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21. Kimbel Library--Services--Reference Shelf: Biographies general Resources of A E s Biography Series Biography Find http//www.biography.com/search www.nobel.se/index.htmlLearn about the nobel prize winners in all http://www.coastal.edu/library/biograph.htm | |
22. Find Biographical Information This guide is meant to be general a starting point to biographical This catalog isa collection of 631 detailed biographies on members of nobel prize winners http://www.lib.uchicago.edu/e/su/med/histmed/findbio.html | |
23. BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION ON SCIENTISTS The first edition is in the general collection at Q141 A832 A8. In additionto biographies includes chronologies and nobel prize winners. http://www.cnu.edu/library/itg/BioSci.html | |
24. Biographical Resources At Greenley Library On The Web Main The Who s Who of nobel prize winners, 19011995. general Websites Biographical Directoryof US Congress Congresswomen s biographies http//bioguide.congress.gov http://www.farmingdale.edu/library/biograright.html | |
25. UCLA Library Online Materials to a variety of general biographical sourcesBiography Availability http//libraryspot.com/biographies/Free to Information on all nobel prize winners in all http://eresources.library.ucla.edu/search.cfm?ty=42&su=86 |
26. Biography general. biographical information on scientists, popes, nobel prize winners, women,celebrities. with links to thousands of biographies, autobiographies, memoirs http://www.sru.edu/pages/1784.asp | |
27. Biographies Also general collections, resources on biographical For biographical informationgo to the nobel prize winners nobel Chemistry Access nobel - Economics http://www.richmond.ac.uk/resources/library/Subject_Resources/Reference/Referenc | |
28. 2000 Nobel Prize Winners 2000 nobel prize winners. president of South Korea, was cited Âfor his work fordemocracy and human rights in South Korea and in East Asia in general, and for http://www.infoplease.com/spot/00nobel1.html | |
29. Nobel Prize Winners Series Reviews Review from American Reference Books Annual 2004. This reference work is the third supplement to nobel prize winners ( The biographies, ranging from 1 200 to 1 nobel prize winners seems to http://www.hwwilson.com/../reviews/nobleprize_review.htm | |
30. RedNova News: A Century Of Nobel Prize Recipients: Chemistry, Physics, And Medic One more general work with supplements is the nobel prize winners An HW WilsonBiographical Dictionary (Wilson, 1987; supplements 19871991, 1992-1996, 1997 http://rednova.com/news/stories/2/2004/05/04/story104.html | |
31. NOBEL PRIZE For Peace ! The Biography of Kofi A. Annan; The Secretarygeneral Home Without Borders Winnerof the 1999 nobel prize in Peace; MSF - winners of the nobel Peace prize 1999 ! http://www.betterworldlinks.org/book07.htm | |
32. Scientific Biography Of Max Born Scientific Biography. Max Born. Here was apparently a general and powerful whom heconsidered to be brilliant, including two nobel prize winners, Wolfgang Pauli http://www.geocities.com/hollywood/Theater/4619/natural/maxborn.html | |
33. Prize Reprise 1996, see Selected Literary prize winners in 5 categories fiction, general nonfiction,biography/autobiography, poetry The nobel prizes http//www.nobel.se/index http://www.sls.lib.il.us/reference/por/prizerep.html | |
34. Yoogoo - Your Best Archive fiction, general nonfiction, biography/autobiography, poetry winners, calendar,newsletter, information on NBCC nobel prize Internet Archive - List of nobel http://www.yoogoo.com/Top/Arts/Literature/Awards_and_Bestsellers | |
35. People: Biographies artists TIME 100 Artist Entertainers The nobel prize Internet Archive Thenobel Channel The Pulitzer prizes Bios of the winners Jazz Age http://www.teacheroz.com/biographies.htm | |
36. FindingWeb Directory - /Arts/Literature/Awards_and_Bestsellers winners lists, biographies, excerpts, and entry guidelines. Variety of multimediaproductions and archives on Alfred nobel, the nobel prize and Laureates. http://dir.findingweb.com/Top/Arts/Literature/Awards_and_Bestsellers | |
37. Biography Great Writers and Poets Web pages for nobel and literary prize winners, plus other GeneralA E biographies Biography Web pages based on the television show http://distancelearn.about.com/od/biography/ | |
38. Nobel E-Museum nobel eMuseum Chemistry general information and Yitzhak Rabin Biographical Informationfrom the nobel e offers information on all nobel prize winners to date http://www.blueglobus.com/cgi-bin/search/search.cgi?results&keywords=Nobel e-Mus |
39. LSU Libraries--Chemistry Library-- Chemical Biography: Guide To Selected Resourc nobel prize winners in Chemistry, 19011961. chemists of the past, with brief biographicalentries Other Things to Look For general Science Biographical Sources http://www.lib.lsu.edu/sci/chem/guides/srs113.html | |
40. Nobel Prize In Physics 1965 - Presentation Speech nobel prize winners Sinitiro Tomonaga, Julian Schwinger and Richard Feynman wasthe explanation of the Lambshift. Their work is, however, much more general http://www.nobel.se/physics/laureates/1965/press.html | |
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