Home About Rules Join ... Links/Fanlistings This fanlisting was last updated on April 12, 2004. We have a total of members! Welcome to Bilskirnir - the Official FanListing for Thor, the Norse god of Thunder. Known throughout Scandinavia and Germany by a variety of names - Thor, Thunar, Donner, Asa-Thor and others - Thor was one of the most beloved of the Gods. In addition to being the god of Thunder, Thor is the greatest foe of the Jotuns (giants), and the protector and defender of the common man. Amulets in the shape of his hammer, Mjollnir, were commonly worn by both the ancient Norse people and today's modern Heathens (who still worship the gods of old). As the god of Thunder, one of his jobs is to help ensure that the crops get the rain they need for a good harvest. His role in promoting the fertility of the land led to his also being viewed as a god of fertility in general (though not to the same degree as Freyr), and marriages were blessed and sanctified by placing a hammer, representing Mjollnir, in the bride's lap. He is the son of Odin, the All-Father, and Jord (also known as Fjorgynn), the goddess who embodies the Earth. His wife is Sif, the golden-haired goddess of the grains, and Jarnsaxa (Iron Knife), a giantess, is his consort. His sons are Magni (strength) and Modi (might or courage), and his daughter is Thrude (power or might). Following Ragnarok, when Thor will kill - and be killed by - Jormungander, the mighty Midgard serpent, Magni, Mode and Thrude will take their place with Baldur and the sons and daughters of the other gods, to rule the new Midgard. | |