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21. WWW.HR - Science And Research:Institutes Weather forecasts for Zagreb and Croatia. {visits 27211 added 26.06.1998 - rating 12.61}. Institute of oceanography and Fisheries http//www.izor.hr/. http://www.hr/wwwhr/science/institutes/index.en.html | |
22. Faculty Research Interest Oceanography Penn State Institutes Of http://www.environment.psu.edu/faculty/faculty_results_keyword.asp?varKeyword_ID |
23. Geo-Guide: Oceanography 14. Center for Coastal Studies (CCS, SIO). Subject Class, oceanography. Source Type, Research institutes. URL, http//wwwccs.ucsd.edu/. http://www.geo-guide.de/cgi-bin/ssgfi/anzeige.pl?db=geo&sc=UG 000 |
24. Ocean Dictionary, World's Ocean-related Institutes ÂSea Technology Institute wholly owned subsidiary of the Shirshov Institute of oceanography of the Russian Academy of Sciences http//users.nevalink.ru http://www.oceandictionary.net/orgru.html | |
25. Ocean Dictionary, World's Ocean-related Institutes ÂNational Institute of oceanography. ÂÂNational Ã. ÂÂUK Institute of Oceanographic Sciences. ÂÂUniversity of Oxford. http://www.oceandictionary.net/orguk.html | |
26. Beach Channel H.S. | Www.beachchannel.net oceanography Institute The oceanography Institute offers classes in Marine Biology, oceanography and other Advanced Marine Sciences. http://www.beachchannel.net/institutes/ | |
27. Bahooglia Meteorology/Oceanography Oceanographic and Polar Research institutes. Scripps Institution of oceanography; Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution; Alfred Wegener Research Institute. http://www.radiojerry.com/oceano.htm | |
28. Oceanography An Oceanographic database containing physical (eg temperature, salinity, currents commercial companies and universities and research institutes and through http://www.marine.ie/rnd projects/marine environment/oceanography/ |
29. PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY IN CANADA : 1995-1998 an emphasis on studies linking physical and biological oceanography continued to grow In academic institutes, significant efforts continued on national and http://www.cgu-ugc.ca/cnc-iugg/IAPSO99.htm | |
30. UNIVERSITIES, OCEANOGRAPHIC INSTITUTES, AND LABORATORIES UNIVERSITIES, OCEANOGRAPHIC institutes, AND LABORATORIES. ARGENTINA. Spanish oceanography Institute (in Spanish or English) SWEDEN. http://www.olympus.net/IAPSO/instit.html | |
31. Universidade De Aveiro The graduates in Meteorology And Physical oceanography can work in institutes and other concerns where a solid education in the fields of Meteorology and http://acesso.ua.pt/en/infocurso1.asp?ID_Curso=95 |
32. EDUCATION PLANET - 57 Web Sites For Oceanography for Sea Research (NIOZ) was founded in July 1876 as the Marine Zoological Station and is presently one of the major European oceanographic institutes. http://www.educationplanet.com/search/Science/Marine_Science/Oceanography?startv |
33. Gadus Associates : List Of Fisheries Research Institutes Oceanic Fisheries Investigations (CalCOFI); Scripps Institution of oceanography San Diego For other US research institutes, try the National Association of http://home.istar.ca/~gadus/institutes.html | |
34. NATO STARnet Environmental And Biological Sciences Information Node Search Resul Links to everything oceans in Canada from university programs to research institutes to policies...... and Landscapes,oceanography Coverage Canada http://starnet.rta.nato.int/results.asp?node=2&topic=54 |
35. Marine Labs, Institutes, And Aquariums Links Canada Project Seahorse Worldwide seahorse conservation project Bedford Institute of oceanography - Canada s Largest Centre for Ocean Research! http://oceanlink.island.net/links/lablinks.html | |
36. Californiadigitallibrary.org: Search Results California, San Diego Subject Scripps Institution of oceanography Scripps Institution of oceanography History Research institutes California La http://californiadigitallibrary.org/cgi/generic-search?sort=title;mode=publicdl; |
37. Other CLIVAR Related Research Activities And Institutes Research, Japan; National Institute of oceanography, India; NASDA, Japan; National Taiwan University. Australia Antarctic Cooperative http://www.clivar.org/data/link_inst.htm | |
38. CIESM : Marine Stations : Alexandria, Ntl Institute Of Oceanography And Fisherie Main sectors of research. oceanography, fisheries, aquaculture. Current major projects. Update 30/07/1999. CIESM Guide of Marine Research institutes feedback. http://www.ciesm.org/resources/inst/Inst83.html | |
39. National Institutes/Contacts Relevant To EDIOS National institutes relevant to EDIOS in Spain Dr. Jordi Font, Instituto de Ciencias del Mar (ICMCSIC), Barcelona of Marine Biology and oceanography, Barcelona http://doga.ogs.trieste.it/edios/contacts.html | |
40. Institutes Participating In ASGAMAGE, Their Acronyms And Main Investigators Cor Jacobs. Bedford Institute of oceanography, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada (BIO), Bob Anderson and Stu Smith. Southampton University http://www.knmi.nl/onderzk/oceano/special/asgamage/organisa.html | |
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