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21. Pakistan: UNESCO Secteur De La Culture provided financial assistance for making their both ends meet and for their medical treatment from pakistan culture, Art and Sports Relief Fund of M/o Culture. http://portal.unesco.org/culture/fr/ev.php@URL_ID=19411&URL_DO=DO_TOPIC&URL_SECT | |
22. Pakistan Embassy Oman Beautiful Pictures. Great People To Fly PIA. pakistan culture. pakistan culture Heritage. Wedding Art of Mehndi. Fashions in Pakistan. Pakistan Fashion Industry. http://www.geocities.com/pakembassyoman/pakistanlinks.htm | |
23. Pakistan History & Pakistan Culture | IExplore Pakistan History. Pakistan Trip Search. See Trips to Pakistan. Pakistan Travel Experts. Meet our South and Southeast Asia expert Rosemary Burki. http://roughguides.iexplore.com/dmap/Pakistan/History | |
24. YesPakistan.com --- Organization Info Organization s Name pakistan culture Scociety, Stuttgart Germany Nature of Organization Human Development, Educational Cultural, Street Address Im Degen http://www.yespakistan.com/directory/display.asp?ID=165 |
25. Pakistan Culture Pakistan is a new country, but an ancient land. A sophisticated urban civilization flourished along the banks of River Indus 5000 years ago. http://www.d8net.org/members/culture/culture.asp?id=7 |
26. Pakistan's Jihad Culture pakistan's Jihad culture. By Jessica Stern. Foreign Affairs (November/December 2000). FREE AGENTS. This spring the U.S. State Department reported that South Asia has replaced the Middle East as the http://ksghome.harvard.edu/~.jstern.CSIA.KSG/pakistan.htm | |
27. Travel And Culture Services PAKISTAN Complete travel guide to pakistan Lot of links HOTELS TOUR information over 250 pages IF YOU WANT TO KNOW ABOUT pakistan VISIT THIS SITE ONLY browse this site or search for any specific information on pakistan. You will find everything you need here on all areas of pakistan. Travel culture Services is a full http://tours.hypermart.net/ | |
28. Pakistan History List of history and culture related sites. http://www.clas.ufl.edu/users/gthursby/pak/history.htm | |
29. India & Pakistan On INDIAPAKISTAN.COM TWO COUNTRIES BUT SAME CULTURE www.indiapakistan.com An exclusive site on India and pakistan Two nations with same culture. Home Page. About India. About pakistan. President of India. President of pakistan. Guest Book provide information on India and pakistan in one place, so you can http://www.indiapakistan.com/ | |
30. Sirat-E-Pakistan Contains information on history and culture. Also offers information about Pakistani student organizations in USA and UK. http://www.rpi.edu/dept/union/paksa/ | |
31. [soc.culture.pakistan] FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS soc.culture.pakistan FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS. There are reader questions on this topic! Help others by sharing your knowledge. From mughal@alumni.caltech.edu ( http://www.cis.ohio-state.edu/hypertext/faq/usenet/pakistan-faq/faq.html | |
32. BBC NEWS | In Depth | Islamic World | Pakistan's 'culture Of Jihad' Monday, 5 August, 2002, 1603 GMT 1703 UK pakistan s culture of Jihad . There is widespread support for the Taleban and alQaeda. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/in_depth/world/2002/islamic_world/2173818.stm | |
33. BBC NEWS | In Depth | Islamic World | Pakistan's 'culture Of Jihad' Point Monday, 5 August, 2002, 1603 GMT 1703 UK pakistan s culture of Jihad . By Roger Hardy Islamic affairs analyst. BBC Islamic http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/low/in_depth/world/2002/islamic_world/2173818.stm | |
34. Pakistan Travel | Lonely Planet World Guide Facts for travellers, attractions, events, culture, history and map. http://www.lonelyplanet.com/destinations/indian_subcontinent/pakistan | |
35. MapZones.com Culture An anonymous pakistani writer has said that three things symbolized pakistan s material culture in the 1990s videocassette recorders (for playing Hindi films http://www.mapzones.com/world/asia/pakistan/cultureindex.php | |
36. Welcome To Pakistan Review Online News Magazine An online magazine with news and information about the people, sports, culture, media, government, health and tourism in pakistan. http://pakistanreview.itborn.com/ | |
37. Pakistan : Society And Culture pakistan Society and culture, pakistan Society and culture homepage, pakistan Society and culture web, pakistan Society and culture net, information http://search.asiaco.com/Pakistan/Society_and_Culture/ | |
38. Pakistan::Le Site Des Pakistanaises Et Pakistanais De France Et D'ailleurs Plateforme d'©change et de partage de la double culture de la communaut© d'origine pakistanaise en France histoire et culture du pakistan, le cin©ma indien et pakistanais, la cuisine et un chat. http://www.pakis-tan.com | |
39. Culture Without Context: Issue 3, Recording And Preserving Gandhara's Cultural H Article in culture Without Context by Robin Coningham and Ihsan Ali, describing the history of archaeological looting in the Gandhara region of pakistan. http://www.mcdonald.cam.ac.uk/IARC/cwoc/issue3/Gandhara.htm | |
40. Embassy Of Bosnia And Herzegovina Embassy of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the Islamic Republic of pakistan, with information on visas, history, culture and people. http://www.bosnianembassypakistan.org/ | |
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