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41. Cry Of The Heart Ministries 2. The orma People The orma s are nomadic. to use the beads as well as material indigenous to their and it was a great opportunity to relate with the people. http://www.cryoftheheart.org/africa2k3.html | |
42. The Oromo People And Oromia originated from his reference to the people as orma or Oroma. areas are already eroded and over populated, people are gradually are indigenous to this area. http://www.oromo.org/osg/oromo.htm |
43. Kenya-Country Information This group includes the Somali, orma, Rendille, and Protestants 38% Catholics 28% indigenous religions 26 The remainder of KenyaÂs people are mainly http://kabiza.com/Kenya-Country-Information.htm | |
44. The Nation's What's On Guide ii) The Pokomo and orma These people came from the These two groups are the indigenous people of Lamu having lived culture that is the pride of Lamu people. http://www.nationaudio.com/News/DailyNation/whatson/october2001/culture.htm | |
45. RIC Query - Ethiopia (18 April 2001) and still others adhere to indigenous religions (Levinson Qaiioo, Anniyya, Tummugga or Marawa, orma, Akkichuu, Liban atrocities against its own people, and has http://uscis.gov/text/services/asylum/ric/documentation/ETH01004.htm | |
46. SSRR No. 19 adopt the proud title of `Ilm orma the son basis that one can talk about indigenous environmental ethics. future is indifferent to primitive people because of http://www.ossrea.net/ssrr/workneh/workneh-12.htm | |
47. WCPA Regions - Central America with the IUCN Regional Office work with orma will contribute and Mexico, including scientists, government officials, indigenous and rural people, NGOs and http://www.uicn.org/themes/wcpa/region/camerica/camerica.html | |
48. Keny Safari Travel in a verdant grove of fig trees, indigenous flowering shrubs the cultural ecology of Maa speaking people, an effort to the lands of the orma people with their http://www.natureencounters.com/kenya.html |
49. ForeB for Samburu, Borana, Somali, and orma pastoralists also host for exhibits on indigenous natural resource s dismal record has poisoned peopleÂs attitudes http://www.elci.org/ecoforum/BaForetxt.htm | |
50. OneWorld Africa - OneWorld Africa Home>In Depth>Politics>Democracy alguns meios de comunica? ?orma descontra? como other Asian States that people need economic http://africa.oneworld.net/article/archive/1875/520 | |
51. CAPE - Community Based Animal Health And Participatory Epidemiology Unit of participatory approaches and methods focussing on experiences in dryland africa. Participatory research on bovine trypanosomosis in orma cattle, Tana River http://www.eldis.ids.ac.uk/pastoralism/cape/publications_epidemiology.htm | |
53. World Wetlands Day 2000: Planned And Reported Activities presentación of the Network of indigenous People on wetlands Country, entitled Wetlands and People of the And a subsequent report from Enrique Lahmann, orma. http://www.ramsar.org/wwd2000_plans.htm | |
54. Ramsar Bureau Work Plan For 2000, Section 3 13. Meeting with IUCN/orma to discuss joint strategy of work in Central America, San Jose Give priority to assisting indigenous and local people to develop http://www.ramsar.org/key_workplan_bureau_2000c.htm | |
55. Environmental Defense Bank documents claim that it is indigenous villagers who and except for the occasional orma pastoralist in with the continued presence of local people in the http://www.edf.org/article.cfm?contentid=1575 |
56. Five indigenous People. Norway. Kenya. In midJuly five people reportedly were killed in fighting that started after Pokomo rivals stoned to death two orma men. http://www.websters-online-dictionary.org/definition/english/fi/five.html | |
57. Oromia Briefs Ala, Qaiioo, Anniyya, Tummugga or Marawa, orma, Akkichuu, Liban rates second among the African indigenous languages. of about 30 million Oromo people living in http://www.oromoliberationfront.org/OromiaBriefs.htm | |
58. IGAD News The clashes between the pastoralist orma and Pokomo army and the rebel Sudan PeopleÂs Liberation to a report from the indigenous nongovernmental organisation http://www.saligad.org/news/news_december_2001.html | |
59. World Discovery indigenous religion (mostly based around the idea of a Eastern Cushitic Somali, Rendille, orma, Boran, Gabbra ( Galla The origins of these people in northeast http://worlddiscovery.aiesec.ws/countries/kenya/logistics | |
60. EXPERIMENTAL ECONOMICS IN THE BUSH: WHY INSTITUTIONS MATTER no electricity, roads are scarce, and people live in which had been central to many indigenous ceremonies, as By the 1950s a number of wealthy orma were making http://cniss.wustl.edu/workshoppapers/EnsmingerPaper.htm | |
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