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21. Oceanography Distributed Active Archive Center oceanography Distributed Active Archive Center Part of the Earth Observing System Data Information System, the physical oceanography Distributed Active Archive Center is responsible for archiving http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://podaac.jpl.nasa.gov/&y=021165AA928A3 |
22. Journal Of Physical Oceanography An American Meteorological Society Journal available online. http://ams.allenpress.com/amsonline/ | |
23. Physical Oceanography From Space physical oceanography from Space Provided by NASA for kids, the physical oceanography from Space Web site gives a short and simple introduction to the subject including how satellites measure the http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://podaac.jpl.nasa.gov/kids/&y=0256B32D |
24. The World-Wide Web Virtual Library: Oceanography: Subject Index physical oceanography. NOAA Climate data server at the Pacific Marine EnvironmnetalLaboratory; Bering Climate NOAA Ground based observations. http://www.mth.uea.ac.uk/ocean/vl/by-subject.html | |
25. 2001: An Ocean Odyssey Joint assemblies of the International association for physical Sciences of the ocean and the International Association for Biological oceanography. http://www.retina.ar/2001_ocean/ | |
26. Oceanography At UEA There are a number of physical Oceanographers at UEA in the School of Oceanographyand biogeochemistry group; Coastal Processes Research Group; The IMCORP project http://www.mth.uea.ac.uk/climateinfo.html | |
27. Oceans Climate And Biogeochemistry At Liverpool A centre of teaching and research in Marine Environmental and physical Sciences. http://pcwww.liv.ac.uk/ocean/oceanography/ | |
28. EOA Scientific Internet Campus Find educational information and interactive multimedia resources in earth science,geology,oceanography,space science, astronomy, physical science, and remote sensing. http://www.eoascientific.com/prototype/newcampus/campus.html | |
29. GulfBase - Louisana-Texas Shelf Physical Oceanography Program The LATEX Program is a sixyear oceanographic research initiative that has as its principal objective the identification of key dynamical processes governing the circulation, transport, and cross-shelf mixing of the waters on the Texas-Louisiana shelf http://www.gulfbase.org/project/view.php?pid=lspop |
30. Redirect - EDUCATION RESOURCES FOR OCEANOGRAPHY AND EARTH SCIENCES Education resources for oceanography and earth sciences. http//www.nationalgeographic.com/ xpeditions) physical oceanography From Space enhancement based on studies of the physical foundations of oceanography. The Project is conducted in http://podaac-www.jpl.nasa.gov/edudoc.html |
31. Physical Oceanography DAAC Home Page The physical oceanography Distributed Active Archive Center (PO.DAAC) is responsiblefor archiving and distributing data relevant to the physical state of the http://podaac-www.jpl.nasa.gov/ | |
32. Harold A. Miller Library Marine geology and physical oceanography indexes, catalogs and information resources. http://www-sul.stanford.edu/depts/miller/index.html | |
33. Oceanography - Faculty Interests are concerned with the physical oceanography of the coastal and continental shelf regions, nearshore dynamics and sediment transport. http://www.dal.ca/~wwwocean/ocean_1365_343.html | |
34. AnaSim Gibraltar II International Symposium on the water masses exchange physical oceanography of Strait of Gibraltar with emphasis on physical processes and their consequences on the marine biology and the numerical simulation of physical and biochemical processes on its surroundings. http://www.uca.es/otros/anasim_gibraltar/index_eng.html | |
35. Welcome To The Marine Physical Laboratory MPL (Marine physical Laboratory) is an academic laboratory of the Scripps Institution of oceanography, University of California, San Diego which is dedicated to the advancement of research, http://www.mpl.ucsd.edu/ | |
36. Oceanography Dalhousie is a world leader in oceanographic research with stateof-the-art facilities. Training and funding is offered for PhD and MSc degrees in biological, chemical, geological and physical areas of oceanography. http://www.dal.ca/~wwwocean/index.html | |
37. View Archives Journal of physical oceanography. View Archives. Journal of physical oceanographyVolume 34 (2004) Author Index; Volume 33 (2003) Author Index; http://ams.allenpress.com/amsonline/?request=get-archive&issn=1520-0485 |
38. View Archives Journal Cover, Journal of Applied Meteorology. Journal Cover, Journalof physical oceanography. Journal Cover, Monthly Weather Review. http://ams.allenpress.com/amsonline/?request=get-archive |
39. Physical Oceanography DAAC Home Page The NASA JPL physical oceanography Data Center. Active data archive from satellite remote sensing; MODIS, LANDSAT, Jason, TOPEX/POSEIDON. http://podaac.jpl.nasa.gov/ | |
40. Center For Atmosphere Ocean Science (CAOS) Research, graduate school studies in applied math, dynamical meteorology, physical oceanography and climate system modeling. http://www.math.nyu.edu/caos/ | |
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