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81. Oman Business Culture And Doing Business In Oman oman, Welcome to a countryspecific business and cross-cultural page! Learn aboutbusiness customs and protocol, social etiquette and negotiating tactics. http://store.worldbiz.com/index.php/cPath/101 | |
82. Alexa Web Search - Subjects > Regional > Middle East > Oman > Society And Cultur Society and culture Subjects Regional Middle East oman Society and culture.Browse, Sites in Society and culture (2). History (1). Personal Pages (3). http://www.alexa.com/browse/categories?catid=69185 |
83. Japan Forum - Local Discussions - Japanese Community/culture In Oman? Forum oman - Japanese community/culture in oman? Discussions - Local - oman,submit a reaction to this thread. Japanese community/culture in oman? http://www.japan-guide.com/local/local_forum.html?aID=799 |
84. Lonely Planet's Guide To Oman special offer! oman. culture. Arabic is the official language of oman,though English is widely spoken in business circles. In the http://webcenter.travel.aol.com/travel/lonely_planet/middle_east/oman/culture.ht | |
85. Oman Archaeology technology. The excavation of a cemetery near Amla sought the northernequivalent of the Samad culture of Central oman. The culture http://omanarch.esmartweb.com/ | |
86. Hybridmagazine.com :: Indie Counter-culture Daily, No Secret Handshakes. oman As much as 3,000 tons of the aromatic gum were exported each year fromthe ports of oman to Greece, Rome and the Mediterranean world. http://www.hybridmagazine.com/culture/0103/oman.shtml | |
87. Wauu.DE: Regional: Middle East: Oman: Society And Culture Translate this page Home Regional Middle East oman Society and culture. Links URL hinzufügen.In oman - Sisters in Islam Explores the culture of Muslim women in oman. http://www.wauu.de/Regional/Middle_East/Oman/Society_and_Culture/ | |
88. Sultanate Of Oman As The Switzerland Of Arabia Sultanate of oman as the Switzerland of Arabia, oman, culture. Sultanateof oman as the Switzerland of Arabia oman, culture, 9/4/1997. http://www.arabicnews.com/ansub/Daily/Day/970904/1997090420.html | |
89. Welcome To The Ministry Of National Heritage & Culture - Handicrafts Traditional Omani crafts represent a rich heritage in all aspects of Omani societyand are considered the most important heritage sources reflecting Omani http://www.mnhc.gov.om/handicrafts.html | |
90. British Council Oman and get involved in the fruitful organisation of social, cultural, professionaland educational events. Find out how you can join our alumni network in oman. http://www2.britishcouncil.org/oman | |
91. Oman Bilateral Relations Cultural relations. There is no bilateral cultural agreement and no Germancultural institutions in oman. Germany s cultural activities http://www.auswaertiges-amt.de/www/en/laenderinfos/laender/laender_ausgabe_html? |
92. Oman Cultural / Education Policy oman s cultural policy is focused on education, for which the state makes substantialfunds available. More than 90 % of the country s children enter school. http://www.auswaertiges-amt.de/www/en/laenderinfos/laender/laender_ausgabe_html? |
93. Johaina > Countries > Arabian Peninsula > Oman > Sections > Culture & Arts Click here for subscription terms. Al Watanoman site 13/5/2004, 28 ãÃÃæ ÃáÃÃÃÃ.. AlWatan-oman site 13/5/2004, Ãä (ÃáÃà ÃáÃÃÃÃì).. http://ejohaina.ajeeb.com/countryhead.asp?category=74100&type=Co |
94. Johaina > Countries > Arabian Peninsula > Oman > Sections > Culture & Arts Click here for subscription terms. Al Watanoman site 20/5/2004, ááãÃÃÃÃÃÃà ÃáÃà ÃáÃãá ÃáãÃÃÃÃ; ÃÃà .. http://ejohaina.ajeeb.com/country.asp?category=74100&type=Co |
95. Asien Auf Einen Blick - Oman - Tourismus, Orte, Städte, Politik, Botschaften, W Translate this page im oman Statistik von oman statistische Daten von oman der Weltbank Ministryof National Economy Kultur von oman Cultural Attache (= Kulturattaché in http://www.asien-auf-einen-blick.de/oman/ | |
96. Heritage events and displays.In April 1997, the Ministry organised an omani cultural exhibitionin Tehran, which displayed the historic links between oman and Iran and http://www.etectonics.com/oman/gi/heritage.asp | |
97. The Washington Times - Oman The ballet performance differed from those in the West; because omanÂsculture is reserved, all the dancers wore outfits covering their legs. http://www.internationalspecialreports.com/middleeast/99/oman/13.html | |
98. Oman Vacation Packages And Cultural Immersion Vacations Find the perfect oman Cultural Immersion vacation at GORPtravel, featuringadventure travel vacation packages from the best tour operators. http://gorptravel.away.com/xnet/search-2.tcl?destination_id=526&activity_id=22 |
99. Oman oman Foreign Minister AlZawawi (1978), Minister of National Heritage and CultureFaisal (1981, 1995), Minister in Charge of Foreign Affairs Alawi (1981, 1986 http://www.fmprc.gov.cn/eng/wjb/zzjg/xybfs/gjlb/2863/default.htm | |
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