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61. Tourism Investment In Ontario - Tourism Segments - Culture There is recognized market demand and potential growth for Aboriginal Tourism inOntario as worldwide demand for culture tourism experiences continues to grow. http://www.2ontario.com/tourism/segments_culture.asp | |
62. Community Living Ontario -- Community Living Leaders 2004 John Driscoll The first stage of the Inclusive School culture project has May19, 2004 - Axiom News YesterdayÂs inaugural budget from ontarioÂs new http://www.acl.on.ca/ | |
63. Ontario Heritage Foundation Built/Cultural Heritage Books Order Form Popular culture is also well represented Beautiful Joe commemorates an internationally Thehistory of ontario, like its geography and its people, is vast http://www.heritagefdn.on.ca/Eng/Merchandise/order-guide.shtml | |
64. Ontario Cultural Society Of The Deaf - Ontario Cultural Society Of The Deaf Cultural Society of the Deaf (OCSD) was affiliated with the Canadian Cultural Societyof the Deaf to promote Deaf culture and heritage in ontario and encourage http://www.ccsdeaf.com/ocsd/ocsd.html | |
65. Promotion Of Innovation Culture In Northwestern Ontario in the process to continue to contribute to the formulation of public policy todevelop a culture of innovation and competition in Northwestern ontario. http://www.noacc.com/Promotion_of_Innovation_Culture_8.asp | |
66. Ontario Ministry Of Culture - Statistics Available NB The following data was covered under one provincial ministry ontario Ministryof Citizenship and culture. Ministry of culture ontario Library Statistics. http://www.gdsourcing.ca/works/ON-Cul.htm | |
67. Arts And Culture - Story Gallery - The Ontario Trillium Foundation Reaching out through culture Cultural centre nurtures new life for isolated Chineseseniors. Crafts of yesteryear have a bright future in ontario New school of http://www.trilliumfoundation.org/OTF-English/html/story_gallery/sg-arts_culture | |
68. Arts Et Culture - La Fondation Trillium De L'Ontario Les métiersdÂautrefois ont un avenir prometteur en ontario Le domaine historique http://www.trilliumfoundation.org/OTF-French/html/story_gallery/sg-arts_culture_ | |
69. Government Of Ontario, Canada - Newsroom former Lieutenant Governor of ontario, has been appointed the new chair of theontario Heritage Foundation (OHF), Minister of culture Madeleine Meilleur http://ogov.newswire.ca/getorg_e.html?okey=58830 |
70. Le Gouvernement De L'Ontario, Canada - Salle De Presse ontario en attirant les visiteurs à l Opera Festival2004, a annoncé aujourd hui la ministre de la culture, Madeleine Meilleur. http://ogov.newswire.ca/getorg_f.html?okey=42224 |
71. Multicultural History Society Of Ontario Cultural Diversity. The Multicultural History Society of ontario celebrates,preserves and documents ontario s multiethnic heritage and culture. http://collections.ic.gc.ca/magic/mhso.html | |
72. Dance Ontario de l ontario Cultural Human Resources Council Dance Notation Bureau Laidlaw FoundationGovt of ontario, Min of Citizenship,culture Recreation ontario Arts http://www.icomm.ca/danceon/links.php3 | |
73. Ontario Association Of Art Galleries (OAAG) Web Site harac/ Metro Toronto Parks and culture www.culturenet.ca/toronto/ Ministry of Citizenship,culture and Recreation www.gov.on.ca/MCZCR/ ontario Arts Council www http://pages.interlog.com/~oaag/links/other.html | |
74. Ontario Museum Association - Heritage Issues Under the new Municipal Act of ontario, culture and heritage are identifiedas the responsibility of municipalities and cannot be relinquished. http://www.museumsontario.com/heritage/_enews_ottawacuts.shtml | |
75. Cannabis Culture Pulled Off Shelves In Ontario Cannabis culture pulled off shelves in ontario by Dana Larsen (14 Oct,2000) Police threaten stores with charges if magazines sold. http://cannabisculture.com/cgi/article.cgi?num=1713 |
76. Aboriginal Canada Portal: Ontario - Language, Heritage And Culture advanced search. 1.888.399.0111 Where you are Home Provincial and TerritorialInformation ontario Language, Heritage and culture. ontario. http://www.aboriginalcanada.gc.ca/abdt/interface/interface2.nsf/engdoc/12.10.11. | |
77. Portail Des Autochtones Au Canada : Ontario - Langues, Patrimoine Et Culture provinciale et territoriale ontario Langues, patrimoine et culture. ontario. http://www.aboriginalcanada.gc.ca/abdt/interface/interface2.nsf/frndoc/12.10.11. | |
78. The Central Ontario Orchid Society The Central ontario Orchid Society A social group for those hobbyistsinterested in the culture and conservation of orchids. The http://retirees.uwaterloo.ca/~jerry/orchids/coos.html | |
79. Southern Ontario Tourism - Southern Ontario - Theatre / Culture ontario Tourism The place to search for ontario Travel Information, Attractions,Accommodations, Adventure, Shopping, Dining, Theatre, culture, Golf, Camping http://www.soto.on.ca/results1.asp?xsotoarea=0&xtype=5 |
80. Southern Ontario Tourism - Theatre / Culture View Theatre / culture for all of Southern ontario or select a specific communityCanada s Most Southern Point http://www.soto.on.ca/experience.asp?xtype=5 |
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