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81. Biuro T³umaczeñ DELTA - Tlumaczenia, T³umaczenia, T³umacz, Tlumacz, Biura T Biuro Tà Âumaczeà  Delta Poznaà  oferuje tà Âumaczenia pisemne, ustne w tym tlumaczenia tekst³w prawniczych, technicznych, handlowych i innych specjalistycznych dokument³w. Tà Âumaczenia to nasza specjalnoà ÂÃÂ. http://www.delta-translators.com.pl | |
82. Fitzgerald & Dionne French translations for the Canadian market. http://www.fitzdio.on.ca/ | |
83. Intertel Interpreters & Translators Interpretation and translation resources for numerous languages. http://www.interteltranslators.com |
84. WM Translations German lt; gt;English translations. Specialties websites, computer games, medical texts and trade correspondence. http://www.angelfire.com/de2/wmtranslator/ | |
85. AltaVista - Babel Fish Translation Free Automatic Website Translation Machine translators Text Web Free Automatic translators - Machine TranslationsComparison Tests - Text - Documents - Web Sites. http://babelfish.altavista.digital.com/cgi-bin/translate | |
86. Welcome To CAD Centric Systems Interoperability For CAD/CAM Software and solutions for CAD/CAM data interoperability, including CAD data viewers, markup tools, and translators requires Javascript for navigation. http://www.cadcentric.com/ |
87. Translator If one of these translators runs slow, try another Translate theAirSho powered page that brought you here English to German. http://www.airsho.com/transLator3.htm | |
88. Traducciones, Traductores Servicio de traducciones basados en el uso de metodologÂa exclusiva. Tarifas, clientes, consultas, metodologÂa y traductores. http://www.atranslators.com/spanish/ | |
89. Babelfish Online Translation - Automatic Translation Use the online translator Babelfish to get the gist of a message in French, Chinese,German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, or Spanish, or to get an http://french.about.com/library/bl-babelfish.htm | |
90. Forbidden Empresa de traducci³ i interpretaci³ de Gelida. Catal , castell , angl¨s i franc¨s. http://www.actualtranslators.com/cat/index.html | |
91. Search Directory Page Free online Translator. Foreign Language Translation Spanish Translation specialists in 148 languages offering online foreign language translatorexpertise to the industry as well as a free online translator. http://rivendel.com/~ric/resources/dictionary.html | |
92. AllStarTranslators  The Translator Directory For Your Language Translation Onl Translation in Spanish, French, Latin, German and English. Free web dictionaries. http://www.allstartranslators.com |
93. Welcome To Www.locguide.com Written for translators, localization and testing engineers, desktop publishers, project managers, and anyone who are involved in the release of multilingual products. http://www.locguide.com | |
94. Az.ru - õîñòèÃã âèðòóà ëüÃûé ñåðâåð, êà ÷åñòâåÃà Translation and tour services in Kiev, Russia. http://translator.az.ru | |
95. :: SiteBar :: Translator installation and ask him to create a directory for your language, you will then belisted as the primary language translator. This is real online translation. http://brablc.com/sitebar/translator.php | |
96. SWET: Society Of Writers, Editors, And Translators Membership is defined less by occupation than by a desire to share experience, information, and expertise involving English writing and publishing. Based in Tokyo, Japan. http://www.swet.jp/ | |
97. Lutheran Bible Translators Of Canada A nonprofit organization helping missionaries translate the bible all over the world. http://www.lbtc.ca/ | |
98. Eizie - EIZIE Multilingual site with a directory of translators, a catalog of all published Basque translations, an online translation journal, and a large number of useful tools and links for translations. http://www.eizie.org/ | |
99. Lamngo Translation in the Vietnamese language http://lamngo.homestead.com | |
100. AITC - Home - Accueil - Presentación Society for translators, pr©ciswriters, revisers and editors at international organizations only. Based in Switzerland. Site in English, Spanish and French. http://www.aitc.ch/ |
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