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41. Science Microbes. Microbe Zoo http//commtechlab.msu.edu/sites/dlcme/zoo. oceanography. http//www.marine-ed.org/.National Marine Educators assoc. http//www.nsta.org/. http://www.fairfield.k12.ct.us/fairfieldwoods/c_fairfieldwoods/20/science math w | |
42. Collections@dlese.org: Re: [collections] "Ease Of Use" Criterion Please send comments to the listserver collections@dlese.org Thanks, Kim assoc. inGeology and oceanography 808247.5362 fax Co-chair - Faculty Senate Univ http://www.dlese.org/MailingLists/archives/html/collections/msg00192.html | |
43. Seaturtle.org - Directory Univestiy Dept.of Fishery, Student/oceanography Ernest, Bob Jason Dial Cordy assoc Envir Consulting has changed please contact webmaster@seaturtle.org. http://www.seaturtle.org/people/?index=E |
44. Seaturtle.org - Directory Di Carlo, Giuseppe Southampton oceanography Centre, UK Nanyang Techological University,assoc Professor Dirado changed please contact webmaster@seaturtle.org. http://www.seaturtle.org/people/?index=D |
45. NCMR Library - List Of Journals Abbreviations assoc. Taiwan Strait Journal of oceanography in Taisan Strait; J. Oceanol. Soc. Eng. Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering; J. org. Chem. http://atlantis.ncmr.gr/abbrevj.htm | |
46. NMEA Bulletin Board The next science meeting of The oceanography Society (TOS INFORMATION http//www.Tos.org/Miamimtg/miamimtg.htm MichaelWilliamson Director WhaleNet assoc. http://www.marine-ed.org/board.new/ |
47. Newsletter, Fall 1997 Prof., assoc. Fellow/Resident Systematist, 19681969, Marine Biological Laboratory,Woods Hole; Oceanographer, 1968-1969, Office of oceanography and Limnology http://www.amicros.org/newsl97f.htm | |
48. Aquatic Network: Limnology & Oceanography Products & Services ECOsystems Management assoc., Inc Email pWirnsperger@t-online.de Subcategory OceanographyConsulting. buchheim@xtalwind.net URL http//www.marinebiology.org. http://www.aquanet.com/products/dir_ocn.htm | |
49. Environmental Journalism Center Researchers from the Scripps Institution of oceanography contend that AmericanDental assoc. Leslee Williams, 312-440-2592, williamsle@ada.org. http://www.rtndf.org/resources/tipsheet/august1.shtml | |
50. The High Seas And Coastal Waters Oceanography assoc. Prof. Dr. Eberhard Fahrbach Advanced General oceanography. PetersburgRussia Phone (Fax) +7 (0) 812 323 99 76 Email secretariat@pomor.org. http://www.pomor.org/teachers/mod2.htm | |
51. Modul2 assoc. Advanced General oceanography Dr. Birgit Klein, Dr. Alexander Klepikov, Dr.Eberhard Fahrbach. Fax) +7 (0) 812 323 99 76 Email secretariat@pomor.org. http://www.pomor.org/moduls/modul2.htm | |
52. Appendix B - Literature Listing Complied And Considered By The Task Force for Agricultural Science and Technology, Ames, Iowa, http// www.castscience.org. assoc. ofLimnology oceanography; funded by NSF, Naiman, RJ, JJ Magnuson, DM http://www.nsf.gov/nsb/tfe/nsb99133/app_b.htm | |
53. Biology Careers Information From The CBU Biology Department of Limnology and oceanography (ASLO) Careers in oceanography, Marine Science Writersassociation provides a Student Membership http//www.amwa.org assoc. http://www.cbu.edu/~aross/biodept/Careers.html | |
54. Support French Research (Soutien International ) Bruce G. Livett Reader and assoc. mars, Collie Jeremy University of Rhode Island,Professor of oceanography. 28 mars, Tchorbanov Bozhidar Inst org Chem, Bul Acad http://recherche-en-danger.apinc.org/article.php3?id_article=545 |
55. Greater San Diego Science & Engineering Fair Secondary V. Krautheim Jess Rucker 8 Rhoades R. Hunker California School Nurses assoc. MaryStar of the L. Loftis Scripps Institution of oceanography Judy Her http://www.gsdsef.org/2002/ProfSoc.asp | |
56. Joan Berger's Science Web Sites Health http//www.lungusa.org/ (American Lung assoc.) http//cc php3(Nutrition.gov)http//www.nutritionexplorations.org/(Nutrition Exlporations oceanography. http://users.adelphia.net/~jberger5/sciencesites.html | |
57. FishLinks Scripps Institution of oceanography www.scripps.ucsd.edu. GlobalOcean - www.seafoodrus.org. Gloucester Fishermen s Wives assoc. http://www.ceimaine.org/fisheries/FishLinks.htm | |
58. Professional Organizations- RockWare Geology Links To promote the interests of limnology and oceanography and related BioremediationDiscussion Group http//bioremediationgroup.org The BioGroup Canadian assoc. http://www.rockware.com/portal/prof.html | |
60. Registered Users For IOGOOS-II National Center for oceanography Iranian National Center for oceanography, No 9 Fax25441-475157 E-mail m.odido@unesco.org. 14, USA, Dr.Sidney Thurston assoc. http://www.incois.gov.in/Incois/iogoos/regParticipants.jsp |
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