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61. Articles On Ongoing Professional Development development programs that provide classroom teachers with Inform and Empower An online network started by opportunities and close collaboration with colleagues http://www.glef.org/php/morearticles.php?id=238 |
62. NEA: NEA Today Online to work in a school that emphasized staff collaboration. on that researchbased information in the classroom. Partner Up The IDEA Partnerships, funded by the http://www.nea.org/neatoday/0301/firstfiveyears.html | |
63. EDN 506/COLLABORATION IN THE CLASSROOM WEBLIOGRAPHY Teaching Special Education for the Inclusive classroom. web site is an online textbook written essential characteristics of successful collaboration and best http://medsped.soe.umd.umich.edu/killu/edn506webliography.htm | |
64. Georgia State University PT3 Achievements are modeling the use of technology in the classroom. will begin putting their core courses online so as to A. Project goal To increase the collaboration of in http://itc.gsu.edu/pt3/achievements_99-00.htm | |
65. A. Nadine Burke at least two of the instructors online office hour that humanities courses have a collaborative component in teach in a traditional setting, my classroom is a http://leahi.kcc.hawaii.edu/org/tcc_conf97/pres/burke.html | |
66. Deakin University - Website Templates the more Âreal classroom experience of 2002) Educational partnerships online Global collaborative MIT Academic Computing online collaboration Resources. http://www.deakin.edu.au/teachlearn/cases/case03.htm | |
67. International Collaboration In Developing Online Resources For Teaching Democrac approach in which teachers use online materials in combination with conventional classroom training. of this effort represents true collaboration with an http://naweb.unb.ca/proceedings/2002/P5Goldfarb.htm | |
68. Global Internet Collaborative Projects with project description, of excellent online projects. can find connections with other classroom email resource for finding on-going collaborative projects. http://members.tripod.com/exworthy/collabproj.htm | |
69. ENC Online: ENC Features: ENC Focus: Past Issues: Teaching In The Standards-Base Explore online lesson plans, student activities, and teacher Using the Internet in the classroom Connecting Students Through Collaborative Projects by http://www.enc.org/features/focus/archive/standards/ | |
70. ENC Online: Web Links: Professional Resources: Online Classes For Teachers Web (WWW) site, created through the collaborative effort of Partnership and Thirteen Ed online, offers eleven to inform teaching practices in the classroom. http://www.enc.org/weblinks/pd/online/ | |
71. Untitled Document these experiences extend traditional classroom instruction Schools online understands that teachers must first In these featured collaborative projects, teachers http://www.schoolsonline.org/whatwedo/cprojects.htm | |
72. Effective Strategies For The Online Classroom In a truly collaborative learning process, concerns about effective strategies for the online classroom, San Francisco a masters degree completely online and an http://itlearningspace-scot.ac.uk/courses/keynotes/module1/main.cfm | |
73. EPALS Classroom Exchange The online youth companion to the Machel Review and the What collaborative projects have you worked on Look below to see how one Kindergarten classroom is using http://www.epals.com/newsletters/april2002/ | |
74. Education World ® : Curriculum: Log On And Learn More: Ten On-Line Projects To through 12 can participate in NASA s Wind Tunnel online Design Project problem solving, design activities, and collaboration with other classrooms and with http://www.education-world.com/a_curr/curr164.shtml | |
75. Television Watch Online from Montana involved in this online worldwide science to see a multidisciplinary and collaborative approach to Shared VisionBeyond the classroom We explore http://teachingnow.org/tv_wo.php |
76. Bringing Cyberspace Into The College Classroom The technologies for delivering classroom learning have been Electronic Archive (SEA), an online repository of technology to enhance collaborative learning. http://www.microsoft.com/PressPass/features/1999/10-05mit.asp | |
77. Teacher-to-Teacher Collaboration and, more especially, their classrooms around the about using videoconferencing for teacher collaboration. in a graduate, mostly online InternetBased http://teachnet.edb.utexas.edu/~lynda_abbot/teacher2teacher.html | |
78. Research And Development continuous learning, planning and collaborative work, increasing Science Physics SimulationsÂnew classroom tools for a survey tool and online team portfolio http://www.vermontinstitutes.org/rd/ | |
79. Sloan-C - Publications - Journal: JALN - Vol5:1 Computer mediated communication and the online classroom overview and of ambiguity in online communication (computer 1998); Hiltz, SR Collaborative Learning in http://www.aln.org/publications/jaln/v5n1/v5n1_curtis.asp | |
80. Keypals www.siec.k12.in.us/~west/online/coll1c.htm with and mail them your collaborative project ideas Intercultural Email classroom Connections IECC is a free service http://training.fcps.org/tt5/2GlobalComm/keypals.htm | |
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