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41. Acceuil A pour mission de promouvoir la culture francophone et de r©pondre aux besoins artistiques, culturels, sociocommunautaires et ©ducatifs de la communaut© dOrl©ans. ontario. http://www.mifo.net | |
42. Blues Brews And BBQs An annual free community event that celebrates the blues culture in the Kitchener/Waterloo ontario region, featuring local artists and international headliners. Provides photos from previous years. http://www.bluesbrewsandbbqs.ca/ | |
43. Index Celebrates jazz culture and music. Held annually in Toronto, ontario. http://www.beachesjazz.com/ |
44. Ministère De La Culture De L'Ontario Translate this page Annonce des lauréats des 17 e prix annuels Trillium et du prix de poésie TrilliumLa ministre de la culture de lÂontario, lÂhonorable Madeleine Meilleur http://www.culture.gov.on.ca/french/ | |
45. Ancient Egypt Discovery Case Comprehensive guide from the Royal ontario Museum includes interactive timeline, maps, an introduction to the age of the pharaohs, an overview of culture and beliefs, quizzes, and ideas for period craft projects. http://www.rom.on.ca/egypt/case/ | |
46. Just The Ticket This is the perfect time to discover the pleasure of theatre in Ontarioand now you have JustTheTicket! Whether you prefer blockbuster http://www.ontariotravel.net/experiences/ |
47. Discover Ontario Arts And Culture Great Ways to Discover Arts and culture in ontario From stage to canvas, opera tothe art of science, ontario s theatres, galleries and museums bring the arts http://www.ontariotravel.net/TcisCtrl?site=consumers&key1=experiences&key2=ArtsA |
48. Caution Jam - Archives Band from Toronto, ontario playing both music of the Grateful Dead and originals. The site also covers Hemp culture, alternative lifestyles and the general JamBand scene. http://www.geocities.com/cautionjam/ | |
49. Kingston Roots Directory of useful genealogy, history and culture links for exploring your Kingston, ontario heritage. http://www.angelfire.com/space/kingstonroots/ | |
50. Gateway Libraries North Assists public libraries in Northern ontario in making accessible to their communities local, provincial, national and international information and culture. http://www.olsn.on.ca | |
51. Toronto And Southern Ontario Canada Nightclubs And Toronto Night Clubs And DJ Cu Toronto nightclubs and night clubs culture info for Toronto, ontario,Canada. Detailed Toronto nightclubs listings, Toronto night http://www.clubculture.com/ | |
52. Green Ontario: Multiculturalism The challenge for ontario s environmental movement is to ensure that everyone,no matter what culture or first language, is involved in protecting the http://www.greenontario.org/strategy/culture.html | |
53. KingBreakDancer Splash Page This Web Site shows that Brampton ontario has a hip hop culture scene. http://www.angelfire.com/on/jayzlinx/ | |
54. Mississauga, Ontario - Cultural Associations of Citizenship, culture Recreation The Ministry of Citizenship and Immigrationis committed to the full participation of all people living in ontario such http://relocatecanada.com/mississauga/cultural.html | |
55. Lark's Chapleau Cree Pages A Canadian Aboriginal First Nation Information site of the Chapleau Cree in Northern ontario. Items features culture, history, stories, poetry, self governance issues. http://www.geocities.com/chapleaucree/ | |
56. CultureCanada.gc.ca : Culture Et Patrimoine Autochtones - Ontario ontario Source Secrétariat des affaires autochtones de l ontario. St. WoodlandCultural Centre (en anglais seulement) Source Woodland Cultural Centre. http://www.culturecanada.gc.ca/chdt/interface/interface2.nsf/frndocBasic/21.10.2 | |
57. Upper Ottawa Valley Genealogical Group Covering mainly Renfrew County, ontario and Pontiac County, Quebec http://www.valleynet.on.ca/Culture/Genealogy/UOVGG/index.html | |
58. Canada Web Directory: Society And Culture / ECN / Web Directory / ontario / Society and culture (398). SubCategoriesin Society and culture. Activism (4) Adoption (7) Animal http://dirs.educationcanada.com/cat/21154/ | |
59. POUR UNE CULTURE UNIVERSITAIRE FRANÃAISE PLEINE ET ENTIÃRE EN ONTARIO à conclure qu il n existe pas en ontario de culture universitaire française http://agora.qc.ca/liens/faucher.html | |
60. City Of Kingston, Ontario, Canada - Official Web Site - Home Page culture, art and recreation activities. Link (from the logo L ACFO MilleÃles).Click to visit the Web site of the French Canadian Association of ontario, http://www.city.kingston.on.ca/ | |
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