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21. USA WEEKEND Magazine to experience a unique opportunity to motivate, inspire and teach. (May 2002) Download classroom guides for to help students come up with project ideas, how to http://www.usaweekend.com/classroom/ | |
22. The Access Excellence Teachers' Lounge - Internet In The Classroom instant language translation, collaborative project ideas, online lesson more information on ePALS classroom Exchange, visit just want me to teach the students http://www.accessexcellence.org/ae-bin/webx.cgi?50@246.q09da5j5xXT^0@.ee6be81 |
23. Roots & Shoots - The Jane Goodall Institute bring Roots Shoots into your classroom, afterschool a new and fun way to teach the alphabet audiotapes, cultural artifacts and Roots Shoots project ideas. http://www.rootsandshoots.org/in-schools/lesson-plans/default.asp | |
24. Intel Education: Unit & Project Plans Find project ideas from a collection of exemplary unit Authentic project work puts students in the ll find models of meaningful classroom projects along with http://www.intel.com/education/unitplans/ | |
25. Internet Sites Supporting Project Based Teaching AndLearning Curriculum This resource page includes project-based units curriculum integration links and ideas, and teacher tours to the best of classroom-appropriate Web http://www.internet4classrooms.com/project.htm | |
26. On-Line Technology Practice Modules - PowerPoint Download free PowerPoint templates, get ideas for better Use these in your classroom only. Internet4classrooms is a collaborative project developed by Susan http://www.internet4classrooms.com/on-line_powerpoint.htm | |
27. Technology Curriculum Integration Ideas! or see any other ideas and would like to see these ideas or others demonstrated (or teamtaught) in your classroom collected, and more. teach algebraic formulas from real-life http://www.remc11.k12.mi.us/bcisd/classres/intideas.htm | |
28. The Ultimate Science Fair Resource - Ideas, Information, Help, Links And Project Welcome to the Web's most comprehensive site for students on science fair, updated March 17, 2004. Inside, you will find ideas for projects, stepby-step project instructions, links to other project Steps. project Hints. Writing Reports and BS in Physics. I teach at a private University (See if Looking for More Great project ideas? Scientific American's The Amateur http://www.scifair.org/ | |
29. Classroom Project Room Free Projects from seven differenct curriculum areas, updated monthly! Free classroom Projects from seven different curriculum areas! Modified 3/1/04. Mother's Day ideas. Modified 3/1 Modified 3/1/04. Bulletin Board ideas. Grab Bag Room http://www.edumart.com/teachers/projects | |
30. Project Ideas ideas for Integration project. classroom Integration Information. " How can I integrate the Internet into my classroom?" The following site provides numerous links to classroom integration resources http://scilnet.fortlewis.edu/edtech/project_ideas.htm | |
31. Integrate The Internet Into Your Classroom classroom Connect ideas for Creating Your First Internet project http//connectedteacher.classroom.com/newsletter/firstproj.asp. http://www.kathimitchell.com/integrate.html | |
32. Page 2 Literacy Centers, Lovetoteach time that most of our classroom projects are constructed. wishes to volunteer in the classroom, this is Approach. Can teach Literacy Center ideas. teaching Heart http://lovetoteach.homestead.com/LiteracyCenterLinks.html | |
33. Gifted In The Regular Classroom what s known, you can focus your project ideas on what project based learning is one of the best ways to organize activities in your classroom to ensure http://specialed.about.com/cs/teacherstrategies/a/pbl.htm | |
34. Great Ideas For Teaching Accounting System of Special Journals / Subsidiary Ledgers classroom Technique to Management Accounting ideas. Group Exam Using a Budgeting project Managerial Accounting http://www.swcollege.com/vircomm/gita/gita_main.html |
35. Classroom/Project Management Ideas Editors; Directorresponsible for getting idea(s) to Build a classroom culture of mutual support. Build the year, culminating in major project incorporating all http://district.sbschools.net/ite/video/project_mgmt.htm | |
36. Video Conference work collaboratively, and integrate their new ideas in making Suggestions The cost of this project is very little and it can be done easily in the classroom. http://www.marshall-es.marshall.k12.tn.us/jobe/vcsuggest.html | |
37. ProTeacher! Teaching Practices For Elementary School Teachers In Grades K-6 Incl to consider when assigning a product as a project. the benefits of wait time in the classroom source. Some Quickies on What Works Quick ideas for effective http://www.proteacher.com/020000.shtml | |
38. Online Poetry Classroom The Online Poetry classroom (OPC) project. the free monthly email newsletter, Online Poetry classroom Bulletin, to a space for teachers to share ideas and seek http://www.onlinepoetryclassroom.org/ | |
39. Project Ideas American native English teachers to teach not only about Lps50 million ($2.9 million) for the project. used chairs/desks, money to build classrooms, books, and http://www.projecthonduras.com/projectspage.htm | |
40. Projects News projects. RAFT ideas Organized by subject and grade level, find detailed, hands-on projects to use in any project-based classroom. The http://members.tripod.com/exworthy/projects.htm | |
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