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61. Auburn Career Center - Welcome! Helps Auburn Career Center Provide 11 School Districts in ohio with Improved It isthe policy of the Auburn vocational School District that admission, education http://www.auburn.k12.oh.us/ | |
62. Coshocton County Joint Vocational School Coshocton, Ohio Online Highways ohio Coshocton Coshocton County Joint vocationalSchool. Coshocton County Joint vocational School is a public http://www.ohwy.com/oh/h/hx407443.htm | |
63. Mahoning County Joint Vocational School Canfield, Ohio Mahoning County Joint vocational School Canfield, ohio Mahoning CountyJoint vocational School. Mahoning County Joint vocational http://www.ohwy.com/oh/h/hx407489.htm | |
64. Ohio Nursing Schools School of Nursing Athens ohio University - Community Pickaway-Ross Joint VocationalSchool - Chillicothe NLNAC of Canton City schools - School of Practical http://www.allnursingschools.com/find/Ohio/nursing-schools.php | |
65. Business Vocational Schools Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina OhioOklahoma Oregon Technical schools, vocational schools, Locate a School Near You http://www.ghotw.com/business-&-communications-business-vocational-schools.htm | |
66. Staff Development Plan: Ohio Valley Vocational School - Adams County/Ohio Valley Fermilab LInC Online. LInC Staff Development Plan ohio ValleyVocational School. Staff Development Action Plan. http://www-ed.fnal.gov/lincon/w98/projects/bridges/staffdev.html | |
67. ABLELink2004: ABLE Programs Which Have Sent Their December 2003 Data Match 2004. 110858, Miami Valley Literacy Council, Received, 03/31/2004.51300, MidEast ohio vocational School, Received, 03/29/2004. 123521,Mid http://literacy.kent.edu/ablelink/vaccess/2nd_DataMatch_Sent_4-20-04.htm | |
68. School To Work Links Occupational Work Experience An ohio vocational School-to-Work Program.ohio School-to-Work Workforce Development Clearinghouse. http://www.nlma.org/s2work.htm | |
69. Upper Valley JVS (Joint Vocational School District) Upper Valley JVS (Joint vocational School District) 8811 Career Drive Piqua, OH45356 Phone 937778-1980 Fax 937-778-4677 E-Mail uv_jackson@woco.ohio.gov. http://www.nationjob.com/company/upvj | |
70. Registering To Vote In Ohio Secretary of StateÂs office, public high school or vocational school, public library UnderOhio law, your party affiliation is determined by the ballot you http://www.electionsonthe.net/oh/register.htm | |
71. Ohio Pharmacists Association (OPA) Butler County Joint vocational School District 3603 HamiltonMiddletown Road Hamilton,OH State Community College 550 East Spring Street Columbus ohio 43125 www http://www.ohiopharmacists.org/techinfo.html | |
72. Employment In addition, applicants must be an ohio Certified Dental Assistant or Ginny Evans,Secondary School Supervisor Licking County Joint vocational School 150 Price http://www.lcesc.esu.k12.oh.us/Employment/Employ.htm | |
73. Ohio Local Government:Structure And Finance, Bulletin 835-98, D. Special-Purpose The joint vocational school district board, in most cases of the boards of each constituentschool district There are also many ohio special districts for higher http://ohioline.osu.edu/b835/b835_4.html | |
74. Education In Troy, Ohio Upper Valley Joint vocational School hosts approximately 850 high school Both thehigh school and adult division programs are of the best in the state of ohio. http://www.troyohiochamber.com/A55969/TroyAreaC.nsf/education | |
75. City Of Fairfield | Learning In Fairfield | Primary/Secondary Offerings Address 400 Nilles Road, Fairfield, ohio 45014. Phone 513858-4215. Providing anAlternative. The Butler County Joint vocational School District provides career http://www.fairfield-city.org/Learning/primary.cfm | |
76. TimesLeaderONLINE.com: Communities Clairsville, ohio 43950 Phone (740) 6959130 Fax (740) 695-5340 Whatschool district is it in Belmont-Harrison vocational School District. http://www.timesleaderonline.com/communities/stclairsville/bcc.asp | |
77. OMSC Affiliates Lakeland Community College; Lorain County Joint vocational School; Marietta College;Mathematical Association of America ohio Section; Miami University; NSF Urban http://www.oai.org/OMSC/Affiliates.html | |
78. OMSC Members Strongsville Kathleen KaiserHolscott Director, NASA s CORE Program Lorain CountyJoint vocational School Oberlin Peggy Kasten Director ohio Resource Center http://www.oai.org/OMSC/Members.html | |
79. The Ohio State University Agricultural Technical Institute |High School Partners Environmental Curriculum. ohio State ATI College Tech Prep High SchoolPartners. vocational Education Planning District. Location. Technology.A. http://www.ati.ohio-state.edu/VEPD.html | |
80. ACCSCT New Jersey  Office of SchoolTo-Career and North Dakota  State Board for vocational-TechnicalEducation. ohio  Career-Technical and Adult Education. http://www.accsct.org/resource/resource_links.html | |
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