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41. Ontario Government Vs. Native Sovereignty THE ontario government vs. NATIVE SOVEREIGNTY. LINKS. * Stoney Point/ Aazhoodena The 1995 government/police attack on native people http://sisis.nativeweb.org/clark/ontmain.html | |
42. CPAWS Ottawa Valley Pukaskwa National Park Road Wednesday, August 13th, 2003 ontario government stonewalls protection for nationalpark wolves Increased hunting, roadkills and loss of habitat likely impacts http://www.cpaws-ov.org/pukaskwa3.htm | |
43. TransCanada - News - 2003 - TransCanada Responds To Ontario Government's Power M TransCanada Responds to ontario government s Power Market Decision.CALGARY, Alberta March 21, 2003 - (TSX TRP) (NYSE TRP) - Hal http://www.transcanada.com/news/2003_news/2003_03_21.html | |
44. 8/13 - Ontario Government Stonewalls Protection For National Park Wolves ontario government stonewalls protection for national park wolves From CanadianParks and Wilderness Society (CPAWS), Wildlands League Chapter 08/13/03 http://www.greatlakesdirectory.org/on/081303_great_lakes.htm | |
45. Government Of Ontario Welcome Page For The Work911 Supersite Resources, free articles and other materials to aid Government of Ontario management and staff. Includes free defusing hostile customers information, performance management hints for government. http://www.work911.com/ontario | |
46. Responding To The Ontario Government S Stage 1 - vol. 27, no. 3 4, July - December 2002, Responding to the ontario government sStage 1 Proposals under the Nutrient Management Act. By Theresa McClenaghan, http://www.cela.ca/Intervenor/27_3&4/27_3&4mna.htm |
47. Talk-back Ontario Labour News talkback Ontario Labour News ontario government Search on This Topic OntarioGovernment Permanent Support for Occupational Health Clinic This Year. http://www.talk-back.ca/modules.php?name=News&new_topic=20 |
48. CFLRI: Evaluation Project For The Ontario Government Evaluation project for the ontario government. How did the projectcome about? In the fall of 1997, the ministries of Citizenship http://www.cflri.ca/cflri/research/on_eval.html | |
49. Canada: Ontario Government Bends To Pressure For A Public Inquiry Into E-coli De Ontario s Tory government has announced a judicial inquiry will be held into thecontamination of the water supply in the rural town of Walkerton and the http://www.wsws.org/articles/2000/jun2000/ont-j03.shtml | |
50. No Private Universities In Ontario Essay discussing issues surrounding the ontario government's proposal to privatize universities. http://www.geocities.com/laurel_silver |
51. Ontario Government Funding For Bariatric Surgery Petition dc. ontario government funding for Bariatric Surgery. To Ontario ProvincialGovernment In Canada, the Ontario provincial government http://www.petitiononline.com/ossg2002/petition.html | |
Recent research on the etiology of morbid obesity (defined as being 100 lbs. or more overweight) has highlighted the need to view this condition as a disease process. For instance, obese individuals have been shown to have abnormally insensitive insulin and leptin receptors, in addition to anomalous ghrelin and peptide YY3-36 levels. In fact, research conducted by Dr. Robert Dent at the Civic Campus of the Ottawa Hospital in Ottawa, Ontario has identified up to 11 genes implicated in the development of morbid obesity. It is the common opinion of the majority of bariatric physicians that the problem of serious, lifelong obesity is not simply the result of sloth and gluttony. That being said, however, it is not necessarily relevant whether or not one chooses to accept the wealth of empirical support for the disease model of morbid obesity. The Canadian health care system does not differentiate between self-inflicted physical pathology and pathologies brought on through no fault of the patient. We still treat smokers who develop lung cancer, and we still treat drunk drivers and skydivers who injure themselves through their own actions. The fact that morbid obesity appears to be biologically-determined, then, simply makes the notion of funding cuts to obesity | |
52. Intelligent Enterprise Research Library: Ontario Government ontario government. Title ontario government Delivering Consistent, QualityService Every Time . . . View this Document, Published April 1, 2001. http://intelligententerprise.bitpipe.com/detail/RES/986503118_31.html | |
53. Cancer Care Ontario - Action Cancer Ontario Government agency for the funding of treatment, care, and research. http://www.cancercare.on.ca/ | |
54. Government Information Centres - Land Registry Office, 7 King St. West. (Governm ontario governmental services directory and contacts for Brockville and area. http://www.gov.on.ca/MBS/english/maps/gic/brockville01.html | |
55. Northwestern Ontario Associated Chambers Of Commerce - NOACC List of ontario government Ministries. Premier of Ontario. Dalton McGuintyPremierMinister of Intergovernmental AffairsBiography Ministry http://www.noacc.com/newsletter_headlines.asp?cat=9&desc=List of Ontario Governm |
56. Ontario Government Settles Lawsuit Over Port Colborne Nickel Pollution press release on the lawsuit that inco faces after the candian ontario governmentagreed to settle over health probmes in an local resident to port colborne. http://www.minesandcommunities.org/Action/press279.htm | |
57. Forms Repository Internet Home Page Search Tips. This site has been developed to provide you with ontario governmentforms. The forms are available in various formats including HTML, PDF and Word. http://www.forms.ssb.gov.on.ca/mbs/ssb/forms/FormsRepository.nsf | |
58. OCASI April 2004 Monthly Report Article ontario government Consults the Public on Rent Reform. The CouncilÂs submissionto the ontario government will be posted on this website in May. http://www.ocasi.org/sys/report_detail.asp?ReportID=37555766 |
59. Publications Ontario The central clearinghouse for all ontario government publications. Searchable catalogue, online store, list of private distributors, and answers to frequently asked questions. http://www.gov.on.ca/MBS/english/publications/ | |
60. IS| Ontario Embraces E-Government To Serve Citizens Better CASE STUDIES, Ontario Embraces EGovernment to Serve Citizens Better, Government,ontario government Pioneers Next Generation of E-Government. http://business.cisco.com/prod/tree.taf?asset_id=99523&ID=48299&ListID=44692&pub |
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