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101. Smiths Falls, Ontario, Canada - Community And Lifestyle - Culture Parks, Recreation, culture Schools, Education, Library Churches, Placesof Worship Health and Social Services Community Clubs, Organizations. http://www.town.smiths-falls.on.ca/lifestyl/culture.html | |
102. Ministry Of Tourism And Recreation Investment and Development. ontario Tourism Marketing Partnership (OTMP) Tourism Research. ontario Tourism Facts Figures the Huron nation and was ontario's first European community. http://www.tourism.gov.on.ca/english | |
103. Ministry Of Citizenship And Immigration: Home all people living in ontario such that they enjoy Minister Judy Sgro and ontario Minister of Citizenship and issues in negotiations toward a Canada-ontario immigration agreement http://www.gov.on.ca/MCZCR/english | |
104. Ministère Du Tourisme Et Des Loisirs ontario. Graphique demandes.Industrie du tourisme de l ontario Faits et chiffres. http://www.tourism.gov.on.ca/french/ | |
105. Government Of Ontario, Canada / Gouvernement De L'Ontario, Canada The entrance to the official Web site of the Government of ontario, Canada. It leads to the English and french versions of the site. Printer for ontario, 2004. Renseignements sur les droits d'auteur © Imprimeur de la Reine pour l'ontario, 2004. http://www.gov.on.ca/ | |
106. Work In Culture Diana Chaplin is an actor, jazz singer and stunt equestrian. In additionto the importance of ongoing skill development, Diana emphasizes http://www.workinculture.on.ca/wiccore.cfm?Page=NewTraining |
107. Language Page PO Box 22019 Brandtford, ontario N3S 7V1 Telephone (519) 7592650 extension 238or 237 E-mail amos@woodland-centre.on.ca. 1997 Woodland Cultural Centre. http://www.woodland-centre.on.ca/languages.html | |
108. Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre - Toronto, Ontario Who We Are Calendar Membership Martial Arts Cultural Classes Other Activities Workshops Expansion Heritage Links Policies Contact the JCCC. http://www.jccc.on.ca/ | |
109. Ministry Of Citizenship And Immigration: Home IMMIGRATION MINISTERS SIGN LETTER OF INTENT FOR A CANADAontario IMMIGRATION AGREEMENT. Readthe full news release on Canada-ontario Immigration Agreement. http://www.gov.on.ca/mczcr/english/ | |
110. Ministry Of Citizenship And Immigration: Ontario Ministry Of Citizenship And Imm The Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration is committed to the full participationof all people living in ontario such that they enjoy the richness and http://www.gov.on.ca/mczcr/ |
111. Welcome To Toronto! Toronto City Guide & Information Association; Greek Gospel Church of Toronto; Heart and Stroke Foundationof ontario; Italian Cultural Institute of Toronto; Toronto http://www.math.toronto.edu/toronto/ | |
112. CultureCanada.gc.ca: Multiculturalism - Ontario Digital Collections. Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre Toronto, OntarioSource Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre. Japanese Canadians http://www.culturecanada.gc.ca/chdt/interface/interface2.nsf/engdocBasic/21.10.1 | |
113. Community Cultural Resources: London, Ontario A listing of the organizations (primarily nonprofit) that supportthe cultural community of London, ontario. Most provided. http://www.city.london.on.ca/Recreation/Arts_Culture/resources.htm | |
114. Cultural Studies Programs In Ontario - Study Cultural Studies Cultural Studies Programs in ontario Study Cultural Studies, Please clickhere to visit our sponsor. Cultural Studies Programs in ontario, Canada. http://www.campusprogram.com/canada/programs/statesubject/Ontario/Cultural_Studi | |
115. Ontario Heritage Foundation Links - Built/Cultural ontario Metis Aboriginal Association; Assembly of First Nations; Woodland CulturalCentre; Aboriginal Youth Network; Aboriginal Super Information Highway. http://www.heritagefdn.on.ca/Eng/Links/links-built.shtml | |
116. Ontario Cultural Society Of The Deaf - Events September, 1999 Welcome Back! Design Creation by Jim Cripps.© 2000 ontario Cultural Society of the Deaf. Website Content. http://www.ccsdeaf.com/ocsd/news.html | |
117. BHARATIYA CULTURAL ASSOCIATION OF ONTARIO Name of the Association / Organisation, BHARATIYA CULTURAL ASSOCIATION OFONTARIO. EMail, dharmesh@eol.ca. URL (Website), Click here. OBJECTIVES http://www.namasthenri.com/associations/bcao.html | |
118. Ontario Museum Association - Heritage Issues This Fund provides enhanced marketing assistance to ontario s cultural attractions,events and festivals, to support you in your endeavours to create http://www.museumsontario.com/heritage/_enews_cmog_ctmf.shtml | |
119. Four Rivers Cultural Center Ontario, Oregon (Historical Museums) Four Rivers Cultural Center ontario, Oregon (Historical Museums) FourRivers Cultural Center. They come from the East, the West, the http://www.ohwy.com/or/f/fourrvcc.htm | |
120. Ontario Heritage Act, R.S.O. 1990, C. O.18 therein, for the conservation, protection and preservation of the heritage ofOntario;. (c) conduct and arrange exhibits or other cultural or recreational | |
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