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81. OECD Databases - Nuclear Energy CDROM/Diskettes/Audio-visual - nuclear energy. spectra, for a total of 2,345 nuclearstates taken JEF fission 39 sets of evaluated independent and cumulative http://www.oecdwash.org/PUBS/ELECTRONIC/epennuc.htm | |
82. Radioactivity Radioactivity; fission and fusion; and nuclear energy Introduction. Thispage hydrogen. fission and Fusion What is nuclear energy? The http://www.niauk.org/printer_10.shtml | |
83. Glossary Of Nuclear Terms nuclear energy energy, usually in the form of heat or electricity, producedby the process of nuclear fission within a nuclear reactor. http://www.gdrc.org/uem/nuclear-glossary.html | |
84. International Nuclear Energy Research Initiative (I-NERI) focused on advanced technologies for improving the cost, safety, waste management,and proliferation resistance of nuclear fission energy systems. The report http://www.pnl.gov/ineri/ | |
85. NUCLEAR ENERGY SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY processing, system and component technology (both fission and fusion), design andoptimization, direct conversion of nuclear energy sources, environmental http://www.wonuc.org/science/ijnest.htm | |
86. AECL - Atomic Energy Of Canada Limited Translate this page contains excess energy. Most of this energy in the form of heat canbe used to produce steam. fission. How a nuclear reactor works. http://www.aecl.ca/index.asp?menuid=57&miid=248&layid=3&csid=191 |
87. WisPolitics.com : The Natural Conservative: Nuclear Energy And The Mission Of Fi The Natural Conservative nuclear energy and the Mission of fission I am a naturalconservative. Leaving fission as the only nuclear means to usable energy. http://archive.wispolitics.com/freeser/features/f0109/f01091401.html | |
88. AllRefer Encyclopedia - Nuclear Energy : Nuclear Fusion (Physics) - Encyclopedia nuclear fusion, although it was known theoretically in the stars radiate their greatoutput of energy, was not are provided by the detonation of a fission bomb http://reference.allrefer.com/encyclopedia/N/nuclener-nuclear-fusion.html | |
89. The Uranium Institute Uranium And Nuclear Energy The Uranium Institute Uranium and nuclear energy http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://www.uilondon.org/&y=0284CD0D11A723F5 |
90. Office Of Science report available. nuclear energy and Science for the Computing Research Basic energy Sciences - Biological and Environmental Fusion energy Sciences - High energy and nuclear Physics http://wwwofe.er.doe.gov/ | |
91. NRC: Glossary designbasis accidents Binding energy Bioassay Biological in-depth Departure FromNuclear Boiling Ratio Fast fission Fast neutron Feedwater Fertile material http://www.nrc.gov/reading-rm/basic-ref/glossary.html | |
92. ThinkQuest : Library : Nuclear Physics The element uranium is the main fuel used to undergo nuclear fissionto produce energy since it has many favorable properties. Uranium http://library.thinkquest.org/3471/nuclear_energy_body.html | |
93. Nuclear Reactor - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia All nuclear reactors need fissionable material to operate. Uranium is currently (2004)US$52/Kg ($26/lb), and has an energy density per unit of mass of about a http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclear_reactor | |
94. Nuclear Chemistry nuclear energy for Power and Weapons The energy released by fissionexcited the European scientists who discovered the phenomenon. http://chemcases.com/nuclear/ | |
95. CORDIS: FP6-Euratom: Nuclear Fission And Radiation Protection: Find A Call Translate this page This CORDIS Web Services is dedicated to the EU's Sixth EURATOM Framework Programme on nuclear fission and Radiation Protection http://fp6.cordis.lu/fp6/calls_euratom.cfm |
96. Nuclear Energy International monitoring system developed to ensure that special fissionable materialor proliferation policy for the peaceful use of nuclear energy under the http://www.energia.gob.mx/wb/distribuidor.jsp?seccion=915 |
97. Nuclear Energy And Society nuclear energy and Society. Listed below are some web sites that will assistyou in your research of nuclear energy and its impact on society. http://www.fairfield.k12.ct.us/tomlinson/ctomlinson02/nuclear.htm | |
98. Nuclear Energy --Â Britannica Student Encyclopedia , nuclear energy Educational material on the concepts of nuclear fissionand fusion. Lists advantages and disadvantages of nuclear energy. http://www.britannica.com/ebi/article?eu=298177&query=radiation&ct=ebi |
99. Bodansky Imagines A Future For Nuclear Fission Bodansky imagines a future for nuclear fission. Yet nuclear power could mitigateenergy scarcity and restrain carbon dioxide emissions. http://freeinfo.org/tch/spring99/articles/bodfiss.html | |
100. Nuclear And Uranium Home Page This page contains information on spent fuel, reactors, nuclear fuel cycle, enrichment, uranium surveys, uranium forms, nuclear surveys, nuclear forms, greenhouse gas, nuclear terminology, Home http://www.eia.doe.gov/fuelnuclear.html | |
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