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81. Home Page Tours to East Africa, Ireland, Italy, Morocco, new zealand, Galapagos, and Peru. Concentrating on culture, natural history, landscape, and wildlife of each destination. http://www.strabotours.com/ |
82. (almost) All The New Zealand Web Sites You Will Ever Want! - PIPERS Page Of New Directory of art and culture with categories such as literature museums art galleries photography and theatre. http://www.piperpat.co.nz/nz/culture.html | |
83. Roadworks Online Limited The comprehensive guide to major new zealand roads. Their communities, culture and buisinesses brought to you online. http://www.roadworks.co.nz/roadworks/ | |
84. Apartment New Zealand, Hotels New Zealand, Hotels New Zealand Information on accommodation, situation, traffic, culture and sports. http://www.bed-and-breakfast-in-newzealand.com | |
85. The Maoris Of New Zealand -- Culture And Tradition Around 1350 AD seven great migratory canoes (whaka) sailed from Hawaiki to NewZealand. Here they developed a culture quite distinct from the rest of the http://www.geocities.com/TheTropics/Shores/9338/culture.htm | |
86. Map Zones - New Zealand Map Learn about the country's language, geography, history, population, culture, currency, government, people, and economy. http://kids.mapzones.com/world/new_zealand/ | |
87. About NZ human settlement, new zealand has a colourful and dramatic history, dominated bythe relationship between Maori and Pakeha (Europeans). culture new zealanders http://www.newzealand.com/travel/about-nz/about-nz-home.cfm/link_from/nav.html | |
88. Maori Treasures Discover the art and culture of the MÃÂori of Aotearoa, new zealand. MÃÂori Treasures provides a knowledge basket, online store as well as information about the MÃÂori Treasures visitors complex just 20 minutes from Wellington. http://www.maoritreasures.com/ |
89. Biggie.co.nz :: News The home of new zealand's dance music culture. news, Reviews, Photos, Forum and Comprehensive gig guide covering all NZ. House, Drum'n'Bass, Trance, Techno genres in depth. http://www.biggie.co.nz | |
90. Arts And Culture - Statistics New Zealand This volume lists new zealand s cultural activities and describes the major industrialcomponents of the cultural sector. new zealand Cultural Statistics. http://www.stats.govt.nz/domino/external/web/Prod_Serv.nsf/htmldocs/Arts and Cul | |
91. KOMBUCHA AUSTRALIA Noncommercial home for Kombucha brewing in Australia, new zealand and South East Asia. Includes email group, free Kombucha culture exchange, information and links. http://www.geocities.com/kombucha_au/index.html | |
92. Macara Orchids Information on culture, hints, tips, pest and diseases. Topics aimed at new zealand, but most will be relevant anywhere. http://www.geocities.com/macaraorchids | |
93. NZ English To US English Dictionary N.Z. English to U.S. English Dictionary. http://nz.com/NZ/Culture/NZDic.html | |
94. The New Zealand Edge : Introduction To Nzedge.com : Www.nzedge.com their external perceptions, these sentiments relate to new zealand s significantlandscape memories, and the distinctiveness of the Maori people and culture. http://www.nzedge.com/intro/cyber-identity.html | |
95. Wired News: Jedis Stand For The Census Count To the frustration of the census managers in new zealand, England, Wales and Australia, an email saturating inboxes for the past couple of months just refuses to go away. By Kim Griggs. http://www.wired.com/news/culture/0,1284,44141,00.html | |
96. UNESCO NEW ZEALAND Secretariat. more . Marking the United Nations International Yearfor the culture of Peace in new zealand. more . Opportunities http://www.unesco.org.nz/ | |
97. UNESCO NEW ZEALAND The new zealand National Commission is seeking to increase its involvementin the area of Cultural Tourism. The culture SubCommission http://www.unesco.org.nz/culture/heritage.shtml | |
98. Anti-podean Journal By Rohan Quinby Journalist Rohan Quinby's commentary on politics, culture and the media in new zealand. http://www.geocities.com/rohanq.rm/ | |
99. Ãj-Zéland / New Zealand :: Culture & Tourism Links : Kulturális és Idegenfor HOME CÃMLAP EMAIL REGISZTRÃLÃS SUBMIT A SITE Ãj-Zéland / NewZealand. Magyarország / Hungary Kulturinfo cultural and touristic guide to http://katalogus.kulturinfo.hu/nz.html | |
100. Raqs - Middle Eastern Dance - With Kashmir Articles and tips on Belly Dance, Middle Eastern culture, and a background on Kashmir of Christchurch, new zealand. http://www.raqs.co.nz | |
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