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61. American Civil Liberties Union : Round 2 In Ohio School Voucher Fight ohio was the first state in the nation to allow to be used at religiousbased schools, and the the first statewide private and parochial school voucher program http://www.aclu.org/ReligiousLiberty/ReligiousLiberty.cfm?ID=8321&c=140 |
62. Milton Friedman: The Market Can Transform Our Schools Raise the voucher amount to $7,000Âthe sum that ohio state and local Voucherbearing students would then be less dependent on low-tuition parochial schools. http://www.hooverdigest.org/024/friedman.html | |
63. Alleghany News Online That position was dismissed by the ohio Supreme Court but upheld by the It supports primarily parochial schools, thus providing government funding of religion. http://www.alleghanynews.com/mushroomchronicles/column12.php | |
64. ShelbySites - Online Directory Of Shelby County, Ohio Area - Directory Of Area E The ohio State University Extension in Shelby county is a joint project of federal, state parochial/PRIVATE SYSTEMS. CHRISTIAN ACADEMY schools 2151 W. Russell Rd http://www.shelbysites.com/Education.asp | |
65. EETAP Ohio 2003 Current revisions of ohioÂs academic content standards and model with the Archdiocese of Cincinnati to extend programming opportunities in parochial schools. http://www.eeco-online.org/eetap.html | |
66. FOXNews.com - Top Stories - Supreme Court Faces Stark Choice In School Voucher C jurisprudence in the area of public funding for parochial schools. Theodore Olson, argues that all schools are on the hallmark of the ohio program, Olson wrote http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,45778,00.html | |
67. Relocating And Moving To Cleveland Heights, Ohio school, There are also 2 parochial schools, a Baptist for learningdisabled children, and 2 Montessori schools. established the first zoning ordinance in ohio. http://www.drelocation.com/clevelandhtsohio.htm | |
68. Relocating And Moving To Independence, Ohio 1984 there were 2 elementary schools, 1 junior high, 1 high school, and 2 parochial schools. population in 1980 was 19,31 1. Over 79% were born in ohio, and 7.4 http://www.drelocation.com/ohio/cuyahogaco/independence.htm | |
69. FACTS: Cost-Based Tuition / Need-Based Tuition Aid and quality education program are essential to the success of a parochial school. ago in my work as a Superintendent for Catholic schools in Dayton, ohio. http://www2.factsmgt.com/costbased/ | |
70. ORTHODOX UNION ACCEPTS OHIO SUPREME COURT SCHOOL VOUCHER DECISION; SAYS GOOD NEW address the technical issues raised by the court under ohio s constitution and to educate their kids whether in public, private or parochial schools - is not http://www.ou.org/public/statements/1999/nate12.htm | |
71. Podium If a parochial school were to take such an action and students to help develop grassroots schools initiatives that for Democracy in Education at ohio University http://www.ohiou.edu/perspectives/9901/podium3.htm | |
72. Catholic Culture : Document Library : Catholic Parochial School Music In a recent survey of some thirteen parochial elementary schools in the Dayton, ohio, metropolitan area, students in the seventh and eighth grades were http://www.catholicculture.org/docs/doc_view.cfm?recnum=3557 |
73. Charter Schools The principal sponsor of the legislation is from Toledo, and she is a vocal if not boisterous booster of parochial schools. ohio s last governor, George http://www.tft250.org/charter_schools.htm | |
74. CNN.com - Supreme Court Affirms School Voucher Program - June 27, 2002 undertaking by the State of ohio to provide taxpayer money to underwrite private or parochial school tuition students a choice between good and failing schools. http://www.cnn.com/2002/LAW/06/27/scotus.school.vouchers/ | |
75. FindLaw's Writ - Hamilton: Vouchers, Religious Schools, And The Establishment Cl There, the government loaned computers to parochial schools. ohio s voucher scheme, then, is very likely to trouble Justice O Connor  for, as argued above http://writ.news.findlaw.com/hamilton/20011122.html | |
76. Key Case In Future Of School Choice | Csmonitor.com how vouchers can transform parochial and public schools. By Gail Russell Chaddock Staff writer of The Christian Science Monitor. CLEVELAND, ohio Even if it http://www.csmonitor.com/2002/0219/p01s02-usju.html | |
77. Supreme Court To Rule On School Vouchers Case - 09/25/01 give parents a real choice, they say, and allow them to transfer their children to nearby private and parochial schools. In 1995, the ohio Legislature began http://www.detnews.com/2001/schools/0109/25/politics-303348.htm | |
78. Diocese Of Fort Wayne--History From The 1913 Catholic Encyclopedia 40 parochial schools, and a Catholic population estimated at 50,000. The Rev. Joseph Dwenger was then appointed to the see. he was born near Minster, ohio, in http://www.ipfw.edu/ipfwhist/cathchur/diocese.htm | |
79. Baptist Joint Comittee doesnÂt establish religion, because parents exercised free choice in using the vouchers to send their children to parochial schools. ÂThe ohio program is http://www.bjcpa.org/Pages/News/2002news/07.02voucherruling.html | |
80. Genealogy And Local History In Union County, Ohio - Pictures, Postcards, Etc. - Genealogy and Local History in Union County, ohio Pictures, Postcards, etc. German Lutheran parochial schools, Marysville, O. Home http://www.rootsweb.com/~ohunion/ppc/mabuls.html | |
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