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61. Paleontology paleontology, paleontology@groups.msn.com, What s New, Join Now. Message Board.Pictures. Documents. Chat Room. Tools. general Baby Bones Back in Bynum, ViewAll http://groups.msn.com/Paleontology/general.msnw?action=get_message&mview=1&ID_Me |
62. Jack's Stacks: November 1993 of The Treatise on Invertebrate paleontology.My subject for this month s edition is a book, if you can call......general http://drydredgers.org/jack9311.htm | |
63. Ecampus.com - 0691058636 - The First Fossil Hunters Paleontology Tell A Friend, The First Fossil Hunters paleontology in Greek and Roman TimesAuthor(s) Mayor, Adrienne ISBN 0691058636 Format Hardcover Pub. http://www.ecampus.com/category.asp?cat1=Science&cat2=Paleontology&cat3=General |
64. Jere Lipp Editorial Issue 2 When television, magazines, newspapers, books or movies misrepresent paleontology(or science in general), we should respond with the facts and proper http://palaeo-electronica.org/1998_2/editor/jere_ed.htm | |
65. ISGS Earth Science Resource Links paleontology Links general Links. Evolution entrance to the Universityof California Museum of paleontology, Berkeley. Fossil Images http://www.isgs.uiuc.edu/earthsci/paleo-general.htm | |
66. Paleontology Undergraduate Students a beginning course in paleontology entitled Prehistoric Life DNA to Dinosaurs. Thiscourse fulfills the biology part of the general distribution requirements http://www.ku.edu/~paleo/geo/undergrad.html | |
67. Search Them All - Paleontology general paleontology. The Geological Time Scale. .. general paleontology Sitescovering paleontology in general or with a broad spectrum members.aol.com. http://www.search-them-all.com/cgi/search/smartsearch.cgi?keywords=paleontology& |
68. Webres SCIE 639 general resources on the web. paleontology, Evolution, Computers.return to syllabus. Plate tectonic animations on the web. http://ethomas.web.wesleyan.edu/scie639/webres.htm | |
69. University Of Oregon Libraries: Science Library Otorhinolaryngology (ear, nose, throat), RF. P back to top. Paleobotany, QE901996.5.paleontology (general), QE701-766. paleontology, Invertebrate, QE767-840. http://libweb.uoregon.edu/scilib/handouts/call_nums_index.html | |
70. Oklahoma Geology And Paleontology general Oklahoma paleontology Interest. Interesting Paleontological Facts AboutOklahoma. Invertebrate Fossils of Oklahoma. Vertebrate Fossils of Oklahoma. http://www.freewebz.com/oklahomarocks/ | |
71. AktuellPartD Part D Journals, general geology and paleontology D. Journals, general geology paleontology D1. Eclogae geologicae Helvetiae, vol. 66 (1973) to vol. http://www.nmb.bs.ch/NaturmuseumBasel/LinksNMB/Aktuelles/APartD.html | |
72. MCM CyberMines - Paleontology Literature general literature on paleontology De grote encyclopedie der Fossielen (Dutch)Authors Vojtech Turek, Jaroslav Marek and Josef Benes Published by REBO http://www.xs4all.nl/~thebeal/PALEONTOLOGY/pal_g50.htm | |
73. DLESE Find A Resource > Subject: Paleontology Full description. This resource is in these collections Starting Point. Gradelevel general public. Resource type Ref. material. Subject paleontology. http://www.dlese.org/dds/browse_su_0n.htm | |
74. DLESE Find A Resource > Subject: Paleontology collections DLESE Community Collection (DCC). Grade level general public.Resource type Ref. material. Subject Geology , paleontology. http://www.dlese.org/dds/browse_su_0n-90.htm | |
75. Dinosaurs And Paleontology 1999 A twovolume encyclopedia to all areas of paleontology, including dinosaurs. appendixof paleontological journals, a taxonomic index, a general index, and http://www.gwu.edu/gelman/guides/sciences/dinosaurs.html | |
76. International Agriculture: Brazil-US Consortium In Agroecology 02215 Paleoecology and paleontology. general concepts. Paleoenvironments and themain fossils of Archaic Brazil, the Paleozoic Era and the Cenozoic Era. http://www.uga.edu/int-ag/classes-pernambuco.html | |
77. Dinosaur Paleontology Although the unit focuses on one particular group of organisms, it can serveas an introduction to the more general methods of paleontology. http://www.accessexcellence.org/AE/AEC/AEF/1995/stefanski_dinosaur.html | |
78. Earth Science And Paleontology devoted primarily to the promotion of paleontology, Paleoanthropology, PrehistoricArchaeology, The Evolution of Behavior, and Evolutionary Biology in general. http://www.towson.edu/csme/mctp/Technology/EarthScience.html | |
79. Pioneer Trails Regional Museum Paleontology Department are open to the general public allowing interested individuals the ability to takepart in our activities. This opportunity to join our paleontology crew gives http://www.ptrm.org/paleo.html | |
80. Science, Earth Sciences, Paleontology, Education: College And University Classes on paleontology in general, the history of life, and dinosaurs at the collegeor university level vary from general interest courses to highly advanced http://www.combose.com/Science/Earth_Sciences/Paleontology/Education/College_and | |
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