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41. Internet Resources For Translators Dictionaries, newsgroups, associations, schools, and translation tools. http://www.deraaij.com/irt/ |
42. Programming In Visual Basic 6.0 A compiled categorical directory of primers, tutorials, resources, developer information, source code, related sites, magazines, chat, and newsgroups. By HiTMilL. http://www.hitmill.com/programming/vb.htm | |
43. CSS Resources, CSS Tutorials, Cascading Style Sheets, Tutorials, Articles, Tips, fabulous resource to find so many questions answered before you ask them again at the newsgroups. Links to many authoritative and helpful resources here, too. http://www.websitetips.com/css/index.shtml | |
44. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS RECOVERY RESOURCES A page of links to AA and AlAnon resources. Includes chats, newsgroups, recovery software, gifts, and drunk humor. http://www.angelfire.com/ak3/sitkarecovery/resources.html | |
45. Fonts, Font Organizations, Newsgroups, Font Resources And Programs,website Tips Home resources Fonts Main Font Organizations, newsgroups. http://www.websitetips.com/fonts/groups.shtml | |
46. Bibliography On Evaluating Internet Resources A list of Internet and print resources, with links to example sites and newsgroups. http://www.lib.vt.edu/research/evaluate/evalbiblio.html | |
47. ScreenSite Links to film education, resources, production companies, newsgroups and chat rooms. http://www.tcf.ua.edu/ss/ | |
48. Genealogy Resources On The Internet - USENET Newsgroups soc.genealogy.methods (genealogy methods and nonnet resources). genealogical discussions that don t fit within one of the other soc.genealogy.* newsgroups). http://www.rootsweb.com/~jfuller/gen_use.html | |
49. Social Science Hub - Home resources for Anthropology and Sociology. Links to web sites, news, data archives, newsgroups, conferences, search tools, and organisations. http://www.sshub.com/ | |
50. Cataloging Comprehensive cataloging and catalog management resources on the Internet. Includes resources in the following areas General resources, Authority Maintenance, Descriptive Cataloging, Library Online Public Access Catalogs, MARC Formats, Departmental Policy and Procedures, Organizing Internet resources NonCataloging Approach, Organizing Internet resources Traditional Cataloging Approach, Rare Materials Cataloging, Subject Cataloging and Classification, E-Mail Lists and newsgroups, Electronic Journals, and Software. Quite extensive. http://www.itcompany.com/inforetriever/cat.htm | |
51. Computer Training Courseware - Instructional Technology Courseware Computer training materials, newsgroups, vendor lists, references, and resources. Over 210 titles. http://www.ezref.com/ | |
52. BioWWW - Resource Index - Comprehensive collection of lab troubleshooting resources, newsgroups and protocols in molecular biology, cell biology, immunology, genetics and biochemistry. http://biowww.net/ | |
53. Student Nurse Information Center Huge selection of links to journals, nursing organizations, student resources, medical search engines, nursing newsgroups. http://www.toledolink.com/~ornrsg/ |
54. The Genealogy Home Page Links to genealogy tutorials, resources, newsgroups, online resources, maps and software. http://www.genhomepage.com/ | |
55. Statistics Resources - Mailing Lists & Newsgroups page documents mailing lists which have Web sites, and statistical newsgroups. Information on research, conference proposals and teaching resources welcomed. http://www.stats.gla.ac.uk/cti/links_stats/lists.html | |
56. Unofficial DR-DOS Resources Links, install and use tips, FAQ; mail lists, newsgroups, fora; downloads images, source code; tools. http://www.drdos.net/ | |
57. POV-Ray: Resources: Newsgroups On The POV-Ray Server POVRay resources newsgroups on the POV-Ray server. newsgroups on the POV-Ray server, Read-only access to these groups now is available via the web. http://www.povray.org/groups.html | |
58. National Trappers Association, Inc. - An Informational Site On Furbearers,trappe Organization promoting the responsible use of natural resources through conservation, education, legislation, and regulation. Includes political news and alerts, trapping regulations by state and province, convention, fur auction results, information on various furbearer species, and contact information. Also links to various forums, chat lines and newsgroups. http://www.nationaltrappers.com/ | |
59. Genealogy Resources On The Internet GENEALOGY resources ON THE INTERNET. USENET newsgroups. This page has moved to http//www.rootsweb.com/~jfuller/gen_use.html. You http://users.aol.com/johnf14246/gen_use.html | |
60. ASIL Electronic Resource Guide Legal resources for international law listed by the American Society of International law (ASIL) including internet lists, newsgroups and networks. http://www.asil.org/resource/Home.htm | |
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