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41. Index Of /libraries/units/cts/acq/cd Includes resources relating to selection, acquisitions, collection management and preservation, electronic texts and websites, intellectual freedom, and related associations and conferences. Provided by Lockwood Memorial Library, State University of new york at Buffalo. http://ublib.buffalo.edu/libraries/units/cts/acq/cd/ | |
42. The New York Academy Of Medicine One of the largest medical libraries in the United States. Open to the public. http://www.nyam.org/ | |
43. Middletown, New York Includes public notices, city hall, parks and recreation, fire department, libraries, schools, police, business and educational opportunities, theatre and local happenings. http://www.ci.middletown.ny.us/ | |
44. New York University Libraries Research collections include law, medical and dental studies, environmental medicine, real estate, mathematics, the fine arts, conservation, and nearEastern studies. Research affiliations Association of American Universities, Association of Research libraries, Center for Research libraries, Research Library Group. http://library.nyu.edu/ | |
45. Library Research affiliations Association of Research libraries, Center for Research libraries, Research Library Group. http://www.stonybrook.edu/library/index.html | |
46. NLeditions.com - Rare, Used, And Out-of-print Books Outof-print and/or used books for scholars, collectors and libraries, listed by category. Based in new york. http://www.nleditions.com/ | |
47. CATNYP, The Research Libraries Online Catalog Search specific collections only Dance Collection. Schomburg Center. Change input script Search using Hebrew. Copyright 2004 The new york Public Library. http://catnyp.nypl.org/ | |
48. PACE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY:: HOME Consisting of the Henry Birnbaum Library in new york City, the Edward Doris Mortola Library in Pleasantville, and the Law and Graduate Center libraries in White Plains. http://library.pace.edu/ | |
49. Aunt Reenee's Websites: Inexpensive, Professional Internet Developer Based In Os Website design, development and programming for nonprofit organizations, libraries and small businesses. Based in Ossining, new york. Site features advice on creating effective newsletters, pricing and examples of work done by the company. http://www.auntreeneeswebsites.com | |
50. SUNY Geneseo College Libraries This site is optimized for 800x600 screen size. Geneseo College libraries SUNY Geneseo 1 College Circle Geneseo, new york 14454. http://library.geneseo.edu/ | |
51. HYTELNET - Library Catalogs:USA:New York Search Home . Library CatalogsUSAnew york. new york Public Library Branch libraries Catalog; new york Public Library - Research libraries; http://www.lights.com/hytelnet/usa/NY.html | |
52. New York State Newspaper Project - Home Page A part of the new york State Library web site, this section describes the statewide effort to inventory, catalog, and microfilm newspapers in all communities, as well as provide a research catalog of newspapers held in microfilm both at the new york State Library and at libraries around new york State. http://www.nysl.nysed.gov/nysnp/ | |
53. New York City Documents point of their study, Columbia University librarians have compiled new york City Information Sources of the Columbia University libraries, which identifies http://www.columbia.edu/cu/lweb/indiv/usgd/nyc.html | |
54. Register At NYTimes.com In the most detailed public accounting of how it had used its expanded powers to fight terrorism, the Justice Department released information today showing that federal agents had conducted hundreds of bugging and surveillance operations and visited numerous libraries and mosques using new law enforcement tools. new york Times http://www.nytimes.com/2003/05/21/politics/21PATR.html | |
55. New York City History libraries, Museums Other new york City Cultural Institutions. Note For basic information about a whole host of new york City cultural http://www.columbia.edu/cu/lweb/eguides/amerihist/nyc.html | |
56. Capital District Library Council (CDLC) Home Page One of nine reference and research library resources systems covering new york state. Based in Albany, new york. Members include 16 academic, three public library systems, four school library systems, and 24 special libraries. Site features web access to union library catalog, reference links, news and events, and information about the council. http://www.cdlc.org | |
57. The Tokaimura Accident: Nuclear Energy And Reactor Safety - Case Study Collectio Lesson plan by Michael E. Ryan, University at Buffalo, State University of new york. From the Case Study Collection of the National Center for Case Study Teaching in Science. http://ublib.buffalo.edu/libraries/projects/cases/tokaimura/tokaimura.html | |
58. Welcome To The New-York Historical Society p. G1 Architecture/Real Estate p.G1 Genealogy p.G2 Historical Societies Organizations G4 libraries G4 Digital Collections G6 new york City History http://www.nyhistory.org/libinfo.html | |
59. Libraries And New York State History, New York History Net new york State History Links libraries. This is a growing list of links for libraries that have gone online in new york State. http://www.nyhistory.com/links/libraries.htm | |
60. New York State Unified Court System The majority of these libraries have case law, statutes and secondary source materials with regard to new york State law. Several have additional information. http://www.courts.state.ny.us/pubacc.html | |
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