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81. National Geographic General Books: Atlas Of The Ocean explores the progress of fascinating technological developments that will help scientists discover the oceanÂs innumerable uncharted regions and lifeforms. http://www.nationalgeographic.com/books/atlas/0792264266.html | |
82. OUP USA: Exploring The Ocean: Trevor Day reference is a thorough, easyto-understand study of oceanography, from underwater geography and topography to the vast variety of ocean life to human http://www.oup.com/us/catalog/general/subject/EarthSciences/Oceanography/~~/dmll | |
83. Sea Life And Ocean Studies Directory Sea life and ocean Studies, with links to ocean Resources, Sanctuaries and ocean Conservation. Florida ocean. Related Directories Sea life. Beach Cams Click here to add a link. ocean Studies http://www.floridasmart.com/subjects/ocean | |
84. Awesome Library - Science The Awesome Library organizes 23 000 carefully reviewed K12 education resources, the top 5 percent for teachers, students, parents, and librarians. It includes a search engine. Biology Fish and ocean Creatures. Fish and ocean Creatures Includes a description of the life and habits of the dolphin exploration of the Mid-ocean Ridge, the discovery of warm http://www.awesomelibrary.org/Classroom/Science/Biology/Fish_and_Ocean_Creatures | |
85. K-12: Biology : MARINE LIFE (GENERAL) ORGANISMS. PLANTS AND FUNGI. INVERTEBRATES. FISH. AMPHIBIANS. REPTILES. BIRDS. MAMMALS. MARINE life (general) REFERENCE TOOLS. Archaeology. Art. Astronomy. Biology. Chemistry. Computer Technology. Ecology / Environment. Elementary School. English. Geology http://www.ceismc.gatech.edu/busyt/marine.html | |
86. TWD -- Oceans The Oceans and Marine life. I ve built a useful collection of books about sealife in general tropical fishes, coral reefs, etc. http://my.erinet.com/~jwoolf/oceans.html | |
87. Ocean Zones The ocean s life Zones. This category could perhaps best be called Categories of life in the ocean because that s what we re talking about here. http://www.lhs.sad49.k12.me.us/ljhs/Website Resources/ocean__zones.htm | |
88. Biodiversity: General NOAA); OceanLink; UN Atlas of the Oceans; The Ramsar Tree of life Web Project; UNEP World Conservation Monitoring SEARCH; Wild Species 2000 The general Status of http://www.nbii.gov/issues/biodiversity/general.html | |
89. Ocean Life ocean life. Student s name Ashley Grade 7th School Outside of Oregon Category life_Science.oceanography Expert Tim Q Ok I have a couple of questions. http://www.seps.org/oracle/oracle.archive/Life_Science.Oceanography/2001.06/0009 | |
90. Ocean Life ocean life. Ashley. Marine Biology is the study of ocean life. To study and pursue a career in Marine Biology is a good if it is what you like to do. http://www.seps.org/oracle/oracle.archive/Life_Science.Oceanography/2001.06/0009 | |
91. Weird Ocean Life Surprises Weird ocean life surprises Living Nature 06/30/03 - TruenaMorena - 31 Comments Advertisement. New species of underwater life, including http://www.poe-news.com/stories.php?poeurlid=23882 |
92. Europa Has Right Stuff uncertain, scientists do not know the exact composition of the moon s ocean and overlying ice. Some models suggest a Europa depleted of lifeessential carbon http://www.seti.org/about_us/info_for_media/press_releases/europa_05_21_02.html | |
93. Jellyfish: A Dangerous Ocean Organism Of Hawaii when there are jellyfish or portuguese manof-wars swarming in the surrounding ocean. Be sure to read Dr. Carol Hopper s marine life profile of Carybdea spp. http://www.aloha.com/~lifeguards/jelyfish.html | |
94. Vol. 4 No. 1: Calicivirus Emergence From Ocean Reservoirs: Zoonotic And Interspe The oceans are reservoirs in which caliciviruses are exposed in a water substrate to life forms from zooplankton to whales and in which they, like other RNA http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/EID/vol4no1/smith.htm | |
95. Ocean Life Mini Book Collection: A Collection Of Six Delightful Stories About Wa Oliver Wendell Holmes (1809 1894), ocean life Mini Book Collection A Collection of Six Delightful Stories About Water Animals. http://www.zooscape.com/cgi-bin/maitred/WhitePulp/isbn1588454398 | |
96. Ocean.com ocean.com This World Wide Web (WWW) site strives to communicate the beauty and importance of the global ocean through science, technology, and photography. The mission of the site is to provide a http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://www.ocean.com/&y=02D07FCA15A19D39&am |
97. Welcome To Ocean Futures Society! The mission of ocean Futures Society is to explore our global ocean, inspiring and educating people throughout the world to act responsibly for its protection, documenting the critical connection http://www.oceanfutures.com/ | |
98. Oceans Alive! The oceans are alive! Our planet, mostly covered by water, is filled with movement and life. Learn all about our global seas in Oceans ALIVE! http://www.mos.org/oceans/ | |
99. Oceans Alive! | The Water Planet | Ocean Profiles Home. Looking at the Sea ocean Profiles. In truth there is only one ocean. Click on the map below to learn more about the world s oceans. http://www.mos.org/oceans/planet/profiles.html | |
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