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61. June4- Ontario Government Pledges 50 Million Investment June 4, 2003. ontario government pledges $50 million investment forYorkRegion Rapid Transit Plan. NEWMARKET Â The Regional Municipality http://www.region.york.on.ca/Publications/News/June4- ontario government pledges | |
62. Ontario Government Reluctant To Disclose Eminem File ontario government Reluctant To Disclose Eminem File Friday January26, 2001 @ 1100 AM By Matt Mernagh. The information collected http://www.chartattack.com/damn/2001/01/2603.cfm | |
63. Health Canada - Rock Questions Ontario Government's Reluctance To Cooperate On H Health Minister Allan Rock today questioned why the ontario government continuesto be reluctant to work with the Government of Canada and other governments to http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/english/media/releases/2000/2000_34e.htm | |
64. Ontario Government Consultation Paper On The Ontario Building Code's Disability follow this link for textbased navigation menu. ontario government s NewODA Bill 125 Government Announcements Statements about Bill 125. http://www.odacommittee.net/ODA_Bill_125_gov1.html | |
65. ODA Committee Update Dd March 11, 2004 -- Ontario Government Makes Public Its Fi ontario government MAKES PUBLIC ITS FIRST SET OF ACCESSIBILITY PLANS UNDER THEONTARIANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT, 2001. Thursday, March 11, 2004. SUMMARY. http://www.odacommittee.net/news151.html | |
66. Social Justice And Faith Magazine - The Social Edge.com Articles. ontario government MAKES DISTINCTIONS BETWEEN THE WORTHY AND UNWORTHYPOOR. by Reuel S. Amdur. How does the ontario government justify the difference? http://www.thesocialedge.com/archives/other/2articles-apr2002.htm | |
67. Ontario Government Stonewalls Protection For National Park Wolves August 13 , 2003. ontario government stonewalls protection for nationalpark wolves. Increased hunting, roadkills and loss of habitat http://www.cnf.ca/media/aug_13_03.html | |
68. The Ontario Government Wants Input? Let's Give It To Them! -- Ontario  Becomin DAWN Ontario DisAbled Women s Network Ontario. The ontario governmentwants input? Let s give it to them! Visit the web site Ontario http://dawn.thot.net/oda2.html | |
69. The Peak (14/9/1998) News: Ontario Government Profits From Student Loan Fees ontario government profits from student loan fees. . angela pacienza,the excalibur, toronto. The provincial Tories were criticized http://www.peak.sfu.ca/the-peak/98-3/issue2/ontario.html | |
70. Ontario Government Unveils New Bill To Protect Victims Of Child Prostitution CANADIAN PRESS Wednesday, December 19, 2000 James McCarten. ontario governmentunveils new bill to protect victims of child prostitution. http://www.walnet.org/csis/news/toronto_2000/cp-001219.html | |
71. Ontario Government Helps Protect Youth In The Marketplace The ontario government is helping youth become more knowledgeable and confidentconsumers with Understanding Your Consumer Rights and Responsibilities, a new http://consumerinformation.ca/cgi-bin/document.cgi?Language=E&SeqId=151229 |
72. 1998 12 14: Entrust Technologies Awarded Ontario Government Contract For Compute 14 Dec 1998 Entrust Technologies Awarded ontario government Contract forComputer Security Technology. Ottawa, ON Entrust Technologies http://www.entrust.com/news/files/12_14_98_187.htm | |
73. Ontario Government IT Procurement Terms And Conditions: Important Questionnaire Oct 31, 2001 ontario government IT Procurement Terms and Conditions ImportantQuestionnaire for Suppliers. Gov t IT Procurement Practices; Questionnaire. http://www.cata.ca/Media_and_Events/Press_Releases/cata_pr10310101.html | |
74. Historical Poll Historical Poll Do you believe the ontario government can solve the provinceÂsgrowing hydro crunch? Yes, I believe theyÂre working on it, 7%. http://www.pulse24.com/Plugins/Web_Poll/DisplayPollResults.asp?PollId=918 |
75. Historical Poll Historical Poll Should the ontario government tax gambling and lotterywinnings as a way to raise revenue? Yes, itÂsa legitimate idea, 4%. http://www.pulse24.com/Plugins/Web_Poll/DisplayPollResults.asp?PollId=951 |
76. Overview > Ontario Summer Jobs > Ministry Of Education / Ministry Of Training, C Program Overview. Overview This Web site guide to Ontario Summer Jobs directsyou to job opportunities supported by the ontario government. http://www.edu.gov.on.ca/eng/document/brochure/summejbe.html | |
77. Project Friday - John R. Hunt June 2000 - A CBC Morning North Commentary Cobalt Ontario's John R. Hunt wonders about the ontario government's downloading strategies and the everyday life in Northern Ontario. http://www.geocities.com/lritchiegeo/jrhunt001.html | |
78. Ontario Government To Implement New Self-regulation System For Public Accounting ontario government to implement new selfregulation system for publicaccounting. The Ontario provincial government has just announced http://www.camagazine.com/index.cfm/ci_id/16703/la_id/1.htm | |
79. More Funding For Higher Education Key To Ontario GovernmentÂs Road Map To Prosp Media Release. For immediate release March 25, 1999. More funding forhigher education key to ontario governmentÂs road map to prosperity. http://www.ocufa.on.ca/press/990325.asp | |
80. Canadian Taxpayers Federation Plans To Sue Ontario Government Over Tax Hikes Canadian Taxpayers Federation plans to sue ontario government over tax hikes.Source Canadian Press, 200405-21 Author GILLIAN LIVINGSTON Intro http://www.tobacco.org/news/164473.html | |
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