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Pakistani Asian Americans: more detail | |||||||||||||
81. APAICS Fellowships Honda (CA), incoming Chair of the Congressional asian Pacific American Caucus, wherehe Mr. Khan was also active in the pakistani Student Association http://www.apaics.org/apaics_fellow.html | |
82. Asian American Coalition 2003 News Release service awards, given to one winner from each participating asian American community,Chinese, Korean, Indonesian, Indian, pakistani, Filipino, Japanese, Thai http://www.pcschicago.org/aa/2003/nr.htm | |
83. Asian American Studies - Spring 2002 SEMINAR ON ADVANCED TOPICS IN asian AMERICAN STUDIES ISLAM IN AMERICA (4 We spendconsiderable time on the African American, Indopakistani, and Arab http://ist-socrates.berkeley.edu/~ethnicst/aas/aass04.html |
84. List Of Organizations Pariwar Maharashtra Mandal of Atlanta Matiya Samaj of Southeast USA NAAAP Atlanta(asian-American Professionals) Pak - Atlanta pakistani American Society of http://www.unc.edu/~sramey/org.htm | |
85. Asian American Legal Defense And Education Fund - AALDEF: Press Releases The asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund (AALDEF) reminded male aliens whoare of North Korean, Indonesian, Bangladeshi and pakistani origin that http://www.aaldef.org/press.html | |
86. Asian & Pacific Islander Institute On Domestic Violence American Sociological Association (ASA). Keywords API/S asian/DV/Inst. Adam, NM(2000). Domestic violence against women within immigrant Indian and pakistani http://www.apiahf.org/apidvinstitute/ResearchAndPolicy/bibliographies_a.htm | |
87. South Asians In The Melting Pot - Joshua Kurlantzick, South Asians In The Meltin Still, despite this brutal combination of obstacles, some South Asians believedthe recent travails actually might unite pakistani americans, Indian americans http://www.worldandi.com/specialreport/2002/november/Sa22691.htm | |
88. Rediff On The NeT: Saying Sayonara To Asian America China, for example, practically created the pakistani missile and nuclear programs.The fuzziness of an asian American identity prevents us from influencing US http://www.rediff.com/news/1999/may/17us.htm | |
89. Asian American Studies Program At The University Of Illinois At Urbana-Champaign Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs, Syrian Christians, and South asian Jews). Illustrating thegrowing sense of shared identity here in America, pakistani and Indian cab http://www.aasp.uiuc.edu/news/events2002-2003.html | |
90. Asian American Coalition Committee @ The University Of Illinois, Chicago Son the Fanatic (pakistani) at 300PM will look at religion and family issues. Thefilm series matches with UIC s theme of this year s asian American Awareness http://www2.uic.edu/stud_orgs/pol/aacc/pr/pr2002-0115.html | |
91. Asian American Net : Article any persons and cited incidents of violence against Arab, Muslim, Indian, and PakistaniAmericans. in the World Trade Center were of Arab, asian, and Pacific http://www.asianamerican.net/whitehouse1.html | |
92. Resource Guide : Historical Society Of Pennsylvania Three pakistani American women on marriage and relationships in Los Angeles. AsianCineVision Indian American wants to have her nose pierced in New York s East http://www.hsp.org/default.aspx?id=108 |
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