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1. BUBL LINK / 5:15 Internet Resources: Oceanography News Author UNESCO Subjects marine science education, oceanography news DeweyClass551.4 ResourceType news Location france, europe Last checked 20000331 http://bubl.ac.uk/link/o/oceanographynews.htm | |
2. Oceanography News oceanography news. Unlocking the secrets of the sea BBC March 2004.Oceans becoming more acidic BBC - September 2003. Boiling seas http://www.crystalinks.com/oceanews.html | |
3. :: SCRIPPSNEWS :: Scripps Institution of Oceanography today is world renowned for its preeminence in scientific disciplines relating to biology, physics, chemistry, climatology, geosciences, and geophysics http://scrippsnews.ucsd.edu/ | |
4. Scripps News FOR RELEASE March 21, 2001. Scripps Institution of oceanography newsBriefing. STATE RESOURCES SECRETARY, SCRIPPS RESEARCHERS, AND http://scrippsnews.ucsd.edu/pressreleases/nichols_briefing.cfm | |
5. BUBL LINK / 5:15 Internet Resources: Marine Science News Information Services Subjects aquaculture, fisheries, marine science news, navalengineering, oceanography links, oceanography news DeweyClass 578.77 http://bubl.ac.uk/link/m/marinesciencenews.htm | |
6. Oceanography || Oceanography News Articles, Events And Discovery Archive oceanography news articles, events and discoveries archive by BrightSurf.com. Currentevents, news, research and discoveries in Earth, Life and Space science. http://www.brightsurf.com/isearch/index.php?action=search&s=Oceanography |
7. || News Articles, Events And Discovery Archive oceanography news articles, events and discoveries archive by BrightSurf.com. Current events, news, research and discoveries in Earth, Life and Space science. seasoned oceanography satellite http://www.brightsurf.com/isearch/index.php?action=search&s=Oceanography |
8. ASA - Acoustical Oceanography - News And Notes Oceanography Group at the Acoustical Society of America. Acoustical Societyof America s Acoustical oceanography news and Notes. http://acoustics.whoi.edu/AO/ | |
9. Oceanography News - Resources oceanography news Resources oceanography news, Information aboutoceans and the environment, including conferences, policy and http://www.electronics-ee.com/Resources/Oceanography_news.htm | |
10. Campfly - Scripps Oceanography News Release Orcutt, a professor of geophysics and director of the Cecil H. and Ida M. Green Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics at Scripps, was elected at the APS's annual general meeting in Philadelphia in late April. http://www-bfs.ucsd.edu/bbs/campfly/2002051305.htm |
11. Oceanography News | Cyber Paperboy oceanography news. Google. Cyber Paperboy 1233 Rochester Road // Troy, Michigan48083 Phone 248.585.0885 Contact Cyber Paperboy by E Mail. © Cyber Paperboy. http://www.cyberpaperboy.com/Oceanography.html | |
12. Cyber Paperboy Reference Desk & NEWS! Foods; OB/GYN News; oceanography news; Online Merchants; OPEC; OpinionJournal P Top^; Pathology News; PC Virus Help; PDA News; People Finders; http://www.cyberpaperboy.com/ | |
13. Earth Sciences News Earth Sciences News; Paleontology News; Geology News; Geomatics News; MeteorologyNews; oceanography news. 200405-24 062716 News Intelligence. oceanography news. http://earth-sciences.designerz.com/news.php?search_str=oceanography&action=sear |
14. TAMU Oceanography: News & Events Department News, Updated 13May-2004. 29 Feb 2004. A M Oceanography founderDale Leipper dies. 31 Jan 2004. Scooby Lab field trip to Galveston East Beach. http://www-ocean.tamu.edu/news_events.html | |
15. URI Graduate School Of Oceanography News And Information News Extras GSO News can be delivered to your desktop via Email.OOO. GSO Friends of Oceanography Science Lecture Series. Up, up http://www.gso.uri.edu/news/gsonews.html | |
16. URI Graduate School Of Oceanography News And Information GSO News. Sponsored by URI Friends of Oceanography. Previous Issuesof Bay Notes. URI Graduate School of Oceanography Bay Notes South http://www.gso.uri.edu/news/BayNotes.html | |
17. UW School Of Oceanography: News And Events calendar.perl Biology http//protist.biology.washington.edu/bio2/news/seminarsEarth noaa.gov/foci/seminar.html PRISM Lecture series (Oceanography 509Autumn http://www.ocean.washington.edu/ocean_web/utilities/new_events/news_events.html | |
18. UW School Of Oceanography: News And Events News Archive Currents Archive, School of Oceanography scientists returnto Lost City Seattle Times Article Lost City Web; Professor http://www.ocean.washington.edu/ocean_web/utilities/new_events/news_archive.html | |
19. Duxbury/Fundamentals Of Oceanography, 3/e oceanography news. The Oceanography Society News System; The OceanographySociety; Oceanography Resources; Geosciences 40MainPage; SchoolNet http://www.mhhe.com/earthsci/geology/duxfund/news.mhtml | |
20. Duxbury/Oceanography National Oceanographic Data Center Bulletin Board oceanography news. The OceanographySociety News System; The Oceanography Society; Oceanography Resources; http://www.mhhe.com/earthsci/geology/oceanography/links.html | |
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