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41. Directory Of Churches In Junction City, Oregon "Listing of all churches and services Junction City oregon. http://www.junctioncity.com/churches.html | |
42. Northwest Churches: Washington, Oregon, Idaho Church Finder Searchable guide to churches in Washington, oregon, and Idaho. http://www.nwchurches.com | |
43. Oregon-Idaho Conference The regional organisation for United Methodist churches. http://www.umoi.net/ | |
44. Seventh-day Adventist Churches: Wyoming, United States Map of the state of oregon with counties linking to over 145 SDA churches, many of which feature websites. http://www.sdanet.org/locator/state.cgi?country=us&state=or&sub=0 |
45. Historic Churches, Oregon (History) Banner. Online Highways oregon History Historic churches. The pioneers of oregon built places of worship throughout the state. http://www.ohwy.com/or/h/histchur.htm | |
46. Welcome To Idahome Conference covers the southern half of Idaho and a portion of eastern oregon. This page is a comprehensive listing of schools and churches in the conference. http://www.tagnet.org/idahome/pages/schools.html | |
47. Baptists Oregon - American Baptist Churches Of Oregon -- Portland, OR LATEST NEWS. Our national American Baptist family is engaged in a process of listening to the hearts and stories of we share as American Baptists. The American Baptist churches of oregon represents 55 congregations and over ten thousand members who Copyright ©2004 American Baptist churches of oregon. All rights reserved http://www.vibrant-life.net/ | |
48. Trinity Episcopal Church Ashland, Oregon (Historic Churches) Location Ashland 97520 oregon Category Historic churches. Trinity Episcopal Church Ashland, oregon (Historic churches) Trinity Episcopal Church. http://www.ohwy.com/or/t/trinchur.htm | |
49. Photo Essays By Herman Krieger (A Fair And Balance View) An offbeat look at churches in America, a small town in oregon called Blue River, and other photo essays. http://www.efn.org/~hkrieger | |
50. The ICC According To Lew' A former member documents his experiences while in the International Church of Christ in Portland, oregon. He also provides a link to media reports about the International churches of Christ. http://www.geocities.com/~lewjohnson/icc/ | |
51. Churches In Florence,Oregon:Churches Church 19th St 541997-6600 Victory Faith Ctr 1525 12th St 541-997-7137 The above information was provided by The Florence Chamber of Commerce. Florence oregon http://www.oregoncitylink.com/florence/churches.htm | |
52. Cottage Grove Calvary Fellowship - Welcome An outreach of the Applegate Christian Fellowship, devoted to the word, fellowship, communion and prayer, located in oregon, United States. Includes Real Audio sermons, photographs, and listing of affiliate churches. http://www.cottagegrovefellowship.org/ | |
53. Warriors For Christ Online Portland, oregon Native American ministry seeks to evangelize, disciple, and plant Native churches on Indian reservations and urban areas in North America. Features discipleship training materials and links to Native resource sites. http://www.warriorsforchristonline.org/ | |
54. Welcome To The North Pacific Conference Of The Evangelical Covenant Church Administrative conference of the Evangelical Covenant Church which includes churches in Washington, oregon, Idaho, and Montana. http://www.covchurch-npc.org/ | |
55. Faithful Heart Home Page A Christian country and western band based out of Dallas, oregon. The band travels throughout the Northwest performing concerts for churches, camps, rodeos, and various special events. http://www.faithfulheart.com | |
56. First Unitarian Church Of Portland Home Page One of downtown Portland's historic churches. http://www.firstunitarianportland.org/ | |
57. Anabaptists: Hopewell Mennonite Church, Hubbard, Oregon -- Very Unofficially! oregon independent conservative Mennonite congregation. http://www.anabaptists.org/churches/hopewell.html | |
58. The Apostolic Faith Church Official web site of this international Trinitarian Pentecostal denomination, which grew from the Azusa Street revival and is headquartered in Portland, oregon. FAQ on Christianity, history, doctrinal statement, locations of churches. http://www.apostolicfaith.org/ | |
59. Canby, Oregon - Churches In The Canby Area Mission Portland 21050 S. Mossy Rock Ct. oregon City, OR 97045 503657-7574 Jim Scarth. New Era Church 10244 S New Era Road, Canby 503-266-9701. http://www.canby.com/community/churches.htm | |
60. Pacific Conference Main Page Welcome, calendar, staff, social concerns and a list of the Evangelical churches covered by this conference in oregon and Washington. http://www.pacificecna.org/ | |
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