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81. Seventh-day Adventist Churches: Oregon , United States Info. oregon ConferenceWeb Page Seventhday Adventist Yearbook Info Upper Columbia ConferenceSeventh-day Adventist Yearbook Info. http://www.sdanet.org/locator/state.cgi?country=us&state=or |
82. Spirituality, Religion And Churches the Portland area. churches on the oregon Coast For when you want to get away for the weekend and attend church too! First United http://portlandor.about.com/cs/spirituality/ | |
83. Churches.net Carolina North Dakota (4) churches in North Dakota Ohio (5) churches in Ohio Oklahoma (5) churches in Oklahoma oregon (19) churches in oregon Pennsylvania (7 http://churches.net/churches/ |
84. Churches.net churches.net oregon. oregon. http://churches.net/pages/Oregon/ | |
85. Calvary Chapel Fellowship Churches - OREGON NAVIGATION OPTIONS CALVARY HOMEPAGE FELLOWSHIP churches oregon. Fellowship churches. Aloha, Calvary Chapel Worship Center, Rich Jones. http://www.calvarychapel.com/affiliates/or.htm | |
86. Churches, Portland, Oregon, OR, Superpages, Yellow Pages save, American Baptist churches of oregon 0245 Southwest Bancroft Street, Portland, OR 97239 (503) 2288394 phonephone map save, http://phonebook.superpages.com/yellowpages/C-Churches/S-OR/T-Portland/ | |
87. Churches, Oregon, OR, Superpages, Yellow Pages churches in oregon. Please select a city in oregon to view all churches businesses in that area. Or search for all churches in oregon. Pages (2) 1 2 ». http://phonebook.superpages.com/yellowpages/C-Churches/S-OR/ | |
88. Baptist Church Web Sites North West Grand View Baptist Church, Beavercreek, oregon. Beacon Baptist Church, Central Point, oregon. Hillcrest Missionary Baptist Church, oregon City, oregon. http://bn66.com/churches/baptist_nw.html | |
89. Christian Churches In Oregon churches in oregon. We ll add your city with its own Web address, the Easy Translator and all the other great features to your listing in our directory. http://www.lightlinks2000.com/church/Oregon/Oregon.htm | |
90. Lasting Effects Of The Missionary Era In Oregon All of the missions except the churches at St. Paul and oregon City are relegated to history, but they made a lasting mark on oregon. http://www.endoftheoregontrail.org/road2oregon/sa08missions.html | |
91. Jason Lee - Methodist Missionary To Oregon the first Americans to arrive in the oregon Territory were Protestant Missionaries sent by the MethodistEpiscopal, Presbyterian, and Congregational churches. http://www.endoftheoregontrail.org/road2oregon/sa06JasonLee.html | |
92. Adventist Churches Online: USA Northwest oregon Adventist churches in oregon by SDANet Adventist churches in oregon Conference by oregon Conference Adventist churches in Upper Columbia Conference by http://mcdonald.southern.edu/churches/nwusa.html | |
93. Finnish Churches In North America Finnish churches in North America oregon. Last modified . Please send comments, corrections and updates to leif.mether@genealogia.fi. http://www.genealogia.fi/church/churchore.htm | |
94. American West - The Oregon Trail At the same time, eastern churches saw the American Indians of the oregon Country as ready candidates for European ideas of civilization. http://www.americanwest.com/trails/pages/oretrail.htm | |
95. Churches-Catholic, Churches & Religious Organizations, Churches-Baptist, Oregon Find churchesCatholic, churches Religious Organizations, churches-Baptist, in oregon City, OR on Switchboard Yellow Pages. Switchboard http://www.switchboard.com/Religion/Oregon City/OR/Yellowpages_Results.html | |
96. Churches-Catholic, Churches & Religious Organizations, Churches-Baptist, Oregon, Find churchesCatholic, churches Religious Organizations, churches-Baptist, in oregon, WI on Switchboard Yellow Pages. Switchboard.com It s the Yellow Pages. http://www.switchboard.com/Religion/Oregon/WI/Yellowpages_Results.html | |
97. NBA FamilyTalk-Oregon NBA Day ministry of the NBA. In total, 30 oregon Disciples of Christ churches joined in the oregon NBA Day program. In 24 churches, speakers http://www.nbacares.org/FT/FT_OregonDays.htm | |
98. Iranian Church Of Portlans, Oregon USA - Worldwide Directory Of Iranian/Persian Iranian Church of Portlans, oregon USA Worldwide Directory of Iranian/Persian Christian churches. oregon. Iranian Church of Portland. http://www.farsinet.com/icc/oregon.html | |
99. PCA Historical Center: PCA Congregations In Oregon Evergreen Presbyterian Church, Beaverton. OR. Pacific Northwest. 1997. oregon Eden Presbyterian Church. Beaverton. OR. Korean Northwest. . Cascade Presbyterian Church. http://www.pcanet.org/history/churches/oregon.html | |
100. Oregon Directory Of The Churches Of Christ With your personal assistance, we will be able to have all of the churches of Christ in oregon listed in our directory. Please feel http://church-of-christ.org/churches/United_States/Oregon_S.htm | |
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