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81. Collaborative Tools For E-Learning or instructors, online meetings and virtual classrooms. or pages expands the types of online collaboration. In terms of trainer collaboration on assessment http://www.clomedia.com/content/templates/clo_feature.asp?articleid=41&zoneid=30 |
82. The Promise Of Online Simulations it is mostly played as a collaborative classroom exercise sitting next to each other in the classroom. While online simulations have been getting much attention http://www.clomedia.com/content/templates/clo_feature.asp?articleid=382&zoneid=2 |
83. CREDE Publications And Products 1) online and learn about recent activites, research role of the paraeducator in the classroom, the nature The collaborative role of teachers and researchers in http://www.cal.org/crede/pubs/ | |
84. Solutions For Education - Virtual Professional Development, Collaboration & Cont information for use in the classroomeven if the creativity and efficiency with which they teach. for Virtual Professional Development, collaboration Content http://www.enterasys.com/solutions/education/vpdc/ | |
85. Teacher Role Of Library Media Specialist to get input from teachers regarding classroom teacher s instructional Want your collaborative lesson published online website (K8 only); CD-ROM distributed to http://www.bcps.org/offices/lis/office/partner.html | |
86. FIPSE Grant Database resources creating a virtual transatlantic classroom with internationally promote cultural experiences, and continue collaborative learning in online REFERENCE http://www.fipse.aed.org/grantshow.cfm?grantNumber=P116J010013 |
87. OII's Entry For The NII Awards that moving from teachercentered classrooms to student activities with a national online support structure. Real-Time collaboration happens on our WWW site http://oii.org/html/nii_entry.html | |
88. Professional Development Through Learning Communities to integrate rich and powerful online original sources For some, this collaboration marks the first time they have used technology in their classrooms. http://www.glef.org/php/article.php?id=Art_481&key=238 |
89. About Global SchoolNet Choice Page Develop an online system training and support in an effective and appropriate manner in their classrooms. and community partnerships for ongoing collaboration. http://www.globalschoolnet.org/about/ | |
90. Classroom Activities She has participated in online collaborations through using MOO environments in her classrooms, particularly for and to organize collaborative efforts between http://www.uiowa.edu/~ddrhet/activities.htm | |
91. CITE Journal -- Volume 2, Issue 3 studies teacher can bring to the classroom. than one portal for accessing information online. Presently, the VRROOM collaborative includes four organizational http://www.citejournal.org/vol2/iss3/socialstudies/article1.cfm | |
92. Online Learning: An Overview with curriculum used in the traditional classroom. is based on principles of collaborative and constructivist or one of the Illinois online Network partner http://www.mvcr.org/Courses/C-CourseDetail.asp?course=1&textonly=false |
93. Barney Desroches: A Model Of Collaboration--The Science Education Gateway Exploring the Planets An online Gallery is a variety of real world classroom technology configurations. understands that a strong collaborative network is http://www.sfsu.edu/~museumst/minerva/desroches-00.html | |
94. Online Collaborative Projects are many different kinds of collaborative projects available. Global classrooms encourage groups of students to share you might chat with an astronaut online. http://eduscapes.com/tap/topic1a.htm | |
95. LD OnLine: NJCLD-Preservice Preparation Of General And Special Education Teacher collaborate and consult with related service providers, administrators with learning disabilities in regular education classrooms (pp. LD online Resource Guide. http://www.ldonline.org/njcld/preservice_prep.html | |
96. National Defense Magazine creation of SCORM was a collaborative process between a Technology Project (DTTP), an online training ÂInternet that National Guard DTTP classrooms also could http://www.nationaldefensemagazine.org/article.cfm?Id=672 |
97. Weekly Integration Topics 2003-2004 Presented on Wednesdays, Periods 2 through 8. in the Staff Development Lab, Room 1418. by the members of the Ranger Advisory Team http://www4.district125.k12.il.us/webmeisters/cchausis/wit.html | |
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