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81. Pakistan Books, Pakistan History (book Reviews) Sabine Felmy The Voice of the Nightingale A Personal Account of Wakhi culture in Hunza; J. Hussain A History of the Peoples of pakistan Towards Independence; http://dannyreviews.com/s/Pakistan.html | |
82. P.A.K.I.S.T.A.N. - European/Western Culture BaluchistaN. pakistan s European / Western culture Extracts from `pakistan or PastanDestiny or Disintegration , 1950 by CR.Ali From http://www.khyber.demon.co.uk/history/pakistan/european.htm | |
83. 1Up Travel : Pakistan - History And Culture Of Pakistan. pakistan History and culture. History In ancient times the area that now comprises pakistan marked the farthest reaches of the conquests of Alexander the Great. http://www.1uptravel.com/international/asia/pakistan/history-culture.html | |
84. PAKISTAN DIRECTORY Society And Culture pakistan DIRECTORY Society and culture. Lyprinol Allnatural relief for pain and inflammation, with no side effects. American Passport http://topsitenet.com/misc./southasia/3796/ |
85. PAKISTAN DIRECTORY Society And Culture pakistan DIRECTORY Society and culture. Grand Master Navigator Mau Piailug Society Learn about the nonprofit Mau Piailug Society http://topsitenet.com/cgi-bin/in.cgi?listid=3796&siteid=1 |
86. Redhotcurry.com - Culture, Pakistan culture. The pleasures of pakistan are old Buddhist monuments, Hindu temples, Islamic palaces, tombs and pleasure grounds, and widely spaced AngloMogul Gothic http://www.redhotcurry.com/culture/pakistan_p2.htm | |
87. Redhotcurry.com - Culture, Detailed Country Profile Of Pakistan culture. culture pakistan. http://www.redhotcurry.com/culture/pakistan.htm | |
88. 3k. Separation: India And Pakistan [Beyond Books - Culture And Geography] Program Contents Page. http://www.beyondbooks.com/wcu91/3k.asp | |
89. ABCNEWS.com : Corruption, Veiled Threats In Pakistan culture Clashes. pakistani Life Pits Citizens vs. we will talk, we will throw them out, we will seal their shops. But nothing s going to happen in pakistan. . http://abcnews.go.com/sections/Nightline/World/pakistan_corruption031026-1.html | |
90. Social Pages - Underground - Tribal Culture In Pakistan The Tribal culture in pakistan The Victims of Love, Be the first to know about SP website updates. http://www.socialpages.com.pk/107/underground.asp | |
91. Pakistan Facts - Turning Pakistani Culture Upside Down Indeed, pakistan?s culture has turned upside down and pakistan needs some one who can turn this culture downside up by taking care of generals who illegally http://www.pakistan-facts.com/article.php/20031019101137532 | |
92. Philadelphia Inquirer 11/21/2002 Culture And Conflict In About 3,000 people attended the rally. More photos culture and conflict in pakistan. By Peter Tobia Inquirer Staff Photographer. http://www.philly.com/mld/inquirer/news/photos/4574017.htm |
93. Haseeb Saleem Net Cafe Culture In Pakistan destroy yourself. It s eating me up inside! . Cosmo Kramer, in The Nose Job. Monday, May 10, 2004. Net Cafe culture in pakistan. A month http://haseebsaleem.id.au/2004/05/net-cafe-culture-in-pakistan.html |
94. [soc.culture.pakistan] FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS FAQ soc.culture.pakistan FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS. The proposed subsgroups will focus on specific topics on pakistan and pakistani culture. http://www.non.com/news.answers/pakistan-faq.html | |
95. India - Pakistan Talks, November 12, 1998 today, we proposed detailed and practical suggestions in the field of Art and culture, Youth Affairs, Sports, Information and Media. The pakistan side informed http://www.indianembassy.org/South_Asia/Pakistan/Culture(Press-Nov121998).htm | |
96. Regional, Asia, Pakistan: Society And Culture pakistanis Contains articles on human development, people, land and culture of pakistan. Sirat-E-pakistan - Contains information on history and culture. http://www.combose.com/Regional/Asia/Pakistan/Society_and_Culture/ | |
97. Can Musharraf Reform Jihadi Culture? | Csmonitor.com Can Musharraf reform jihadi culture? pakistan s president is trying to quell militancy while avoiding a backlash. By Elizabeth Rubin http://www.csmonitor.com/2002/0124/p08s01-wosc.html | |
98. News/Features | PakistanÂs Slave Trade Indentured servitude is not only legal but ubiquitous in pakistan, and servant culture thrives the wealthy can have a driver, three maids, a cook, and a night http://www.bostonphoenix.com/boston/news_features/top/features/documents/0216180 | |
99. Newsgroups Available Under Soc.culture.pakistan Newsgroups available under soc.culture.pakistan. Back to top level soc.culture.pakistan Topics of discussion about pakistan. http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/Newspages/soc.culture.pakistan.html | |
100. INCORE: Conflict Data Service: Internet Country Guides: Pakistan Usenet newsgroup; soc.culture.pakistan This newsgroup is divided into several different newsgroups, among them; soc.culture.pakistan.politics (political http://www.incore.ulst.ac.uk/cds/countries/pakistan.html | |
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