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41. Northwest Territories -- Municipal Information Canadian government Information on the Internet (CGII). Municipal Information Table of Contents. northwest territories Municipal Information. http://cgii.gc.ca/m-NW-e.html | |
42. Northwest Territories -- Provincial Information government of the northwest territories The official site of the government of the northwest is the primary access point for information on government services http://cgii.gc.ca/p-NW-e.html | |
43. U.N. List Of Issues For Canada, 1998 The government of the northwest territories did not see an effect in the areas of health and social services due to the cut in the amount of cash transferred http://www.canadiansocialresearch.net/unnt.htm | |
44. Listings North West Territories: Canada : North West Territories : Provincial Wildlife and Economic Development Business Credit Corporation government of the northwest territories, Resources, Wildlife and Economic Development http//www http://listingsca.com/North-West-Territories/Government/Provincial/ | |
45. Northwest Territories Social Studies Geography NWT Community Profiles HomePage Information about communities and regions throughout the northwest territories From government of northwest territories - http://www.archaeolink.com/northwest_territory_social_studi.htm | |
46. Northwest Territories (Canada) Local Government Municipal Web Sites northwest territories municipal government web site links using clickable maps and lists. Oultwood, home about us contact us disclaimer http://www.oultwood.com/localgov/canada/northwestterritories.htm | |
47. Northwest Territories Region // Indian And Northern Affairs Canada A newly formed Devolution office will work together with the government of the northwest territories (GNWT) and Aboriginal governments to transfer control of http://nwt-tno.inac-ainc.gc.ca/index_e.htm | |
48. Devolution In The Northwest Territories // Indian And Northern Affairs Canada In the past 30 years, the transfer of responsibilities to the government of northwest territories has taken place for several programs and services including http://nwt-tno.inac-ainc.gc.ca/dv_e.htm | |
49. Symbols // NWT Style Of Government // Legislative Assembly Of The Northwest Terr The government of Canada approved the Seal on November 29, 1956, following the From 1869 until 1956, the Great Seal of the northwest territories had consisted http://www.assembly.gov.nt.ca/VisitorInfo/Symbols/ | |
50. The Northwest Territories-Canadian Confederation In 1905, when the provinces of Alberta and Saskatchewan were created and the northwest territories was restructured, the government of the northwest http://www.collectionscanada.ca/2/18/h18-2245-e.html | |
51. Online Genealogy Resources - Northwest Territories NWT Archives As the archives for the government of the northwest territories, we are part of the Department of Education, Culture and Employment. http://www.geocities.com/Wellesley/2541/nortwest.html | |
52. CBC - North West Territories Votes 2003 Joe Handley became premier of the northwest territories on Dec. 24. Under the territory s consensusstyle government, the premier and cabinet are http://www.cbc.ca/nwtvotes2003/ | |
53. Alexa Web Search - Subjects > Regional > ... > Canada > Northwest Territories > 1. government of the northwest territories www.gov.nt.ca Site Info. 2. Department of Public Works and Services www.pws.gov.nt.ca - Site Info. http://www.alexa.com/browse/categories?catid=293306 |
54. Alexa Web Search - Subjects > Regional > ... > Canada > Northwest Territories > government of the northwest territories Official site offers listings of government departments, an image gallery, map, politics, investments and job http://www.alexa.com/browse/general?catid=293306&mode=general |
55. Government Relations: Northwest Territories northwest territories General links Archive. Media. Minimum Wages. government links government. Contacts. Legislature. Department of http://www.retailcouncil.org/govrelations/provincial/nwt/ | |
56. GORP - Northwest Territories And Yukon At A Glance government of the northwest territories Yellowknife, NWT X1A 2L9 Canada (867) 8737817 Baffin Tourism Association Box 820 Iqaluit, NWT X0A 0H0 (819) 979-6551. http://gorp.away.com/gorp/location/canada/nwt_yk.htm | |
57. CultureCanada.gc.ca: Northwest Territories Culture and Community Source government of the northwest territories. government of the northwest territories Source government of the northwest territories. http://www.culturecanada.gc.ca/chdt/interface/interface2.nsf/engdocBasic/21.7.ht | |
58. Morrie Sacks Divorce Law - Government & Politics: Northwest Territories government of northwest territories Legislative Assembly of northwest territories northwest territories Hansard Intergovernmental On-Line Information Kiosk http://www.sackslaw.bc.ca/govnwt.html | |
59. NWT Wildlife And Fisheries Homepage take. The user agrees to the Terms of Use of the government of the northwest territories Site last updated Friday, May 21, 2004. http://www.nwtwildlife.rwed.gov.nt.ca/ | |
60. An American's Guide To Canada: Northwest Territories 1999, the territory of Nunavut, formerly the eastern and northern part of the northwest territories, became an independent entity with its own government. http://www.icomm.ca/emily/NT.html | |
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