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121. New Zealand Books, New Zealand History (book Reviews) new zealand. Book Reviews. James Belich Judith Binney The Shaping ofHistory* Essays from The new zealand Journal of History; Judy Diamond http://dannyreviews.com/s/New_Zealand.html | |
122. Welcome To The University Of Auckland Cultural festivals, Art galleries, the Performing Arts are just afew examples of the wealth of artistic culture of new zealand. http://www.auckland.ac.nz/cir_visitors/index.cfm?action=display_page&page_title= |
123. New Zealand Vacations, New Zealand Vacation Packages, New Zealand Tour Vacations more about a totally new culture. Our unique perspective may even change your understandingof the world. Real places These new zealand Vacations encounters http://www.travelwizard.com/newzealand/ | |
124. BritishExpats Forum - Australia & New Zealand BritishExpats Forum, Register, Search, Chat, Arcade, Members, FAQ, Forum, Home. BritishExpatsForum » Lifestyle culture » Australia new zealand, Search this Forum http://britishexpats.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?s=&forumid=54 |
125. K12 Lesson Plans: Eastern Hemisphere Countries & Cultures Mr Donn s Countries Continents World Geography culture Eastern Hemisphere.K12 Lesson Plans Activities China, Africa, Australia/new zealand. http://members.aol.com/MrDonnHistory/K12east.html | |
126. New Zealand Vacations Independent Vacation Packages New Zealand Coach Tours and culture is shared with the world at Te Papa , The National Museum of new zealandin Wellington, displaying all that is new zealand in culture and identity http://www.horizon.co.nz/ | |
127. New Zealand Te Manatu Taonga Ministry for culture and Heritage. This is theWeb site of new zealand s Ministry for culture and Heritage. It http://altis.ac.uk/browse/cabi/c51ed580ea5e20c910d951f692512b4d.html | |
128. Moari Culture - Goway's New Zealand - Goway Travel Experiences to the Maori people in terms of selfesteem; and that new zealand is a multi-culturalsociety in which it is possible for each culture, Maori, European http://www.goway.com/downunder/newzealand/nz_maoriculture.html | |
129. CULTURE SHOCK In NEW ZEALAND-HACHI's NOTE In NZ HACHI S NOTE in new zealand. open15/01/99 You are the th visitor. (from Innew zealand, a Japanese doggy HACHI discovered .. PROLOGUE, http://www.geocities.co.jp/SilkRoad/8846/indexenglish.html | |
130. Wired News: Kiwis Cop Stonehenge's Star Buzz WELLINGTON, new zealand It took ancient peoples in Great Britain a millenniumor more to create Stonehenge, but in new zealand, a group of astronomy http://www.wired.com/news/culture/0,1284,63227,00.html?tw=wn_story_top5 |
131. Topic Service Single Record - Research The Culture And History Of New Zealand An zealand Te Puna Matauranga o Aotearoa and Alexander Turnbull Library have majorcollections on new zealand and Pacific history, culture, politics, literature http://www.govt.nz/en/search/topic-service-single-record/?urn=urn:nzgls-sn:00003 |
132. Search - Govt.nz - Connecting You To New Zealand Central & Local Government Serv Ministry for culture and Heritage The Ministry for culture and Heritage providesadvice to the new zealand government on culture and heritage matters. http://www.govt.nz/en/search/search-results/?search_type=basic&search_basic_stri |
133. Discover New Zealand - Travel Guide - Introduction To New Zealand new zealand Maori make up approximately 10% of the population, and Polynesianpeople approximately 4% of new zealand s multicultural society. http://www.new-zealand.com/nzguide/nzintro.html | |
134. NZIIU - Start Your Adventure Here Student Exchange Programmes. A nonprofit educational and cultural exchange organisation promoting friendship and understanding among people of different races, cultures and backgrounds. http://www.nziiu.co.nz | |
135. Mundo Ãtnico / Pacific Web Dutch non profit organization promotes dance cultures from the South Pacific islands, including Samoa, Hawaii, Cook Islands, Rapanui, Tonga, Tuvalu, new zealand, Fiji. http://www.mundoetnico.nl |
136. NZ Economic And Trade Development Agency - New Zealand Trade & Enterprise new zealand Trade and Enterprise new zealand s Economic and Trade DevelopmentAgency. Visit these new zealand Trade Enterprise related websites http://www.nzte.govt.nz/ | |
137. The British Council - New Zealand The British Council is the UK s agency for international cultural relations.In new zealand we connect new zealanders with creative ideas and learning http://www.britishcouncil.org.nz/ | |
138. Cultural Contacts: A Database Of New Zealand Arts And Cultural Organisations Cultural Contacts is a database of new zealand arts and cultural organisations.NAME, and/or the following, CITY/TOWN, All, http://www.creativenz.govt.nz/resources/cultural.html | |
139. New Zealand Charter ... Cultural Heritage Value site, garden, building or structure, and any body of water, whether fresh or seawater,that forms part of the historical and cultural heritage of new zealand. http://www.icomos.org/docs/nz_92charter.html | |
140. H-ANZAU Discussion Network OnLine. H-ANZAU encourages scholarly discussion of the history andculture of Aotearoa / new zealand and Australia. H-ANZAU s online http://www.h-net.org/~anzau/ | |
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