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41. Paleontology And Fossils Resources paleontology in museums and Institutes in the 21st Century; The paleontologyMuseum Database; paleontology, Natural History Museum http://members.cox.net/jdmount/paleont.html | |
42. British Columbia Paleontological Alliance The Alliance strives to enhance knowledge about paleontology in the Cordillera openlines of communication among the universities, museums, government agencies http://www.cariboo.bc.ca/schs/geology/bcpa.htm | |
43. Dinosaurs, Dinosaur Museums, Colorado, Dinosaur Tours, Paleontology, Fossils, Co (*Now the Denver Museum of Nature and The Garden Park Fossil Area has been historicallyimportant in vertebrate paleontology not only for the discoveries of http://www.dinosaurdepot.com/history_p1.htm | |
44. Ocean Paleontology Bibliography Museum of paleontology. Provides links to WWW sites dealing with paleontologymuseums, Societies, List servers, Invertebrates, Vertebrates, Plants,. http://www.calacademy.org/research/library/biodiv/biblio/oceanpaleo.htm | |
45. Dinosaur Museums Grande Prairie Museum; Glenrock Paleontological Museum. paleontology Museum(South Africa); Paleontological Research Institute; Paul Sereno; http://www.boscarelli.com/dinosaur_museum.htm | |
46. Oxford Brookes - 8315 The Fossil Record The Evolution of Birds. museums with online palaeontology exhibits. General palaeontologyweb sites. The Paleonet Pages; Geological Time Scale; paleontology Links. http://www.brookes.ac.uk/geology/8315/home.html | |
47. Paleontology Careers Outside reading in paleontology and visiting museums with fossil displaysis helpful for building up knowledge of fossils themselves. http://www.priweb.org/ed/lol/careers.html | |
48. Laboratory For Vertebrate Paleontology questions. Highlights from this extraordinary collection are availablefor public discovery, exhibited in the paleontology Museum. http://www.museums.ualberta.ca/dig/naturalhist/fossils/vertpaleo/ | |
49. Paleontological Collection public. Highlights of the Collections are displayed in the PaleontologyMuseum. University of Alberta museums Home, Campus Map Tour. http://www.museums.ualberta.ca/dig/naturalhist/fossils/paleontology/ | |
50. Museums There s less paleontology on exhibit now but a lot more to experience. The CarnegieMuseum of Natural History remains historically significant while http://www.prehistoricplanet.com/features/museums/ | |
51. Charles H. Sternberg Medal For Conributions To Paleontology Charles and his sons (Charlie, George, and Levi) excavated and sold many magnificentfossil specimens to most of the paleontological museums in the world (from http://www.aaps.net/charles_h_sternberg_medal.htm | |
52. Book Marks Museums, Paleontology, Careers New Dinosaur from New Mexico PaleoNet Pages paleontology paleontologyWithout Walls Royal Tyrrell Museum of paleontology Russian Academy of http://www.lost-world.com/Lost_World03/Book01.html | |
53. Paleontology museums. Berkeley University of California at Berkeley s Museum ofpaleontology. Tyrrell Tyrrell Museum of paleontology Brachiopods http://www.umanitoba.ca/geoscience/servers/paleo.html |
54. Nearctica - Paleontology - General Links University of California at Berkeley Museum of paleontology. This encyclopediais part of the Royal Tyrrell museums paleontology web site. http://www.nearctica.com/paleo/gpaleo.htm | |
55. Paleocurrents.com - Paleo Links Colorado paleontologyRelated museums top Learning from the Fossil Record,K-12 education and exercises from UC Berkley s Museum of paleontology. http://www.paleocurrents.com/docs/links.html | |
56. LII - Results For "science Museums" University of California, Berkeley Museum of paleontology This museum, located atthe University of California, Berkeley, offers a paleontological collection http://wa.lii.org/search?searchtype=subject;query=Science museums;subsearch=Scie |
57. Inter Patagonia: Museums In Patagonia. Las Playas. Central. Austral. Español. Adventure Travel Ski Resorts Fly FishingGolf in Patagonia paleontology Regional museums Patagonian Recipes People Arts. http://www.interpatagonia.com/museos/index_i.html?idcorredor=4 |
58. Geology And Paleontology Museum The collections of the Natural History Museum provided material for the establishmentof the University museums of paleontology and Geology, Mineralogy and http://www.geol.uoa.gr/PalMuseum.htm | |
59. The Paleontological Society museums. Want to know more about paleontology? Then check out the marvelous WWWserver of the University of California Berkeley Museum of paleontology. http://www.paleosoc.org/links.html | |
60. BIOSIS | Resource Guide | Natural History Museums History Museum of Vertebrate Zoology (MVZ) UCMP Berkeley Pacific Grove Museum ofNatural History Monterey Raymond M. Alf Museum of paleontology Claremont San http://www.biosis.org.uk/zrdocs/zoolinfo/nh_mus.htm | |
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