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61. Association Of Graduate Programs In Public Health Nutrition, Inc Faculty stang@epi.umn.edu, Bea Krinke, PhD, MPH Public health nutrition Program Schoolof Public health University of University of north carolina @ Chapel Hill. http://nutrition.utk.edu/resources/AGPPHN_faculty.html | |
62. Human Kinetics - Products is very active in numerous health organizations nutrition, American Journal of Clinicalnutrition, and Journal from the University of north carolina at Charlotte http://www.humankinetics.com/products/showproduct.cfm?isbn=0873229398 |
63. Nutrition Info, North Carolina, University Health Systems Of Eastern Carolina monitor and,,,, symptom info, north carolina, University health Systems of Easterncarolina Symptoms of Diseases Injuries nutrition Poison Special Topics http://www.uhseast.com/11283.cfm | |
64. NCDA&CS Receives Grant Money For Seniors Nutrition Program and the NC Department of health and Human to eligible seniors and conduct nutritionand education report called Hunger today in north carolina compiled by http://www.ncgov.com/xml/AGR5_010501.asp | |
65. The Healthy South Carolina Initiative The Lighten Up program continues to teach nutrition and health information 35 churches(20) African American in both north carolina and South carolina. http://www.musc.edu/hsci/lightenup.htm | |
66. Brunswick County - North Carolina north carolina resident. Services Provided nutrition education and counselingby a WIC nutritionist. Referrals to other health services as needed. http://www.brunsco.net/modules.php?name=Departments&sop=viewarticle&artid=115 |
67. U Of MN - Food Science And Nutrition - Leonard Marquart Exercise Physiology, University of north carolina, 1986 BS 19942002 nutrition Specialist,Cornell Cooperation nutritionist, Partners in health Program 1986-88 http://www.fsci.umn.edu/Len_Marquart/ | |
68. Iredell County - Health Department by reason of inadequate nutrition, health care, or The Environmental health Divisionfunctions as the local government arm of the north carolina Department of http://www.co.iredell.nc.us/Departments/Health/health.asp | |
69. Be Active North Carolina ~ Encouraging Healthy Habits Be Active Kids is a program of Be carolina Cooperative Extension Service, north carolinaHealth and Fitness Foundation, and the north carolina nutrition Network http://www.beactivenc.org/stayactive/resources.cfm | |
70. Nutrition Programs, Greensboro, North Carolina, NC, Superpages, Yellow Pages Advertisers, nutrition programs (1 6 of 6), http://phonebook.superpages.com/yellowpages/C-Nutrition Programs/S-NC/T-Greensbo | |
71. WRAL.com - Health Team Sexual health. Proper hydration is the most important nutritional concern duringprolonged exercise. Lowry and McCormick are the first in north carolina to be http://www.wral.com/health/542761/ | |
72. Current Trainees: University Of North Carolina Claire Zizza received her Ph.D. in nutrition with a minor in Epidemiology from theSchool of Public health at the University of north carolina at Chapel http://www.ahrq.gov/fund/training/curtrn18.htm | |
73. Healthful Living Curriculum north carolina Performance on Year 2000 Child health Objectives. nutrition andYour health Dietary Guidelines for Americans, Fifth Edition. 2000. http://www.ncpublicschools.org/curriculum/health/bibliography.html | |
74. Culinary.net : Resources : Links & Contacts : Links Nutrition & Health and maintained by the north carolina Cooperative Extension Nutritiously Gourmet Provideshealthy menus and recipes with the most current nutrition information http://www.culinary.net/resources/links/links_nutritionhealth.html | |
75. CFNC - Paying For College - NC Scholarship-loans For Health The loan obligation may be forgiven through approved employment within the stateof north carolina provided the recipient Dietetics/nutrition*. Public health*. http://www.cfnc.org/paying/loan/career/career_hsm.jsp |
76. EDiets: Investor Relations Blue Cross and Blue Shield of north carolina (BCBSNC), the state s largest healthinsurer, today eligible BCBSNC members discounts on nutrition and fitness http://www.corporate-ir.net/ireye/ir_site.zhtml?ticker=DIET&script=410&layout=6& |
77. Online Degree Programs In Nutrition, Dietetics, Food Science, And Dietary Manage East carolina University East carolina University offers Accredited through the NorthCentral Association of offers the following nutrition degree programs by http://www.worldwidelearn.com/degrees/nutrition-food-science-degree.htm | |
78. State Resources - School-Based Health Centers for services and address important health challenges, such of substance abuse, nutritionalproblems, and north carolina Department of Environment, health, and http://www.healthinschools.org/sr/states/NC/NC-guidelines.asp | |
79. BCBSNC Foundation - Information preschool children about nutrition and physical Healthy Community Institute forNon-Profit Excellence capacity of nonprofit organizations in north carolina. http://www.bcbsnc.com/foundation/ | |
80. Nutrition -- Web Sites Serving North Carolina -- NC Health Info nutrition Web Sites Serving north carolina. Select a topic http://www.nchealthinfo.org/resources.cfm?info=0,145,0,0,3 |
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