/ | |
120. Palestine In The Time Of Jesus By K.C. Hanson Features several ancient maps including Bethlehem and Nazareth. http://www.kchanson.com/PTJ/ptj.html | |
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