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Northern Mariana Islands State Studies: more detail | ||||
81. LLRX -- Law Of The Pacific Islands: A Guide To Web Based Resources Commonwealth of northern mariana islands Overview Legislation, SelfGoverning includingFiji, Kiribati, Solomon islands, Federated States of Micronesia http://www.llrx.com/features/pacific.htm | |
82. Go Asia Pacific Breaking News Pacific - Marianas Volcano Warning Extended northern Marianas governor, Juan Babauta, will extend the islands state of emergencyfor another 30 days to allow for a thorough scientific study of the http://www.goasiapacific.com/news/GoAsiaPacificBNP_877508.htm | |
83. Old Truman: Overview second or third year of collegiate study who expects States citizen or a United Statesnational from Samoa or the Commonwealth of the northern mariana islands. http://www.truman.gov/index.cfm?TheViewid=219 |
84. Deposit Libraries Box 1250, SAIPAN CM 96950, northern mariana islands, Tel (670 PO Box 165, HONIARA,Solomon islands, Tel (677 WASHINGTON DC 205404200, United States of America http://www.spc.int/library/deposit.htm |
85. Gale - PSM - Catalog MICRONESIA Canton Enderbury islands Federated States of Micronesia Guam JohnstonIsland Kiribati Marshall islands Nauru northern mariana islands Palau. http://www.gale.com/servlet/ItemDetailServlet?region=9&imprint=745&titleCode=PSM |
86. Melochia Umbellata (PIER Species Info) Commonwealth of the northern mariana islands, Saipan, Fosberg et al., 1979, CommentsFosberg et al (1979) lists as native to marianas and Caroline islands. http://www.hear.org/pier/species/melochia_umbellata.htm | |
87. Migration Information Source - The Federated States Of Micronesia: The "Push" To islands, and the Commonwealth of northern Marianas islands (CNMI), for problems facedby small island states that their Change in Chuuk state, Federated states http://www.migrationinformation.org/Profiles/display.cfm?ID=143 |
88. Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) 55, [1984] Study No United States covered are the 50 states, the District selfadministration(American Samoa, Guam, the northern mariana islands, Puerto Rico...... http://www.icpsr.umich.edu:8080/ICPSR-STUDY/08346.xml | |
89. Links To Other Sources Of Information Commonwealth of the northern Marianas Home Page (Saipan Resources (M. Ogden); Pacificislands WWW Virtual for Development studies). Small States and islands http://www.fsmgov.org/info/fsmlinks.html | |
90. Interior Requests Island Views On Habitual Residence Regulations and the Commonwealth of the northern mariana islands (CNMI The request for islandgovernment input is intended to who migrates to a United States territory for http://www.fsmgov.org/press/pr01237.html | |
91. WWW Subject Catalog: Vol N 5 www..(1. Background Notes 2. Country Study 3. Factbook 1 www2 www3 www..(1. State2. World Factbook 3. National Park) northern mariana islands see also http://bereahigh.org/n.htm | |
92. Northern Marianas Adult Education And Literacy and Carolinians citizens of the United States of America the administration of theNorthern Marianas College was Territory of the Pacific islands Administration http://www.literacynet.org/northernmarianas/home.html | |
93. EPA > Polluted Runoff (Nonpoint Source Pollution) > Section319II > Northern Mari a commonwealth of the United States, consisting of However, from the recent studiesfocused on Quality Commonwealth of the northern Marianas islands (671) 234 http://www.epa.gov/owow/nps/Section319II/marianas.html | |
94. United States Coral Reef Task Force release of the first national study of US Guam, the Commonwealth of the northern Marianaislands and the Pacific Freely Associated States (Republic of the http://www.coralreef.gov/sepcoral.cfm | |
95. Micronesian Program - EOU of the Marshalls, and the Commonwealth of northern Marianas. Pohnpei, Yap, Kosrae,Chuuk, and the Marianas. aid assistance or island scholarships depends upon http://www.eou.edu/mp/ | |
96. Archived: Territorial Teacher Training Assistance Program (TTTAP) Project Grants This has disrupted the outer island teachers participation in to Guam and the NorthernMarianas, FSM, and Library ServicesGrants to state Library Agencies http://www.ed.gov/pubs/Biennial/601.html | |
97. Study In Australia - Scholarship Search Search for scholarships available to international students in Australia. http://studyinaustralia.gov.au/Sia/en/CourseSearch/ScholarshipSearch.htm | |
98. Rongstad's Worldwide Military Links: Regions And Countries: Asia And Pacific Countries Middle East Former Soviet Union (FSU) Africa Australia/New Zealand Europe South America North America United States Military Links http://vikingphoenix.com/public/rongstad/military/rc/rcap/rcap0000.htm | |
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