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21. TRAVEL.com ® ... Regional:Oceania:Palau:Society And Culture Top regional Oceania palau Society and Culture Detailed information on theMicronesian nation of palau including the history, geography and http://www.travel.com/Regional/Oceania/Palau/Society_and_Culture/ | |
22. History Of Fruit Fly Projects In The Pacific 1990-2000 Fopius arisanus is established in palau and Pohnpei 2.1.5 Subregional training onfruit fly http://www.spc.org.nc/pacifly/Project_docs/PMP_FFM_Six_Monthly_Reports.htm |
23. Wauu.DE: Regional: Oceania: Palau: Society And Culture Personal Pages (2). Links URL hinzufügen. Jane s palau Detailed information onthe Micronesian nation of palau including the history, geography and the people. http://www.wauu.de/Regional/Oceania/Palau/Society_and_Culture/ | |
24. Wauu.DE: Regional: Oceania: Palau: Maps And Views Translate this page http//www.lib.utexas.edu/maps/palau.html. Sonsorol Island An indepth studyof Sonsorol island including history, maps and over 400 photos. http://www.wauu.de/Regional/Oceania/Palau/Maps_and_Views/ | |
25. Regional Sites P Q. Isle of Pabay Stamps (Dick Sine and Jeff Harris - United Kingdom). palau(John London - United States). The Romanian Postal history Page - regional. http://www.wardrop.co.uk/regional.htm | |
26. LookSmart - Directory - Guides And Reference For The Palau Islands Islands Uncover details related to the history and geography Fund describes the positionof palau with the shares statements and reports on the regional economy http://search.looksmart.com/p/browse/us1/us317916/us559898/us560003/us560011/us2 | |
27. :: Ez2Find :: Travel And Tourism regional Oceania Travel and Tourism (16) Info Translate - Open New WindowIncludes history, news, maps Sonsorol Island in the Southwest Group of palau. http://ez2find.com/cgi-bin/directory/meta/search.pl/Regional/Oceania/Palau/Trave | |
28. Micronesia palau and the Marshall Islands voted to remain independent and have established Formore general and regional information on Micronesia, go to history. Nature. http://www.pacificislandtravel.com/micronesia/introduction.html | |
29. About The Country history. In Guam, palau and Saipan you can sample a variety of cuisine including American,Japanese For more general and regional information on Micronesia, go to http://www.pacificislandtravel.com/micronesia/about_destin/about_country.html | |
30. LocalPin - Palau Category. Category All regional Jane s palau Detailed information on the Micronesiannation of palau including the history, geography and the people. http://www.localpin.com/static/loc/palau.htm | |
31. Palau National Olympic Commitee of Mr. Lency Tenai, International Tennis Federation (ITF) regional Development Officer. Inanother history making movement of palau, Ms. Temengil was http://www.oceaniasport.com/palau/index.cgi?sID=14 |
32. Palau/Economy - Encyclopedia Article About Palau/Economy. Free Access, No Regist The history of East Asia, as well as parts of earned $67 million in foreign exchangefor palau in 1996 in 1998 and 1999 due to the regional economic downturn http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Palau/Economy | |
33. History Of Oman - Encyclopedia Article About History Of Oman. Free Access, No Re Oman has concerns with regional stability and security, given tensions in enc.) historyof Pakistani popular culture (enc.) history of palau (enc.) history http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/History of Oman | |
34. FEMA: Region IX Disaster History regional Partners. Region IX Disaster history. States of Micronesia Guam Hawaii Marshall Islands Nevada Northern Mariana Islands palau US Minor http://www.fema.gov/regions/ix/disasters_region9.fema | |
35. Any Search Info - Directory Regional Oceania Palau Maps And Views regional Oceania Maps and Views 8, url www.lib.utexas.edu/maps/palau.html. SonsorolIsland An indepth study of Sonsorol island including history, maps and http://search-info.com/search/engine/index/Regional/Oceania/Palau/Maps_and_Views | |
36. Any Search Info - Directory Regional Oceania Palau Society And Culture regional Oceania palau Society and Culture 5, Directory Home. on the Micronesiannation of palau including the history, geography and the people http://search-info.com/search/engine/index/Regional/Oceania/Palau/Society_and_Cu | |
37. GlobalEDGE (TM) | Country Insights - History Of Palau history. palau was initially settled more than 4,000 years ago, probably by migrantsfrom what today is Indonesia. additional resources. palau NEWS. regional PAGE. http://globaledge.msu.edu/ibrd/CountryHistory.asp?CountryID=161&RegionID=6 |
38. GlobalEDGE (TM) | International Business Resource Desk - Regional/Country Specif Japan, an overview of Japan s regional transportation infrastructure information suchas geography, history and government palau palau Net palau Net is the web http://globaledge.msu.edu/ibrd/busresmain.asp?ResourceCategoryID=6 |
39. Books / History / Australia & Oceania / Other (Kiribati, Micronesia, Nauru, Pala World War II Wrecks of palau Dan E. Bailey history of the Tonga Chiefs and Their Peoplein the American University Studies, Series 21 regional Studies, Vol 12 http://www.bookmag.com/books/history/112.html |
40. Record Information Authors/Title Title Live reef fisheries of palau history and prospectsfor management. Countries/Regions South Pacific regional. http://www.dec.org/search/content.cfm?rec_no=114863 |
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