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Palau Culture: more detail | ||
1. Palau Culture | Lonely Planet World Guide palau culture. The people of Belau, as the islanders call their homeland,may appear to be among the most Westernized of all Micronesians http://www.lonelyplanet.com/destinations/pacific/palau/culture.htm | |
2. Fish N Fins- Palau Palau National Communications Corporation palau culture Web Page. Palau National Communications Corporation- Palau Legends Web Page. Palau Visitors Authority- palau culture Web Page http://www.fishnfins.com/palau.html |
3. Palau Culture - Palau Hotels - TravelMart Although in the past few decades, Palau has adapted to an international economy,Palauans for the most part strongly identify with their traditional culture. http://www.travelmart.net/hotels/palau/culture.html | |
4. Search: - Info.co.uk Results for Palau from Info.co.uk metasearch. Find better search results from the Web, Yellow Pages and White Pages quickly and easily! Palau. Information On Palau. palau culture. Palau Islands . http://dpxml.infospace.com/infocom.uk/results?otmpl=dog/webresults.htm&qkw=P |
5. Palau Culture Magellan s Travel Supplies, USA The World. Send Email EducationDoctor,Palau Country Map, Free items from the Pacific Collection. The http://www.davchi2000.addr.com/palau.html | |
6. WorldRover - Culture Of Palau Culture of Palau. palau culture and History Books. CitySearch.com Findin-depth local information for major cities around the world. http://www.worldrover.com/culture/Palau.html | |
7. Palau Culture / History Tours InfoHub.com. palau culture / History Tours. Hi. Welcome to the Culture / HistoryTours page. Welcome to the enzuz.com palau culture / History Tours. http://enzuz.com/directory/Palau/7.shtml | |
8. Kids And Teens, School Time, Social Studies, World Cultures, Oceania: Palau Peacecorps Palau Brief information of geography, economy, government,and culture. World palau culture for kids and teens. Help http://www.combose.com/Kids_and_Teens/School_Time/Social_Studies/World_Cultures/ | |
9. The Contemporary Pacific - Political Review - Palau - March 2, 2004 They make up the Fuworld Development Corporation, whichis, they claim, sponsoredby the Republic of Chinapalau culture, Economic, and Trade Interchange | |
10. Te Puna Web Directory > Pacific > Regional > Palau > General And Reference General and Reference@. Experience the wonders of Palau Presents information forvisitors to palau culture; nature; activities; diving; and accommodation. http://webdirectory.natlib.govt.nz/dir/en/pacific/regional/palau/general-and-ref | |
11. Te Puna Web Directory > Pacific > Regional > Palau > Recreation See also Recreation@. Experience the wonders of Palau Presents information forvisitors to palau culture; nature; activities; diving; and accommodation. http://webdirectory.natlib.govt.nz/dir/en/pacific/regional/palau/recreation/ | |
12. WISE NC; PALAU: NUCLEAR-FREE CHARTER UNDER THREAT Sumang In our palau culture, it is the women who have responsibilityfor preserving the land for generations still to come. So http://www.antenna.nl/wise/414/4102.html | |
13. Republic Of Palau Ministry Of Education culture and History. Ethnologue palauLanguages, local links. Medieval palau European Modern palau Post-WWII. palau - culture and History. palau History. palau History - Lonely http://www.pacificls.com/MOE/links.htm | |
14. Peace Corps Brief information of geography, economy, government, and culture. http://www.peacecorps.gov/countries/palau/culture.cfm |
15. Palau Visitors Authority Diving in palau. One of the Underwater Wonders of the World. Museums. Learn more about palauan culture, history and the arts through impressive exhibits showcased at muse May 24, 2004 Underwater http://www.visit-palau.com/ | |
16. Lonely Planet World Guide | Destination Palau back to top. Further Reading. Mandy Thyssen s comprehensive The palau Islandsgives a good understanding of the islands history and culture. http://www.lonelyplanet.com/destinations/pacific/palau/printable.htm | |
17. Spending Time On PALAU With a rich culture meeting the changing times in paradise, palau offers the adventuroustraveler a grand variety of things to do and see above sea level. http://www.samstours.com/fareast.html | |
18. Palau Links And Reading Recommendations A collection of links and recommended reading about palau, from the author of 'Law Clerk on Gilligan's Island.' information about palau's culture, history, etc. Pricey though around $60 http://www.stuffedwombat.com/palaulinks.html | |
19. Palau Visitors Authority - About Palau Although in the past few decades, palau has adapted to an international economy,palauans for the most part strongly identify with their traditional culture. http://www.visit-palau.com/aboutpalau/culture.html | |
20. Palau - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia instead of palauan. In Angaur, Japanese is also official. culture. Mainarticle culture of palau Music of palau. Miscellaneous topics. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palau | |
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