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1. ScienceWeb Daily News - Paleontology And Evolution paleontology and evolution News McMaster Geologists Discover Lost Worldof Homo Erectus (Wednesday, December 18th) paleontology;evolution. http://www.scienceweb.org/can/field/paleo/paleontologynews.html | |
2. Paleontology And Evolution, Geophysical Sciences In addition, we have an active community of evolutionary biologists, taxonomistsand paleontologists elsewhere on campus and at the nearby Field Museum of http://geosci.uchicago.edu/research/paleo.html |
3. Evolution: Glossary in vertebrates and cephalopod mollusks). convergent evolution The evolution of species from different taxonomic groups Author of two books on paleontology for young people http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/evolution/library/glossary | |
4. Geological Society Of America - Secondary Resources - Paleontology & Evolution Secondary paleontology evolution. Some evolution entrance to the Universityof California Museum of paleontology, Berkeley. members http://www.geosociety.org/educate/resources/s_paleo.htm | |
5. Journal Of Dinosaur Paleontology Bird metacarpal homology. Article critiquing claims that avian digits are 2 3 4. Paul's comments about Feduccia's bird digit paper. The problems with The Origin and evolution of Birds. Discussion http://www.dinosauria.com/jdp/jdp.htm | |
6. Understanding Evolution Home For teachers at all grade and experience levels teach evolution. Created by the University of California Museum of paleontology. http://evolution.berkeley.edu | |
7. SAPE WELCOME Society of Avian paleontology and evolution. http://www.nrm.se/ve/birds/sape/sape001.html.en | |
8. Nearctica The Natural History Of North America Comprehensive site including education, natural history, conservation, environment, ecology, evolution, geology, paleontology, and systematics. http://www.nearctica.com/ | |
9. University Of California, Berkeley Museum Of Paleontology Exhibit University of California, Berkeley Museum of paleontology Exhibit Halls evolution Wing This online museum exhibit traces evolutionary thought as it has developed over time, considering the http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/history/evolution. |
10. Phylogeny Entrance University of California Museum of paleontology virtual exhibit explores the relationship of phylogeny and evolution. http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/exhibit/phylogeny.html | |
11. ScienceWeb: Student Pages On Geology, Paleontology And Evolution Student Geology, paleontology and evolution Pages. United TownshipHigh School Geology class, East Moline, Illinois. http://www.scienceweb.org/burgess/bstudent.html | |
12. Institute Of Systematics And Evolution Of Animals, Polish Academy Of Sciences, C The main task of the Institute are researches devoted to different aspects of animal systematics, paleontology, faunistics, and cytology. All scientific projects carried out in the Institute's departments are focused on three main disciplines zoology of vertebrates, zoology of invertebrates and experimental zoology. http://www.isez.pan.krakow.pl |
13. The Center For Functional Anatomy And Evolution At JHU Ph.D. program specializing in vertebrate paleobiology, phylogenetic systematics, biomechanics, morphometrics, and paleontology. http://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/FAE/fae.html | |
14. Nat'l Academies Press: Tempo And Mode In Evolution: Genetics And Paleontology 50 Genetics and paleontology 50 Years After Simpson. Walter M. Fitch and Francisco J. Ayala, Editors, for the National Academy of Sciences. The full text is available here. http://books.nap.edu/catalog/4910.html | |
15. Dinosauria On-Line A tool for researching dinosaurs. Contains the Journal of Dinosaur paleontology, a collection of essays and email discussions whose topics range from what Archaeopteryx used its wings for, to evolution. http://www.dinosauria.com/ | |
16. Ten Spider Enterprises — Page Not Found Redirect Topic Thread Technology Science ». paleontology evolution. Recommended Fossils, Paleoclimatology paleontology evolution. The world today has become one in which technology http://www.tenspider.com/Tech/T3_Tech_Paleontology.html | |
17. Research - The Department Of The Geophysical Sciences Home Research paleontology and evolution paleontology and evolutionThe Department of the Geophysical Sciences at the University http://geosci.uchicago.edu/research/paleo_evo.shtml | |
18. SVP Statement On Evolution On evolution. A statement by The Society of Vertebrate paleontology. The fossil record of paleontology relies for its evidence on two different but historically related fields http://www.vertpaleo.org/policy/policy_statement_evolution.html | |
19. Vertebrate Paleontology And Evolution - EvoWiki Vertebrate paleontology and evolution. From EvoWiki, the evolution EducationWiki. Robert Lynn Carroll, Vertebrate paleontology and evolution. http://wiki.cotch.net/wiki.phtml?title=Vertebrate_Paleontology_and_Evolution |
20. Evolution Entrance Evolutionary topics and scientists in their historical context from Museum of paleontology, UC-Berkeley. http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/history/evolution.html | |
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