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1. NSF Funding Opportunity Document: Cooperative Activities In Environmental Resear
Foundation and the European Commission Ecology and oceanography of Harmful Algae European Commission, fully integrated collaborative activities between US and EU scientists
Cooperative Activities in Environmental Research between the National Science Foundation and the European Commission: Ecology and Oceanography of Harmful Algae
Program Solicitation
NSF 03-580
National Science Foundation
Directorate for Geosciences
Division of Ocean Sciences
Full Proposal Deadline(s) (due by 5 p.m. proposer's local time):
    October 16, 2003
General Information
Program Title: Cooperative Activities in Environmental Research between the National Science Foundation and the European Commission: Ecology and Oceanography of Harmful Algae Synopsis of Program: Cognizant Program Officer(s):
  • Phillip R. Taylor, Program Director, Directorate for Geosciences, Division of Ocean Sciences, 725 N, telephone: (703) 292-8582, fax: (703) 292-9085, email: David Lee Garrison, Associate Program Director, Directorate for Geosciences, Division of Ocean Sciences, 725 N, telephone: (703) 292-8582, fax: (703) 292-9085, email:

2. CTE - Active Learning - Collaborative/Group Learning
Commonly Asked Questions about Teaching collaborative activities. Provides practical answers to converting a science course (oceanography) from a traditional lecture/demonstration
UMDNJ Home Center Home Active Learning Center Index Resource Center Traditional Teaching Active Learning Clinical Education ...
Web Site
Web links are provided for the convenience of Center visitors. Their inclusion does not signify UMDNJ endorsement of the method, product, or service described, nor of the source provider. Introduction to Group and Collaborative Learning Using a Formal Collaborative Learning Paradigm for Veterinary Medical Education by W.R. Klemm. Defines collaborative learning (CL), outlines its basic elements, describes why CL is effective, presents a practical CL lesson template and discusses the future of CL, including the barriers that need to be overcome to succeed. From the Journal of Veterinary Medical Education Cooperative Learning by R.T. Johnson and D.W. Johnson. Defines cooperative learning (CL), provides a rationale for its use and briefly describes what make CL groups work. From the University of Minnesota Cooperative Learning Center. Cooperative Learning: Increasing College Faculty Instructional Productivity by D. Johnson. Defines cooperative learning and describes several ways to ensure that students actively create their knowledge rather than passively listening to the professor. From the ERIC Clearinghouse on Higher Education (an ERIC Digest).

3. Lesson Plans
include interdisciplinary activities for magnets, the five senses, oceanography, plants, chemistry, and Team Online provide online collaborative activities and 30 lesson plans
Lesson Plans and Activities
Academy Curriculum Exchange (K-5). Academy Curriculum Exchange (K-5) provides 130 mini-lesson plans for the elementary school covering a variety of science topics. Among these are microscope use, mapping constellations, water pollution, studying owl pellets and caterpillars to butterflies.
Academy Curriculum Exchange (6-8). Academy Curriculum Exchange (6-8) features 60 mini-lesson plans for many science topics covered in the middle school. Among these are weather forcasting, photosynthesis, building a psychrometer and "ph" and solvent activities.
Academy Curriculum Exchange (9-12). Academy Curriculum Exchange (9-12) offers 22 mini-Lessons plans suitable for the high school science. Among these are chemistry magic, a parallax experiment with candles, and a magnetic fields activity.
Access Excellence Activities Exchange. Access Excellence Activities Exchange contains an archive of hundreds of lessons and activities submitted by high school biology and life sciences teachers participating in the Access Excellence program. High school teachers will find the activities from the 1996 collection , the 1994-1995 collection , the 1996 Share-A-Thon collection , the partners collection , and the classic collection . Teachers can also search for individual activities from the Access Excellence archive. A new collection, "The Mystery Spot", will added in 1997.

4. K-12 Partnership K-8 Earth Science
In particular, we will cover the topics of geology, oceanography and astronomy.We will focus on real time data and collaborative activities that focus on
K - 12 Partnership Online Materials 2001 - 2002 K - 8 Exploring Earth Science Using the Internet
Today's workshop will focus on using the Internet in the study of earth science. In particular, we will cover the topics of geology, oceanography and astronomy. We will focus on real time data and collaborative activities that focus on earth science topics. Online Experts Geology Online Educational Materials Geology Real Time Data Projects Geology Collaborative Projects Geology Resources
Oceanography Online Educational Materials Real Time Oceanography Resources Oceanography Real Time Data Projects Oceanography Collaborative Projects
  • Rosita - sail with a family in search of right whales
Oceanography Resources

5. Oceanography
Irish Newfoundland Partnership to engage in a collaborative project with universitiesand research institutes and through training and development activities. projects/marine environment/oceanography/

6. K-12 Partnership K-8 Earth Science
of geology, oceanography and astronomy. We will focus on real time data and collaborative activities that focus on oceanography collaborative Projects. Rosita sail with a family in
K - 12 Partnership Online Materials 2001 - 2002 K - 8 Exploring Earth Science Using the Internet
Today's workshop will focus on using the Internet in the study of earth science. In particular, we will cover the topics of geology, oceanography and astronomy. We will focus on real time data and collaborative activities that focus on earth science topics. Online Experts Geology Online Educational Materials Geology Real Time Data Projects Geology Collaborative Projects Geology Resources
Oceanography Online Educational Materials Real Time Oceanography Resources Oceanography Real Time Data Projects Oceanography Collaborative Projects
  • Rosita - sail with a family in search of right whales
Oceanography Resources

7. Collaborative Thematic Unit
collaborative Thematic Unit Theme Oceans and Undersea Life. Features a kid s pageand activities for children Part of the Scripps oceanography Institute and
    Collaborative Thematic Unit
Theme: Oceans and Undersea Life by Lara Chapman and David Herring This unit can be presented as a school wide theme or for an individual class. It is not all inclusive and does not represent all that is available for classroom instruction where oceans and undersea life are concerned. The unit is divided up into sections allowing the teacher to pick and choose to fit their needs Focus: Students will study the oceans and seas of the world, the animal life that swims in them and the countries that border them. Grade Level: Primary (K- 5th) Suggested Objectives (Not All Inclusive):
1. Know how much of the world is covered with water.
2. Name the four oceans and the major seas.
3. Name the countries bordering the four oceans.
4. Know the difference between salt and fresh water.
5. Know the foods that we eat which come from the oceans.
6. Students will have a concept of environmental issues affecting the ocean and its organisms.
7. Know the food chains, life cycles and plant life found in the oceans.
8. Know how oceans/seas effect our weather.

Education resources for oceanography and earth sciences. 1.2 Higher Education. 2.0 collaborative, On-Line Education. 3.0 Continuing Network Montana - Hydrosphere activities. One Sky, Many

9. K-12 Partnership K-8 Life Science
geology, oceanography and astronomy. We will focus on real time data and collaborative activities. oceanography collaborative Projects. oceanography Resources. oceanography Internet
K - 12 Partnership Online Materials 2002 - 2003
  • K - 8 Exploring Earth Science Using the Internet
  • Purpose
    Today's workshop will focus on using the Internet in the study of earth science. In particular, we will cover the topics of geology, oceanography and astronomy. We will focus on real time data and collaborative activities. Online Experts Geology Online Educational Materials Geology Real Time Projects
  • Musical Plates Using real time earthquake data available from the Internet, explore the relationship between earthquakes and plate tectonics Volcanoes USGS site Volcano Expedition
  • Geology Collaborative Projects Geology Resources
    Oceanography Online Educational Materials Real Time Oceanography Resources Oceanography Real Time Data Projects Oceanography Collaborative Projects Oceanography Resources

    10. DLESE Find A Resource > Resource Type: Curriculum
    is structured as a collaborative, ProblemBased Biology , Ecology , Biological oceanography, Natural hazards includes lessons, classroom activities, color and
    Results 1-10 of 41 = DLESE Reviewed Collection ESSEA Online Courses: K-4 Earth System Science Course Submit a teaching tip This 16-week online graduate course for elementary teachers is offered by colleges and universities across the United States as part of the NASA ESSEA Program (Earth System Science Education Alliance). The course engages primary school teachers in online collaborative activities emphasizing the use of hands-on activities... Full description This resource is in these collections: NASA ESE Reviewed Collection DLESE Reviewed Collection (DRC) Grade level: Primary (K-2) Intermediate (3-5) Graduate / Professional College (15-16) Resource type: Curriculum Subject: Atmospheric science Biology Ecology Cryology Geology Hydrology Other Technology ESSEA Online Courses: 9-12 Earth System Science Course Submit a teaching tip This 16-week online graduate course for high school teachers is offered by colleges and universities across the United States as part of the NASA ESSEA Program (Earth System Science Education Alliance). The course is structured as a collaborative, Problem-Based Learning (PBL) experience. It is modeled so that teachers will learn to use science as inquiry from the student perspective and then be able to model this teaching approach in their own classrooms... Full description This resource is in these collections: NASA ESE Reviewed Collection DLESE Reviewed Collection (DRC) Grade level:

    11. Science Lesson Plans And Activities A To Z
    include interdisciplinary activities for magnets, the five senses, oceanography, plants, chemistry, and Team Online provide online collaborative activities and 30 lesson plans Lesson Plans and Activ
    Science Lesson Plans and Activities A to Z
    Academy Curriculum Exchange (K-5). Academy Curriculum Exchange (K-5) provides 130 mini-lesson plans for the elementary school covering a variety of science topics. Among these are microscope use, mapping constellations, water pollution, studying owl pellets and caterpillars to butterflies. Academy Curriculum Exchange (6-8). Academy Curriculum Exchange (6-8) features 60 mini-lesson plans for many science topics covered in the middle school. Among these are weather forcasting, photosynthesis, building a psychrometer and "ph" and solvent activities. Academy Curriculum Exchange (9-12). Academy Curriculum Exchange (9-12) offers 22 mini-Lessons plans suitable for the high school science. Among these are chemistry magic, a parallax experiment with candles, and a magnetic fields activity. Access Excellence Activities Exchange. Access Excellence Activities Exchange contains an archive of hundreds of lessons and activities submitted by high school biology and life sciences teachers participating in the Access Excellence program. High school teachers will find the activities from the 1996 collection , the 1994-1995 collection , the 1996 Share-A-Thon collection , the partners collection , and the classic collection . Teachers can also search for individual activities from the Access Excellence archive. A new collection, "The Mystery Spot", will added in 1997.

    12. Courtney K. Harris - Physical Sciences
    MS520 Principles of Coastal and Estuarine Physical oceanography. MS698 topcollaborative Interdisciplinary activities. Impact

    Franklin Hall 212
    Research Site:
    Courtney K. Harris
  • Assistant Professor of Marine Science B.S., University of Virginia M.S., University of California, Berkeley M.S., Ph.D., University of Virginia
    Research Interests
    Current Projects
    • Sediment dispersal and reworking in the north-western Adriatic. Funded by the Office of Naval Research as part of the EuroSTRATAFORM project.
      Sediment dispersion on the Eel River Shelf, northern California. Funded by the Office of Naval Research as part of the STRATAFORM project.
      Contaminants and Marine Geology in the New York Bight
      : Modern Sediment Dynamics and a Legacy for the Future; funded by the US Geological Survey.
      Community sediment transport initiative
      . Funded by the U.S. Geological Survey.
    Selected Publications
      Harris, C.K. , B. Butman, and P. Traykovski (2003) Wintertime circulation and sediment transport in the Hudson Shelf Valley. Continental Shelf Research, in press. Harris, C.K.
  • 13. Elizabeth A. Canuel
    Geophysical Union; The oceanography Society; Geochemical Society; Estuarine ResearchFederation. top collaborative Interdisciplinary activities (with fellow VIMS

    Chespeake Bay Hall N310, N317
    Elizabeth A. Canuel
  • Assistant Professor of Marine Science B.S., 1981, Stonehill College, North Easton, MA, Chemistry. Ph.D., 1992, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC, Marine Sciences
    Research Interests
    Current Projects
    • How Temporal Changes in River Discharge and Storms Affect the Source and Age Distribution of Sedimentary Organic Carbon Across a River-Dominated Margin. Funded by: NSF Ocean Sciences.
      Effects of benthic biodiversity and food web structure on the accumulation and composition of organic carbon in eelgrass (Zostera marina) bed sediments.
      Assessment of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta as Habitat for Production of the Food Resources that Support Fish Recruitment. E.A. Canuel (PI). Funded by U.S. Geological Survey.
      Sources of Particulate and Sedimentary Organic Matter in the Chesapeake Bay Estuary: A Biomarker Approach.
      E.A. Canuel (PI). Funded by National Science Foundation CAREER Program, Ocean Sciences Division. 1 Sep 1995 through 31 Aug 2000. (supporting website here
    Selected Publications
    Complete publications list available here
      Duffy, J.E., J.P. Richardson and
  • 14. Related Activities
    CDC) and Scripps Institution of oceanography, provided an experimental streamflow forecast for explore the potential for future collaborative activities to research the use of

    15. FGSR - Research For Atlantic Canada Communities
    for Atlantic Canada communities clearly involves collaborative activities with other andarea Historical Society, and the Bedford Institute of oceanography.
    Mission Research Thrusts Chair Allocation Assessment ... Approval Process
    About Us Dean's Message Mission Staff Committees ... Contact Us
    Potential Students Programs Offered Admission Forms Financial Information Scholarships and Awards ... FAQs
    Registered Students Financial Information Graduate Studies Forms Scholarships and Awards Calendar ... FAQs
    Research Grants Deadlines Information Strategic Research Plan ... Publications
    Publications Scholarly Activity Scholarly Expertise Newsletters Launch
    Ask an Expert Instructions Expertise by Keyword Expertise by Name
    Faculty Login General Scholarly Activity Scholarly Expertise Research Thrust 1: Research for Atlantic Canada Communities Major objectives
    • to further develop Saint Mary's University as a centre of interdisciplinary and collaborative research that is directly applicable to social, economic, cultural and political issues of Atlantic Canada; to provide stable funding for the continued operation of the Gorsebrook Research Institute; to maintain a critical mass in Criminology research that will permit the development of a world-class Criminology research program;

    16. Collaborative Collection Management Workshop
    film(K) oceanography(K) Patents(K) Will help in other collaborative activities. Gives us an opportunity to hear firsthand problems with collections at the
    Collaborative Collection Management Workshop
    Carnahan House, Lexington, Kentucky
    Thursday, June 13 and Friday, June 14, 1996
    Table of Contents
    Background Progress Humanities Group 1 Humanities Group 2 ... Social Science Group 2
    In October, 1995 Russ Clement, Jane Row, Flora Shrode, Diane Perushek and Sandra Leach traveled to Kentucky to meet with Kentucky librarians interested in developing cooperative collecting initiatives. Subsequently, 20 UK librarians, 2 Eastern Kentucky librarians and 10 UTK librarians attended a two day workshop at Carnahan House in Lexington, KY. These librarians developed various collaborative scenarios and explored some sample methodology for collaborative collection management. The workshop was facilitated by George Soete (ARL). The librarians were organized into 5 groups. Two social science groups, two humanities groups and one science and technology group. This page contains some of the results of the workshop. We are also including an e-mail page to help librarians more easily keep in touch with collaborators. Progress on any projects will be posted on this page.
    Several projects are currently being investigated by UK and UTK that directly resulted from the collaboration workshop.

    17. Oceanography Program
    which serves the Meteorology and oceanography faculty and faculty members integratetechnology into collaborative learning activities and lectures.
    Department of Geosciences Programs in Oceanography
    BS in Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
    Oceanography at San Francisco State University
    The campus of San Francisco State University (SFSU) lies within the city of San Francisco, on the San Francisco Peninsula in a spectacular setting overlooking the Pacific Ocean. SFSU's Department of Geosciences, part of the College of Science and Engineering and an affiliate of the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research, is housed on the 5th and 6th floors of Thornton Hall. The undergraduate program in oceanography at SFSU is administered by the Department of Geosciences. As of Fall Semester 2002, the BS in Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences with Concentrations in Meteorology and Oceanography will be available to students. This degree is the only one of its kind to be offered in either the California State University or University of California systems. The new degree is distinguished by its interdisciplinary core in meteorology and oceanography completed by all students regardless of concentration. The new degree will offer oceanography students several options or emphases that will be chosen with the help of a faculty advisor. These emphases are designed to prepare students for professional careers in physical oceanography or in applied oceanography. In addtion, all of the emphases are designed to give students the undergraduate background required for entry into graduate programs at leading institutions around the country. Finally, a unique interdisciplinary emphasis will prepare students to tackle the meteorologic and oceanographic aspects of climate change.

    18. ECSCW_2003_ WS10
    is a member of Scripps Institution of oceanography at University GC Bowker (2003)Ecological Storytelling and collaborative Scientific activities.
    Back to workshops home page
    W10 Computer Supported Scientific Collaboration
    Karen Baker, Geoffrey C. Bowker and Helena Karasti
    ECSCW'03 workshop
    September 14-18 2003, Helsinki Finland
    Workshop description Goals and objectives The aim of the workshop is to bring together, for the first time in the CSCW venue, researchers who share an interest in the study of scientific collaborations and their technology support. - To map current research initiatives; - To create relations among diverse researchers; - To identify areas of mutual interest and to scope the challenges involved in scientific collaborations for the development of technological support - To explore plans for a follow-on activity such as a joint publication forum in a journal special issue Activities and discussions The workshop will be organized around a number of themes. These are by no means meant to exclusive topics but will be extended to take account of emergent themes based on the contributions of the participants. - Is scientific collaboration different from other types of collaborative work? How does it differ?

    19. Bienvenidos A La Pagina De Tereza Cavazos
    among US (eg, NOAA, NCDC, Scripps Institution of oceanography, Desert Research theexchange of information and the potential collaborative activities that will
    Workshop on
    The North American Monsoon Experiment (NAME):
    Oceanographic Component
    Auditorio Pedro Ripa
    21-22 April, 2003 Workshop Goals Agenda Participants Information
    Workshop Goals
    This workshop will concentrate on two goals to help promote collaboration between Mexican and Central American scientists to strengthen the oceanographic component of the NAME Intensive Observing Period (IOP) in 2004 (Fig. 1). One goal is to enhance regional efforts for the application and use of scientific knowledge, technical tools and monitoring to better understand the variability of the Gulf of California and of the warm pool off the Mexican and Central American coasts. The second goal is focused on promoting coordination of research proposals in response to the NOAA Call of Opportunity in support of IOP for NAME, with special emphasis on the oceanographic component. Participants will include Mexican, Central American, and U. S. ocean/atmosphere scientists. In particular, we wish to establish Mexican/Central American collaboration to enhance oceanic observation systems relevant to NAME, not only during the experiment, but also on a longer time basis. The oceanic database derived from these activities would complement the atmospheric field observations and would help validate different models to provide better climate diagnosis and predictions. We also plan to initiate a dialogue to coordinate a Mexican database center.
    Fig. 1

    20. NSF - Deadlines - Geosciences
    ) (Geosciences) Target Date August15 the only deadline for proposals for collaborative activities with Chile...... pd981670 Chemical oceanography (Program
    About NSF


    ... Site Map Deadlines Geosciences TOPIC:
    Deadlines All Deadlines by Date All Deadlines by Title Biology Computer / Information Sciences ... News
    About this list This page is generated from the Online Document System as of (June 11, 2004) . It includes deadlines and target dates from the previous month. Important Deadline and target dates are subject to change, and details concerning these dates may be found in the individual publications listed below, or on the deadline and target date pages maintained by the program areas
    Coupling, Energetics, and Dynamics of Atmospheric Regions (CEDAR)

    Target Date: May 01, 2004
    International Opportunities for Scientists and Engineers

    (NSF-wide) Americas (all countries except Chile): All activities except planning visits and dissertation enhancements that are accepted at any time.: May 01, 2004 Interagency Education Research Initiative (IERI) (NSF-wide) Full Proposal Deadline due by 5 p.m. proposer's local time : May 10, 2004

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