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41. OpinionJournal - Featured Article can refute the truth that the Palestinians have fashioned a culture peculiarly theirown Although the Arab invasion of palestine did not occur until the seventh http://www.opinionjournal.com/editorial/feature.html?id=110003690 |
42. The Daily Star - Arts & Culture - Cultural Life In Palestine Breaks The Siege Cultural life in palestine breaks the siege Festival goes on despite Israeli incursionBy Walid Batrawi Special to The Daily Star Tuesday, April 20, 2004. http://www.dailystar.com.lb/article.asp?edition_id=10&categ_id=4&article_id=2503 |
43. Ei: Art, Music & Culture Art, Music culture The Arts, Music culture section of EI reports on Palestinianand palestinerelated film, books literature, music, theatre, photography http://electronicintifada.net/v2/artmusicculture.shtml | |
44. La Culture Palestinienne- [http://www.france-palestine.org - Association France Translate this page 75011 Paris Tél + Fax + Mail afps@france- palestine.orgGroupe locaux Voir la liste. Accueil La culture Palestinienne. http://www.france-palestine.org/rubrique22.html | |
45. Araboo.com > Arab Directory > Palestine > Society And Culture HOME Arab Directory palestine Society and culture, Suggest a Site underthis Category. Society and culture, Matches Summary Categories Web Sites. http://www.araboo.com/dir/category.asp?cat=12122000000 |
46. Araboo.com > Arab Directory > Palestine > Society And Culture > Cultures Ministry of culture, palestine Ministry of culture. ArabNet culture palestine Cultural information and resources for palestine. http://www.araboo.com/dir/category.asp?cat=12122010000 |
47. MIFTAH MIFTAHÂs Life culture section transports you to palestine by highlighting thebest of Palestinian culture and presenting a taste of life from Palestinian http://www.miftah.org/culture.cfm | |
48. The Palestinian Minister Of Culture Received By The Director-General: UNESCO March 2004, the Palestinian Minister of culture, Mr Yahya Yaklef, in the presenceof Mr Ahmad Abdelrazek, Ambassador, Permanent Observer of palestine to UNESCO http://portal.unesco.org/es/ev.php-URL_ID=19059&URL_DO=DO_TOPIC&URL_SECTION=201. | |
49. Israel Palestine Conflict | Israel And Palestine | Israel Palestinian Conflict | Israel palestine Conflict or culture Shock WHY? Such a culture shock should notlike in many peace compromises be restricted to Israel and palestine. http://huizen.daxis.nl/~henkt/israel-palestine-conflict.html | |
50. EVEN-ZOHAR: EMERGENCE OF A NATIVE HEBREW CULTURE Hebrew culture in palestine has become Israeli, and although the latter definitely springs from the previous stage, it seems very different from it. http://www.tau.ac.il/~itamarez/ps/hebcult.html | |
51. ARIJ Related Sites palestine.On.Line Your digital gateway to business, culture and art in palestinepalestine on line Internet service provider Palnet Internet service provider http://www.arij.org/sites/ | |
52. Arab Hotel Association - Tourism Culture In Palestine Winner of Birzeit University s 1999 Golden Olive Award. palestine Tourism culture. UNDER CONSTRUCTION In The Meantime, Here Are Some Useful Links. http://www.palestinehotels.com/aha/tourism.htm |
53. Israël-palestine - Forum Débats D'actualité : Actualité Et Culture culture, et d leprobleme il est simple a regler gaza ca la palestine et la cisjordanie aussi http://www.comlive.net/sujet-23042.html | |
54. Israel ? Palestine ? - Forum Politique : Actualité Et Culture Accueil des forums. http://www.comlive.net/sujet-22233.html | |
55. Art & Culture In Palestine Art culture in palestine. Be a sponsor! click here SPONSOR Visit the ShoppingCenter Shebaa. Farms.org. ArabAmerican. Guide.com. Webmasters Association. 425 Now. http://www.middleeastnews.com/PalestineArt.html | |
56. JMCC / Palestinian Culture Indepth analysis on specific issues JMCC reprints. contacts in palestine byCategory. Palestinian culture. Palestinian Artists. List of Books Reviews. http://www.jmcc.org/palculture/palculture.html | |
57. Minister Abed Rabbo The Palestinian People Is Capable Of Rising Mr. Yehia Yakhlof, Deputy Minister of culture, stated that the Israeli aggressionwas directed against the Palestinian infrastructure, culture, and national http://www.palestine-pmc.com/details.asp?cat=2&id=99 |
58. PNT - Palestinian National Theatre - About Us The PNT shall work on the basis of a national cultural policy that stems its spiritualstrength from the pluralistic history culture and heritage of palestine. http://www.pnt-pal.org/ |
59. Palestine Chronicle Main. Home. palestine. International. Art culture. Business. Editorials. Columnists.Commentary. Features. Interviews. Special Reports. Books Reviews. Letters. http://ummahnews.com/section.php?section=Art & Culture |
60. Usenet Replayer's Open Free Directory Of Soc.culture.palestine Usenet Replayer. Binary directory of the news group soc.culture.palestine fromusenetreplayer. Where you can get the newsgroup soc.culture.palestine. http://www.usenet-replayer.com/groups/soc.culture.palestine.html | |
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